Other games like WoW

Not necessarily “like WoW”.

But are there other games out there that have a similar combat style? Doesnt even have to be an MMO.

Just looking for something a little different until TWW comes out.

Lost Ark has some decent graphics in it
People.reference GW2 a bit but i don’t recall ever going far in it
And i quit FF14 years ago by being forced to go through the horrid MSQ line (was just stupidly long)

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They aren’t MMORPGs, but if you’ve never given Dragon Age a shot, give it a look. MMO-wise, GW2 is a fun game to vibe with, especially if you’re just looking for a casual time.

Big world, VERY cool aesthetic, the professions/classes have enough depth to them to make them interesting (also the Mesmer profession is the coolest thing in MMOs ever, don’t @ me, this is objective fact and anyone who says otherwise is wrong). VERY different progression system from WoW however, so much so that it may be the hardest thing to adjust to.

Honestly? Buy a skip. Watch the cutscenes in a movie version on youtube, and you’ll be okay. The early parts of the MSQ drag, and I know you’ve been told it before or read this, but it really, REALLY does get better. Skipping with cutscenes on youtube is still different from playing it on your own, but it really is a great game.

I’d still say GW2 is worth a looksee. I have fun with it anytime I go back, I just like this game too much to leave it alone for too long :stuck_out_tongue:


dragon age origins


Oh look, same brain cell!

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I can barely tolerate wow.


I’ll second(third?) Dragon Age Origins. It’s got MMO-style hotkey combat but in a single-player RPG package with great characters and lots of choice and consequence in the narrative.


So i did play Dragon Age. Haven’t done imquisition or origins yet. Maybe it was origins. Been awhile.

Would Baulders Gate be up the same alley?
Been thinking about Elden Ring or ESO too. More the former than the latter

Do mean tab target or rotational combat?

The fluidity


Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the best cRPGs out there but it’s isometric and turn based, so not really combat that’s like WoW.

BG1/2 are also phenomenal cRPGs but also isometric(real time with pause rather than turn based though), and a bit jank from age and using the AD&D 2e ruleset.

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Yeah! Dragon Age was made as something of a spiritual successor to the original BG games! Real-Time-with-Pause CRPG I think is what people call it?

I actually just took a look on Steam, and with the Summer Sale, no joke they’re less than five bucks. I say go for it :smiley:

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I dunno. Its just smooth. The abilities roll into one another, the build and spend feature isnt bad and the interaction all the abilities have with one another.

Its hard to describe. But its the main part thats kept me with WoW since i starter and what brings me back every time i take a break

It sounds like you like combat loops that feed into each other then, or with systems that play and build off one another! I’ll ask around to see if more action RPGs fit that mold :smiley:

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Then what are you doing here? Why are you paying the company to play their game?

origins is commonly agreed to be the best of the 3. If you haven’t tried it, you absolutely should.

if you enjoyed the dragon age games you can give it a shot, BG3 is a masterpiece, the other 2 are supposed to be fantastic games, though they’re definitely going to show their age.

elden ring is going to be VERY different from wow but it’s a great game
ESO will be pretty similar to wow, and is better than most people give it credit for.

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I rest my case.

The game is fine, but you all? Disgusting.

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I should have asked this earlier, but before you got into WoW OP, what were the other games/media you liked to dip into?

So that’s more to do with global cooldown and latency, not really combat style.

Pretty traditional ability design; I’d image you can find that in nearly any action game.

Buffs and debuffs? I mean, just read above.

Well you said it was Wow you didn’t like so I asked the obvious question.
Had you said it was us I wouldn’t have asked.