Origins of the Nightwarrior and his Husband (Spoilers)

Is it time for me to stop thinking Blizzard will remember that Priestesses of the Moon are Paladins?

Divine magic wielding warrios that ride on their mounts wearing plate armor smiting their foes with Holy (moon) spells?

Maybe I’ll have no other choice than to headcanon they are regular priestesses of the moon not relating to the Silver Hand because we all know they will be absorbed into generic Holy Light Paladins.


I personally have a theory that the Old Gods have some control over direction they travel otherwise you probably wouldn’t have that many actually hitting worlds and most would end up getting consumed by suns or just drift endlessly in nothing. If that is the case, World Souls might act as a beacon, drawing any passing old gods towards it. With the power of Azeroth’s world soul, it would have been a very large beacon.

Well assuming Night Elves come from Trolls, which the lore certainly hints at plenty, their more ‘human’ features might effect rather than their actual form. Alternatively, it could have been more the Well of Eternity that dictated the shape they took. Exposure to strong titan energies seems to make creatures ‘evolve’ into a more ‘human’ form. Just look at the Jinyu who were shaped by the waters of the Vale in a very similar manner. They seemingly started off as something like murlocs.

There were two Night Elf Paladins as champions in Legion in the Paladin order hall (though I think one was a spirit from memory) and both joined the Silver hand. At least one was a Priestess of Elune.


And what about the resemblance with Cenarius who happens to be Elune’s son? Because essentially Cenarius is half Night Elf half Stag.

I’m not gonna stress much over it but it certainly be cool for us NE fans to confirm Elune did in fact “shaped” us or something so that we could be closer to her. That might be one of the reasons Cenarius referred to Night Elves as his favored children.


And it crushed my elven fan heart to see Delas saying how she felt incomplete and that all those thousand of years wielding Elune’s moon magic was not enough so she had to adopt the teachings of the Holy Light to become a generic Paladin. TBH it really felt like an insult to Night Elves to see how our Powers are inferior to that of a Human Paladin.


You might be waiting a few expansions for that to happen. I don’t think we’ll be getting Elune’s personal mobile number any time soon.

A coalition of champions had formed to kill the dark god who’d landed on our world. To succeed we needed the power the last Speaker had tried to invoke from Mother Moon.

…But Elune’s power was one of our greatest weapons against the monsters.

So on their world it was used to defeat an old god and was seemingly the main reason they were able to kill the old god. On our world it was to stalemate Nathanos and make no known impact in the 4th war at all.

I’ll get this out of the way too: “but muh blizzcon answer about the warfronts”. Firstly it’s never mentioned in game or anywhere in the lore and Darkshore is never mentioned to have impacted the war, plus Tyrande isn’t even present for the warfront.

The only thing our night warrior accomplished was killing a valk with Malfurion’s help and impotently yelling at anduin and absolutely nothing else. She wasn’t even involved in the fight against sylvanas OR THE ACTUAL OLD GOD WE FOUGHT RIGHT AFTER.


I am not sure. Personally I tend to be bothered by anyone getting overly special snowflaked or chosen oned and with Elune likely getting pushed up noticeably on the power chart, the NEs being her super special chosen ones is a bit on the nose to me. I would feel just as put off by it if it was any other race/god combination though so don’t take it like it is an issue I have with NEs specifically. I mean, you don’t want the NEs to become Blizzard’s new Me’dan do you?

As for Cenarius, no idea. To be honest, we don’t even know what ‘her son’ actually means exactly. Many wild gods have been influenced by Azeroth’s energies and Cenarius and Malorne are also somehow tied to Ysera too who is a native of Azeroth. It could be something like Ysera was possessed by Elune and acted as a surrogate of something. They have been pretty vague on explaining that to my knowledge.


I thought that Devs in fact confirmed that Cenarius was indeed Elune’s son and that Ysera simply raised him and taught him the ways of the Emerald Dream.

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That wouldn’t really explain why she cares so much about Malorne though. She was absolutely distraught when he died in the War of the Ancients.

Plus unless Elune popped down to Azeroth in the form of a deer, it is still unclear how she got knocked up by a Stag wild god. Hell how a stag wild god can knock up a moon goddess.

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But we know Elune has influence over the physical plane. She created Moonkins. Perhaps she did something similar with Cenarius.
If I remember correctly when Cenarius was born Elune saw that he was more akin to the physical/mortal world and that’s why he was left on Azeroth. Cenarius being so bound to nature because of Malorne made Ysera foster him to teach him her ways.

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The thing here is a Night Warrior on another world without any direct gameplay signifigance they can properly depict the power as it is intended to be. On Azeroth it is ocnfined by plot armor and the larger narritive.

They already likely had Shadows Rising well into its final edits after well over a year of writing before they even thought up the idea of doing the night warrior plot line. As such, Nathanos had perfect plot armor as they simply could not allow her to kill him. Not saying it is at all right, just… that is what confined it. The Night warrior concept was sort of an after thought to the main BFA story line.

It is rather like Ardenweald began as a section of Bastion but they liked the sparkly space tree concept so much they split it into its own zone and wrote story around the art. Were it not for this specific choice, I am not honestly sure they would of even fully touched on the Night warrior stuff.


I’m sure someone pointed it out but the wording of his dialogue implies he in fact didn’t solo the Old God, there was a whole army of champions backing him up.


It’s perhaps worth considering that in all likelihood, that Old God probably didn’t have a world-soul on hand to feed its power, let alone one as strong as Azeroth, as just statistically most Old Gods that crash into planets wouldn’t be landing on worlds with nascent titans. Our Old God infestation may have only become as strong as they were because they got to leech such massive amounts of Spirit from the most powerful slumbering titan ever discovered, allowing them to spew out gargantuan hosts of aqir and n’raqi of sufficient size and power to overwhelm an entire planet full of hostile elementals who couldn’t even be permanently killed.

The biggest feat of this off-world Old God seems to have been the destruction of a single mortal kingdom upon arrival, followed by a protracted invasion of everyone else that was held at bay for generations. That suggests it was probably a much smaller and weaker entity than any of the four Old Gods that came to dominate primordial Azeroth’s landscape, enslave the Elemental Lords and their armies, and then threaten to withstand the joint might of the titan-forged.

Arguably it might be more indicative of what usually happens when a single Old God lands on an inhabited world than the case on Azeroth, where four landed and found an unprecedented abundance of world-soul energy to feed their growth. Plenty of lone Old Gods likely succeed in overrunning planets, but it’s not necessarily the sort of imbalanced steamrolling that Y’shaarj and Co. were able to execute against Azeroth’s earliest inhabitants.


Also, this old god arrived while their civilization was already there and developed enough. Our old gods preceded most lifeforms so they had time to build armies, enslave the elementals and grow their tendrils into our planet.


Yeah it’s like the whole deal with Lavos. He arrived, killed the dinosaurs and slept for millennia drawing strength from the planet until he woke up and destroyed everything. Then the party stabs him in the brain before the Day of Lavos and stops that. Even a giant eldritch monster can die if you attack it before it awakens fully.

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I so agree.

THIS! Which is a insult to all of us Night Elf players.


Paladins are now range dps, aoe hunters?

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How does a deer man knock up an elemental princess?


Priestesses of the Moon aka Night Elf Paladins are trained in hand to hand combat and can use multiple weapons although they favored Bows.
That’s the problem with all races and their respective classes. They are all somewhat unique but gameplay forces them to shed away their identity in order to fit into a generic human stereotype.
So yeah. Our Paladins are sorta range dps aoe hunters but we’d have to give that up so that we can fit to a Holy Light church. That would only kill our lore even further.