Other than “feeling special,” why do people care if others have the same gear as them?

Quite literally would not impact my game at all if you had 226 in every slot right now

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Can you link to my post particularly where I was upset WQs or otherwise rewarded gear that was too good? Otherwise you’re making a strawman argument.

Blizzard also has tried things and decided they didn’t work. They did with WQ gear.

I mean. Its nice you are saying you want to destroy WoW, remove a major RPG aspect, and a core function of it, that has driven WoW since inception.

But I really don’t think that will help your case.


You don’t need to keep beating a dead horse. We have established, and anyone reading this thread, understands that your precious feelings will be super duper hurt if someone gets gear in a way that you dont prescribe as the “correct” way.

You don’t think that a lot of players with no progression left might get bored and not log in?

Why won’t you answer the question?

i don’t care. when i raided mythic, i didn’t know anybody who cared.

Except gear isn’t the only thing driving WoW, if it was then you wouldn’t have people in 220 gear running +10s and I see it all the time. They are not getting gear out of it so they must be enjoying something else.

Uhh, yeah, they’re generally doing keys for gear.

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You have like 2 mythic kills and its the easy ones. You’re not even a very good mythic raider. How come you think you represent anyone in this argument?

Yup! This is why everyone has been grateful about the reduced loot drops in Raid and Mythic+ and have called SL one of the best expansions…wait…


Why do you think you not even remotely being the kind of player you’re speaking and making demands for is appropriate?

Sure, doesn’t affect my gameplay

There seems to be a misconception about what a casual is in this thread. A casual is not someone who lacks time to play. A casual is someone who prefers to grind content vs playing “difficult” content.

In the case of playing as a casual effort currently does not equal reward. If I casually play the game where I grind in the world every day for months and months I get no escalated reward for doing it vs someone who plays two nights a week doing “difficult” M+ and mythic raids who gets fully decked out for less “effort”.

This is the disconnect. Effort does not equal challenge. Effort equals time investment. Effort should equal reward as everyone more hardcore in this thread is pointing out and right now it does not. Only challenge equals more reward.

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It’s crazy to me that there are players who apparently hate RPG elements pay a monthly sub to play an RPG. Some backwards thinking here.

He is being a jerk. I am needling him. OBviously we both can have our own opinion on the subject regardless of how play history and playstyle.

But its easy to needle someone like that because he clearly cares about other peoples perception of him. Getting that mythic gear makes him feel special.

So when he was a jerk, I responded in a way that would bother him.

I’d argue a casual player is one that doesn’t delve deep into the game and doesn’t want to spend more time in game.

You’re being a jerk too. You’ve done nothing but insult people who disagree with you and provide zero good reasons to ruin the game.

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Time in game vs time in raids and dungeons are not the same thing.

I can spend significantly more time in game than a mythic raider and not get rewarded at all for that time let alone have an escalating ilvl for that time investment.

lots of casual players spend as much time playing as mythic raiders. They are just not focused on raiding. There certainly are casual players where time is a consideration as well.

Both should have a path to get the same ilevel gear as raiders. They are just as important to wow and deserve to enjoy the game as world first raiders.