Other games like WoW

EVE is solid. It’ll also give a run for anyone. Very, very steep learning curve, with a lot of depth to the game.
the player market is literally perfection. It’s the GOAT of all player markets.

Contracts, scams, betrayal, nullsec. mmmm. tasty memories. What if I dabbled in it again.

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Not a hot take as I thought PoF was fine. Icebrood started out really strong and then covid happened… in the middle of it and you can definitely tell as you play through that content in one go.

The base game and most of LSW1 is definitely showing its age but the first couple of expansions still hold up very well.

Are they like normal expansions, where if I were to start today (and get all the expansion) I could play through them and they’d make sense from a chronological story line sense?

A bunch of my younger siblings have all gone and built gaming PC’s within this 2024 year and while a couple have tried and did enjoy WoW, the “free” aspect of GW2 seems more enticing for them. They’re willing to give it a go, so it may be my down time game here and there.

Kingdoms of Amalur is one player but the combat is fluid like WoW, though not exactly like it. Good story, written by RA Salvatore (my favorite fantasy author).

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Yes and they bridge into each other very well.

The base game and I believe Living World Season 1 are free to play. Its a couple hundred hours of content if you do everything so you should have a good idea if the game is for you by the time you run out of content.

GW2 has the best “trial” out of any mmorpg I’ve played.


SOLD! (my favorite as well!)

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Seconded. People love to meme about FF14 and how much they push their free trial, but honestly GW2 has a really solid trial experience. I would take ALL of GW2 pre-Heart of Thorns over A Realm Reborn ANY DAY if it came to their trials. I love HW and Stormblood, but god is it a slog to get to those points.

GW2 is honestly just a fun game to explore. Even if you go through the base game and never step into the expanded content, the vanilla maps are just peachy to explore and find stuff in. There’s loads of hidden areas, the jumping puzzles they have actually are fun due to having player movement DESIGNED AROUND IT, and when you DO get to other means of traversing the world, it’s still all fun.

A lot of the older content stays relevant too. You’ll always find people doing the world events due to how gear acquisition works, and it’s arguably one of the most stable MMO economies I’ve seen over the years. Gold hasn’t inflated nearly as much as WoW gold has, lol.

Real talk, a LOT of Dragonflight’s gameplay in the open world this expansion feels a lot like GW2, but despite coming out a decade later, I gotta be honest… they still don’t quite feel on par with GW2’s open world events. Big bosses, meta maps, so much cool stuff to do.

Honestly it’s just a lot of fun. My only gripe with GW2 is that the PVE is harder for me to get into. Dungeons don’t really exist in GW2 like they do in WoW and FF14. Raiding is similar, but their holy trinity is different from ours (roles are similar but with different twists and dynamics in group compositions).

Now, GW2 PVP? Different story. Guild Wars has always had more of a PVP focus when it comes to the endgame. I tend to avoid PVP in most games I play. GW2 PVP I make an exception for. World v World PVP has led to some moments I haven’t felt in a game in YEARS. Capturing and defending points in that game sometimes feels like straight up wars when you intercept a zerg, or when you ambush at just the right time…

Honestly WvW PVP is something every MMO player should experience once. I know some people who hate it, but man. World versus World… what a concept.


It did, but then restructured to be more like Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition hence:

Maximum character level is twenty in both online and tabletop.

It’s incredibly pay for convenience and pay to win.

Check out Wayfinder; it was completely remodeled from a massively multiplayer online game into a solo/co-op action roleplaying game. I’ve put in a little over ten hours and it’s pretty fun; the main gameplay loop of expeditions is pretty much Mythic Keystone Dungeon affixes mixed with Torghast semi-procedural layout design.

I only posted on one other character and it was Kionkea, a Pandaren Monk I made for Mists of Pandaria: Remix.

I don’t even know who you are.

That’s literally all you had in response? Yawn.

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I honestly prefer GW2’s open world to WoW because the sense of danger exist even at max level and the constant events happening make things feel alive. I enjoy Fractals because its pretty much m+ and Blizzard borrowed the idea.

Raid content really is my only complaint about the game. GW2’s raid content doesn’t even come close to what WoW and FFXIV has sadly. If it did I’d probably not be playing WoW at all. Though they are getting there with those new strikes that came out recently as the most recent one is incredibly difficult.

I don’t do much PvP but WvW is what epic BG’s in WoW should have been lol

Maybe this is just me, but I’ve always felt the M+ approach was WAY better than how it was done in execution with Fractals. I’ve enjoyed them, but last I tried to do them, I struggled to find groups willing to do them at my level. GW2 would stand to benefit from SOME form of system to ease players into it - maybe even a bit of match-making?

I’m told Strike Missions are basically dungeons now, but I’m not sure if I should take that as gospel. I always just felt GW2 was lacking in the PVE department, but I’ll admit that a lot of that is because I was expecting to find WoW PvE in it.

It was, to me, the inspiration for mop remix.

I liked all the people going cool, my class gets some cast it never have. I liked some found this cool and new. But blizzard didn’t break new ground here.

that’s been ascension. Putting in rogue casts really helps out hunters when they have to go melee.

I’d also have it better than the SV retail put in place. It be the better melee hunter if one must have that.

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Rift, but it’s basically dead. SWTOR, but it’s got a new and worse talent system than we used to. But the storylines are good.

Star wars…good story lines…cannot compute

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… we can’t be friends now.

Once you get past the T3 hurdle its pretty chill. I am not sure what is going on in T3’s but the player skill difference between T3 and T4 is pretty massive. T1’s and T2’s are very accepting of new players to the content. As for 99 and 100 CM’s I wouldn’t dare to pug those and I used to do them daily until my static group for it fell apart.

Strikes are pretty much a mini raid. You encounter these bosses through story mode and kill them there etc but they pretty much added a difficulty slider for groups wanting harder content similar to how WoW does it with raids which is Normal 10 man, Challenge mode (similar to heroic) and then finally Legendary mode (similar to mythic).

For me Open World PvE is amazing and better than WoW but instance group content it starts to fall short.

I feel GW2’s biggest issue with queued content is the lfg and ui is very dated.

I get that a lot. It just never stood out to me. Watched most of the movies (out of order) and…nope. the jedi and all that just isnt for me. Im more fantasy based than sci-fi. Sci-fi is very hit miss and because im a fantasy person at heart, i judge sci-fi probably more harshly than i should

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Oh noes /cry

Star Wars is fantasy. :wink:

The games have some great storyline.

I think one of my problems with it too, and this is arguably a shortcoming on my end depending on your perspective, is that I feel like GW2 wants me to set up my own goals and give me loads of freedom to accomplish it, but I don’t really know what it is I want to accomplish when I play it, and while WoW’s progression is usually just a treadmill, I guess I lean towards it since things are spelled out for me.

I’m not used to freedom after years of playing this game is what I’m saying, LOL

I like taking on challenging group content. Tanks-tanking. I enjoy the juggernaut feeling and being unstoppable. Even if the DPS is slow and it takes me 2-3 times longer to kill things, i like being able to tackle a throng of mobs all at once

Edit: open world personal challenges and goals do not really scratch that itch if you will