Origins of the Nightwarrior and his Husband (Spoilers)

TL;DR Edition: They are from world called Fyzandi, which had the misfortune of one of the Old Gods (known to them as Dark Gods) falling out of the Great Dark upon them. It unleashed terror on that world for over three generations and to end the so called ‘endless war’ Thiernax called down the power of the Night Warrior to vanquish the Dark God.

Though it was destroyed its minions still stalk their home world, and a sickness contaminates it.


Why am I crying in the auction house dance party rn

It’s a bit much that they’re just… stags now, but still. Gut wrenching.

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I would say it is a good lore follow up on the Old Gods, which we know got shotgun blasted out into the material universe. Azeroth just got REALLY UNLUCKY with how many came crashing down on it. Normally, it should of been only one per world. Despite the phenomenonal odds of multiple hitting a single planet having multiple somewhat worked in our favor because they were too busy fighting each other to focus properly on corrupting Azeroth until the Titans came in to crash their party.

This old god had no competition, and sounds like it ran a very organized war that took generations to fully end.


Also, if a Night Warrior could just kill an Old God full stop then that makes Tyrande’s performance in Darkshore even lamer than it already was.


i think it’s cool to see another story about the old gods and it certainly makes the universe a little less bleak if someone else was able to begin the process of mopping up old god blood

knowing about the rest of the story it does feel like it is just there to explain how the night warrior power will be removed from tyrande, which is fine


Too bad they are in animal forms… I was hoping to see they look like night elves/Cenarius because of their relation to Elune.
Unless Night elves are more conected to her and she only shaped them and not other races of the univers?

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A coalition of champions had formed to kill the dark god who’d landed on our world”.

"I fought beside him and other champions."

Love when people don’t even read the things they’re complaining about. Can’t wait to see a billion people pretending that this guy soloed an Old God or something.


Pretty much.

“More tell, less show” from Blizzard as usual. Still waiting to “see” how significant the Night Warrior is supposed to be.


Speak of the devil and they shall appear.


That other Night Warrior just told us a story about how he formed a group capable enough to defeat an Old God while ours couldn’t defeat Nathanos.

It doesn’t matter if he did it alone or with another billion companions. What we are asking is that Blizzard lets us see Tyrande in action not being restrained by plot armor. Let us see the might of the fiercest side of Elune!



No actually, it matters quite a bit when you’re talking about displays of power. Big difference between “Grom killed Archimonde” and “Grom was 1 of 28 people who killed Archimonde”.

And you’re getting that with her actions within the Maw. Stuff looks pretty badass.


It’ll never be good enough.


What a tragic name.

I really like this story, though. I like the mention of other planets. Thanks for posting.


There are cosmic forces involved in Shadowlands. Death made a move with Jailer-Sylvanas, Elune made a move with Tyrande, (?) made a move with Vol’jin i think the pay of will happen in Shadowlands. Or not we’ll see.

It must feel awful to sacrifice your life to save your world, with your soul mate dying beside you, only to end up spending eternity as a quadruped unable to hold items or embrace each other. These afterlives really suck.


I’m sure that with an infinity to experience, you have time to…experiment.


Are they forced to be deer?

kinky :rofl:


My understanding is that if the Oribos Sorting Hat sends you to Ardenweald, then you become an animal. Might be a deer, might be a rabbit, but it’s not the form you were in life. Of course, I’m not in the beta, so I might be wrong on that.

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Mortal Souls get to choose what Animal they become. They chose a form that could not embrace each other.