Original Ragnaros world first kill was 5 months after release

Once you quit arguing just to be contrarian you’ll ask yourself how lvl 50 are kitted in dungeon bis in less than a week. You might even go the extra mile and ask yourself if ones level is the only consideration in walking into a raid…

I’m curious though how this new concept your introducing to the convo that tier gear was trash tier will impact the discussion.

he was bugged. despawned in combat. stuff like that. most of that wait time was fighting bugs and the fact that not everything about the game was even known back then.

I played it. Yes, it was easy for players like me. But other players struggled. Just using a word like ‘difficulty’ or ‘hard’ or ‘challenging’ has been debated over and over on these forums. But what matters is players didn’t steamroll stuff. For whatever reasons there were obstacles to them to attaining too much too fast. Classic should have attempted to keep the level of obstacles more in line with Vanilla to keep in the spirit of the game. To keep the game feeling like Vanilla, dungeons should be wipe fests for some reason.

I’m sorry is there a lockout to dungeons? Last I checked there wasn’t so you can get pre-raid BiS in a matter of hours assuming you can clear the dungeons which, much like the raids, are not very hard and get exponentially easier and faster for future clears due to the items dropping along the way.

It is entirely possible for a Fury Warrior to equip their pre-raid BiS list the exact second they ding 58. Most of it is crafted or from BRD/BRS which can be done prior to that point.

Also, the point of MC gear being awful is relevant to point out the fact people didn’t know what they were doing in 2005. Just look around at all these MC clips circulating at what they are wearing. I see quite a few MC tier pieces which are objectively worse than dungeon alternatives.

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Yes, dungeons have lockouts. They’re not in weekly lockouts but you can not spam them indefinately–unless you abuse layers which it turns out was what these players did.

You can’t craft what you’re claiming in this short of time because of all kinds of game mechanics that were coded into the game precislely because devs didn’t want players chewing through the content in the first week of release.

Hence players werent in BIS, even in Vids and screenshots of Naxx guilds due to scarcity of loot not because players were too dumb to know any better.

Get your BIS in a matter of hours is pserver mentality. Here it is folks in all its glory, fun server meta complete with those pserver players defending it.

The only dungeon lockout to my knowledge is the 5(?) per hour in classic which…last I checked…is not getting met by 99% of the playerbase and is only in effect to stop hunters from opening like 50 instances of Dire Maul or some other dungeon to farm the trash.

The scarcity of loot does make sense in the likes of early Naxx because the patches in Vanilla were fairly close to each other and raids were not being cleared day 1. We are talking about pre-raid BiS which is almost entirely farmable given you have enough time.

Even when we get to Naxx release later on down the line in Classic there still won’t be a gear shortage though since it isn’t going to take months to kill C’thun and farm gear beforehand. C’thun is dying within 24 hours of the gates opening. I will call it now. Entire raids are going to be decked in AQ40 gear by the time that Naxx opens because that is way more lockouts to work with even with 2-3 pieces of loot per boss.

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Vanilla dungeons have never had lockouts beyond the 5 instances per hour which would have no affect.

You can just right click your portrait and select reset instance to reset your dungeon.

The mentality to no life it on release is different but not the functionality.

I killed Rag a lot of times in Vanilla as a Rogue. We had no issues.

I also vividly remember a new Rogue joining out guild and called all our Rogues out for not using Slice and Dice. We had no idea it was good or did more damage than eviscerate.

I was absolutely terrible back then.

Everyone was absolutely terrible.

5 Months isnt a shocker.


Were you on dragonmaw? Just described my vanilla experience :smile:

Well here we are agreeing. Yeah, the content is trivial and means raids will drop within hours of opening. You seem to want to attribute that to the players just being better and more informed than before. Id say it’s due to too much loot dropping. Regardless of which position is right, the strange part is why you’d defend the current state of the game. It’s not sustainable, that’s for sure. Even pservers don’t operate like that. These players roll and reroll on new servers. That’s the game we want to play?

Maybe you’re trolling. I mean you say dungeons don’t have lockouts and then follow that with by contradicting yourself and saying they can’t be done more frequently than five per hour. Meanwhile we have Blues telling us these groups have been farming them closer to 50 per hour.

The smaller raids are on lockouts, too. A couple per week…but maybe you knew that…our didn’t ; its hard to tell what you know and what you’re arguing.

50 per hour???

So clearing an entire dungeon in 1 minute???

Plz link blue post of 50 per hour lol.

Loot drops are consistent from Vanilla. 1-2 items per dungeon boss.

Due to an exploit that has since been fixed any anyone involved banned and items removed from inventories.

The ONLY lockout involved in Vanilla dungeons outside of an exploit is the 5 per hour, but unless you are somehow clearing Scholo in 12 minutes, you can run it for literally 24 hours straight.

Just that easy to get your BIS huh?

Just click that portrait and the loot starts to rain…nothing to do with exploiting layers to do 50 kills per hour? Its all chalked up to player skill. Well this was a fun experiment I guess. Between a Blizz incompetence and certain players willing to defend that all afternoon on a forum there’s not much hope for Classics longevity.

I’m not going into the details. The blue sticky is at the top of the forum. Since you aren’t paying attention to what’s going on around you, though, they aren’t clearing entire dungeons just spawning the bosses over and over across layers.

what will you cry about when Naxx is 1 shot in a day?

Same thing I’ve been saying for the past six months : welcome to your fun server.

Not that it matters much, the only players left at that point will be the die hard who refuse to let go of the dream of what this could have been and the pserver crowd that will chew it up and move on to the next fun server that opens up.

Biggest nerf: my pc can play at 60 FPS instead of 5 FPS.


As someone that tanked Ragnaros a few times, I remember his Elemental Fire debuff on top of the other tank damage absolutely melting me, even with 270+ FR at the minimum.
