Other games like WoW

This is true as WoW is a very linear game where you get to max level and then do m+ and raids. You can do this in GW2 but I wouldn’t recommend it as you will miss out on a lot of good content if you just rush through it.

The more I hear the more I think you’ll probably like GW2. There’s a lot of builds and styles you can go with if you like that style of gameplay. My favorite tank for raiding in GW2 during my brief stint was actually playing on my mesmer.

They gave us a shield and one of our most popular builds was a tank build that just gave you INSANE group support to the point that you’d buff yourself and the group to up your DPS. REALLY loved it.

Have you read his Demon Wars saga and cleric quintet?? I love his Drizzt works but my god, Cleric Quintent is my favorite book series of all time and Demon Wars right behind it. No one has ever written better fight scenes.

There are a ton of builds across classes that can do this. I don’t really push for the super difficult stuff anymore but I primarily play tanky healer supports in group content like specter for learning groups to get more people into the raiding scene. That Specter build is even viable in harder content but very difficult to play well.

Preach (A WoW content creator) did a pretty good lets play series for gw2. If you are interested in the game I’d check it out.

Mesmer was the OG tank for a very long time until they brought other stuff up to its level. Specter is by far my favorite out of everything in the game since its extremely versatile but I do also play a ton of Reaper, Holosmith and Herald.

I would do…a lot of things… for a Dragon Age MMORPG.

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My god… he’s like one of the worst writers I’ve read in a while, with such horrible sentence structure that I want to rip my eyes out every time I try to read his stuff. :eyes:

Cleric Quintent time and time again. Demon Wars saga no.

I read up to and (own) through the Sunderings.

Ive got about 4-5 books i havent had time to read the past few years and i know im about 6-10 books past that, that im behind as well.

Currently starting in on writing my own book (doing more research than writing currently) to see if it’s for me.

But the fight scenes, 100%. Thats what drew me in the very first time i read one of his books when i was like 11

Well its currently installing/downloading. It was within playable range when i left it and havent gone back to the office to check since then

Different strokes for different folks. Some people like Charles Dickens even though he drags, and some people thinks there’s more to Joyce than there actually is, yet they’ve got some of the most recognition authors can have, much to the chagrin of literature students who actually debate this crap.

Can’t remember which Star Wars book I read by him but it wasn’t awful by any stretch of the meaning, but even if it was, ‘It’s trash, but it’s my trash’ will always be true.

Ayyyy, nice! Let me know if you stick around for the new expansion that comes out in August! They’re adding a new weapon and I’ve only seen what elementalists do with it, but it looks sick as hell.

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There really isn’t any other game like WoW to be honest…

It seems unique, even other MMO’s “don’t quite” create the same feeling/vibe as WoW

Never played a game like this one, it’s one-of-a-kind imo… it’s “the Walmart of MMOs” for a reason

I dont even know if the game has chase items or “must haves” so youve lost me.already lol

Thats kind of my problem too. I used to play a fair array of games by over the years its kind of dwindled to just WoW because of what it is

Best reply evar! I completely agree. :slight_smile:

Oh right! I forgot to explain - GW2’s weapons determine your spells and movesets! Since your main combat spells are determined by the sort of weapon you’re holding, any class that can wield it will have a brand new set of abilities to go along with it.

In a nutshell, LOADS of new goodies, builds, and ways to play are going to be added.

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Character creation and getting used to UI tonight at the least

This might be a bit of a hot take, but as much as I love customizing my UI in WoW and FF14, I never felt the same need in GW2. They did a pretty good job making things feel readable. Sometimes I wish I could maybe try with a different UI or a ‘theme’ to spruce it up, but for what it needs to do, I think it gets the job done!

Which profession do you think you’re going to try out? Like I said in another post, I LOVE the Mesmer class since it’s a magical duielist/spell sword, but if you want something fun, you can’t go wrong with warrior or thief!

Thief is ESPECIALLY cool dude, oh my god. You can be a classic swordsman, you can be an assassin, you can be a swashbuckler with a blade in one hand and a pistol in the other, or hell, you can go the ‘Daredevil’ specialization route and fight with a staff, or be a gunslinger with double pistols, or even a SNIPER. It’s REALLY cool all the classes and ‘Elite specializations’ there are!

Conveniently this is the route I took. Usually thieves are pretty decent characters to start with as they’ve usually got a lot of evasion skills in the case you get in over your head


FF14, SWTOR, and LOTRO all have similar combat to WoW

I would argue that that has more to do with presentation, art style, and class design, because there are plenty of MMOs that have very similar combat to WoW.

Uhm… They really don’t. FF14 in particular. Made me fall asleep 3 times in dungeons.