Other games like WoW

I have almost 2700 hours on my thief so I’ll biasedly say you made a good choice.

You’re missing out if you haven’t tried BG3 yet. It’s a great introduction to cRPGs. Good graphics, story, companion story arcs, and the voice overs and motion capture acting are superb. BG3 earned game of the year. I thought I wouldn’t like it at first due to turn-based combat but was pleasantly surprised.

Made it to level 15. Its weird not gaining anything like spells or skills as you level. I understand I unlock the specialites for things like Utility and Healing and what have you’s that progress my hot bar.

Weird having abilities tied to weapons though lol and slightly annoyed that I cannot find “special” weapons yet :stuck_out_tongue: spent more time hitting up all the areas around me instead of following the main story line lol

I did do one of the Dragon Ages (do believe it was Origins). I just remember BG3 getting a lot of hype and good reviews when it first came out

I mean FFXIV’s gameplay was designed with “being like wow” in mind because Yoshi-P plays wow.

GW2 isn’t like wow at all, it’s not really like any other MMO out there. It’s doing it’s own thing, and it’s fun, but it’s not for everyone.

SWTOR is also pretty wow-like and it’s free to play. Though it is a bioware game and therefor is story heavy if that is a turn off for you.

For non MMOs. I guess the Dragon Age series isn’t far off. Dragon Age: Origins being closer to vanilla wow in style and Inquisition being closer to modern wow. Those would definitely occupy your time. Again, they’re bioware games and are very hefty on the story.

I can easily put 100 hours into inquisition but that says more about how bloated it is with side content than anything lol

Story oriented doesnt bother me. My only issue is theres not a lot of end game replay with story oriented games. And once youve been through it once, i lose interest doing it again since its so much of exactly the same thing

Yeah, that tends to happen in single player games because when you are reaching endgame, the game tends to, you know, end lol.

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Once you get dual pistols thief becomes hilariously fun. Trust.

The MSQ in GW2 is entirely optional but I do recommend doing it at least once. The game heavily rewards you for exploring and events that pop up give very good exp and rewards. Who knows you might even run into a meta event lol

It is funny going back and doing the MSQ on a character fully decked out in Legendary armor because the cut scenes start to get very meme worthy.

I feel the combat is similar enough I’d recommend it to a WoW player but I do agree the game is extremely different compared to WoW once you get to end game.

I dont WANT dual pistols lol going 1 dagger and 1 pistol currently though lol

I did find an open world event i took part in. Do they scale or are they “zone level” appropriate"?

There are a lot of weapon combinations to choose so if you don’t like something you can go with something else. Dual dagger makes you pretty durable because you dodge all damage with the 3rd ability. You also have shortbow and sword before you start getting into elite weapons like Scepter, Staff and Rifle.

Both. You get scaled appropriately depending on your level. All content stays relevant in GW2. Even at max level there is often reasons you’ll want to go back to starting zones or other low level areas in the world.

Unlocking the Skyscale (old version as they have since made it way easier to acquire in the newest expansion SOTO) and crafting legendarys will send you all over the world to complete events etc…

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