Original Ragnaros world first kill was 5 months after release

Without layering people would have been 60 about 24hrs later


it’s 2019, not 2004. The game has been beaten already. Player skill and experience has gone up.

If you think about how you played Earthbound before you beat it??? It took me 6 months in 8th grade to beat that game. I played it again in my 20’s and it took 3 days. 3 days!

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Classic is patch 1.12. By that time Vanilla had been heavily-tuned and nerfed. Basically, Blizzard was preparing to launch TBC and wanted to give everyone one last chance to see all the end-game content before the expansion so they made it all a lot easier.

If we were actually playing a launch similar to Vanilla’s launch then the content would be a lot tougher.

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They did. Watch the video. The Rogue is removing some 30-40% of his DPS by his play alone.

Compelling. The prior record from years and years ago was only another day, without a bit of layering. That would have been improved upon tremendously and was handily done by spamming dungeons the last few levels to both get drops and experience.

I see this posted frequently but I haven’t seen evidence for this at all. In 1.12, the only change to raids posted are changes to AQ20/40:

  • [Lieutenant General Andorov]'s Aura of Command should no longer generate threat. This will hopefully prevent him from pulling aggro on the entire wave, leading to his untimely death.
  • Hive’Zara Hatchlings can now swim.
  • Egg Explosion will no longer burn charges from spells such as [Lightning Shield].
  • It should no longer be possible for [Emperor Vek’lor and Vek’nilash] to Unbalancing Strike or Arcane Burst immediately after a teleport.

Sooooo… wut?

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You are looking for specific wording that say ‘nerfs to MC/ONY’ - what you are not reading is all the changes to the entire game, class balancing, threat mechanics, loot itemization.

Dont forget things like:

The quintessence allowed you to douse a rune. In all, you had to douse seven runes, one for each boss (minus Lucifron), in order to summon Executus and progress. However, the quintessence was consumable, and the duke only gave you one per week. So you needed a minimum of seven players to reach honored with the Waterlords before you could face the Majordomo.

Given that the waterlords hung out on a random rock far out into Azshara’s bay, it wasn’t exactly convenient to obtain the quintessence every week, especially for Alliance players. At revered, the duke mercifully granted you an [Eternal Quintessence] that wasn’t consumable. The Eternal version didn’t exist until late in classic, however – it was added in [patch 1.11].

Rag despawned after 1, then patched to 2 hours - thats all the time you had to attempt him for the week.

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Which expansion, no one that I’m aware of, and I started playing a month after release, was able to level anywhere close to that speed. In later expansions, yes, in Vanilla, no.

I see this posted frequently but I haven’t seen evidence for this at all. In 1.12, the only change to raids posted …

The changes to classes, additional debuf slots, all made previous raids much easier by the time patch 1.12 was released. While there was some raid “de-tuning” that wasn’t , IMO, the major factor. The only raids that were still challenging for geared players were Naxx and AQ40.

Regardless, I’m having fun and that is really all I care about, I may not even raid this time around. If they decide to continue down this path I’m sure Blizzard will take the lessons learned forward.

I am sure that they have no interest in tuning the Raids so only a tiny percentage of players can actually complete them as happen in Vanilla.

that different approach was “take whoever we have because no one had any idea what classes would be best”

Ragnaros was launched literally unkillable. His world first kill was after Blizzard had drastically reduced his health. If you were expecting Blizzard to artificially recreate that, that was…I don’t know if optimistic is the right word, but something.


lol, people still won’t allow themselves to admit MC was heavily nerfed. They had every incentive to nerf the content pre TBC and so many people remember the content being much harder in earlier patches? Why can’t you let it go?


Most of which occurred well prior to Patch 1.6, when MC ceased being end-game with the release of BWL.

This… isn’t a nerf…

What does respawn have to do with Rag’s health, damage, difficulty, etc?

In Vanilla, people did it in 4 days played. See the original Vanilla speed leveling guide by Joana, who did it.


Largely irrelevant outside of Warrior DPS, but you can trim about 20% off their numbers and get what they could have done pre-rework.

We have exactly 8 debuffs that buff the raid DPS that are important. 9 if you count Gift of Arthas, but that is small and scales only with physical attackers in your raid.

This x 1000000 with a huge dose of “Well my friend told me…” levels of stupidity that excluded some specs/talents while amping up others.

When you post evidence rather than whinging.

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Wow, what complete and utter bs.

You have no sense of how Titan compared originally versus today, nor all the reasons it was harder that are absent today.

The spells and rotations were different and some of the current classes didnt even exist.

Also, before someone says that we were just morons and had no idea when ARR launched, there were plenty of guides and videos on how to do it, so it wasnt ignorance either.

A bucket load of changes happen in a game and somehow people think all of that is irrelevanr and it just that us players were just bad and ignorant.

You know nothing about FF14

The guild I was in, in 2005, was a part of an alliance of small guilds that went raiding together. Great people all, but absolutely horrible to organise and raiid with. Eventually we had MC, BWL and AQ20 on farm, but we never finished AQ40 before TBC dropped.

When we first went into MC, I remember one terrible night, where we wiped on Magmadaar for an hour before we called it.

Organisation and communication is still key, even if the fights are “easy”.

It took Joana 7 calendar days with 5 hours sleep per day using arguably the eaisiest class in the game to level. So your’re saying that an entire guild, with different classes, could duplicate that feat without layering? I call baloney again.


Yeah its called dungeon farming with AoE groups… or did you not notice the huge amount of Warriors and Mages everyone is running with?


Calls Rag a gear check
Rag killed by a raid of non full 60’s in blues and greens.

OH yeah, totally a gear check.

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Catering to the lowest IQ common denominator is why we have refail in the first place.

Compare yourself to the average not the worst.

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Not nerfed content, but buffed classes and itemization. Almost all classes had major patches that significantly buffed their classes in the pursuit of balance. Also, let’s never forget itemization like shadowcraft boots having 21 intellect which was changed to 21 agility in 1.3…

That guild who fought him for months probably understood the fight mechanics pretty well.
Understanding and theorycrafting around stat prioritization (e.g. hit>>everything and where to cap it) probably helps a decent bit though.


The rogue switched to fire resist gear during the add phase.
I agree, They totally didn’t understand the fight or how to play.

Correctly itemized greens and blues, with perfect talent builds, and perfected rotations, with the bare minimum stats needed to survive/kill, information that was gathered over years and years of speed runs on server launch.

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The truth is that Vanilla was never a hard game, and Classic has made it even easier with 1.12 talents and itemization right off the bat.

Classic bosses barely have any mechanics, and the classes have extremely simple gameplay. The only “challenge” in Classic comes from being able to withstand the very long grind. If you want challenging dungeons and raids then you’ll have to wait until TBC. Heroics and Raids in TBC were actually fun and challenging.

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