Original Ragnaros world first kill was 5 months after release

like FR gear on everyone for a fight where nobody but the tank itself should recieve any significant amount of fire damage?

Or the OP’s video, showing a rogue spamming feint, never using slice N dice, in FR gear, being no.2 DPS in his guild?

how much more proof do you need ? people were awful in 2004.

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This is a 1.12 parce you mong.

The video above is 1.4 Good God.

All of which are my experiences. Since the line before explained how I ran to Onyxia without being attuned and that half the raid didnt know that was a thing. and me saying “I REMEMBER people having troubles” again that is my experience. and the 2019 kids can do building mechanics so you can argue they suck at fornite? I wouldnt know since I dont play it…but If I dont play it I might be wrong bc I do play it bc its popular bc facts…I dont know how this argument about my personal experience isnt true…

was it because the tanks were bad and had to build threat after they were knocked away? Do we have a recording where he doesn’t use feint? Is he simply using it because it’s an ability and you think he’s an idiot right?

Wait, the mages were bad. Because they weren’t topping meters.

You’ll see similar variations, trust me.

I believe the argument being made is that even if the bosses are the same, the players themselves are stronger, which is why it’s easier.

Honestly, before classic was released, I watched A LOT of guides. They all pretty much said that Classic was very casual friendly and the challenge was getting a group, but easy once there. I didn’t expect it to be easy, but it’s consistent with what we are seeing.

They also all say that Naxx will be harder and isn’t casual friendly - we’'ll see.

I post up how the gear itself hasn’t changed an iota for most of these classes and how there is no “numbers advantage” in many cases and I also already critiqued the Rogue in that video. He’s spamming FEINT for crying out loud and not even using Slice and Dice! He’s the very definition of a bad Rogue.

This Rogue never came off the boss… WTF are you talking about?

None of that matters when no one is using Innervates and fights are short. Also people aren’t spamming uselessly and the raid isn’t taking avoidable damage.

5% Frost Crit chance has nothing to do with the Warrior/Rogue domination of MC.

And? You can’t just point vaguely at Patch numbers and say “See! Different!!” unless you really want to explain how and why losing Throwing Specialization put Combat Rogues on the map to do 600+ DPS.

Sure thing. You have generalizations, that’s all, and they’re incorrect.


Also you’re wonderfully missing my point: they were playing suboptimally and still did over 200 DPS with downtime of not being able to hit anything at all.

Glad you can read, doesn’t matter to the greater point unless you want to post more than vague generalizations.

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He acts like 1.12 parses with not only super buffed talents and people farming raids 24/7 means a thing

We are kinda arguing different things at this point tbh.

I also actually do have to leave.

see people like you keep bring up the patch that we are on so i’m just gonna drop this little bomb. Nostalrius you know the big bad free to play wow private server? yea they launched on 1.12 … its funny how people like to forget that little fact.


the playerbase expanded.

back in the 1990’s or w/e the glory day of megaman were, only a few nerds were playing game, keeping to themselve, pouring untold hours into that game because as kids, we could only afford few of them.

now we have tons of people with tons of game and while the dark soul / seikiro and co. crew is still there enjoying their hard game, you have a new, very vocal group of casual gamer who don’t want to treat it like a sport, but just something to have fun with for an hour.

Isn’t this common knowledge?

The top Warrior parses aren’t using any raid drops you spoon.

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My point is your argument has nothing to do with my initial story. you took it as personal attack on some weird facts and my point stands people I knew thought games where hard as they were new. Because some movie was popular meant nothing to me personally but I guess im wrong I do love it bc I watched it but I dont think I ever did? For some reason thats a big point. hope to see you on the battlefield and dont let people tell you Rets cant have Rag hammer I want more Pals.

The usual private server guilds will knock it out within 5-6 hours of it opening, if not sooner.

Actual casual guilds will be able to do it, but it will take them a little time.

there’s wowprogress listing thousandS of guild progressing in mythic.

but if you really want, heroic-mode is also harder than anything classic has to offer.

and i’d even say normal-mode is about on-par with naxx…more mechanic, but less gear check.

Everyday I get more sad that Blizz didn’t release an actual legit patch progression server with crap like Warriors having a talent that increased Spirit regen and no Shield Slam so people can play it as it actually was. This dude’s just a frigging idiot who’s literally unaware non 1.12 talent trees existed and yeah, people killed bosses with those talents.

That isnt really my argument. we can look at sales numbers for how many people play games but you cannot really get 100% numbers since arcades where a big thing and you can own 1 console and have 10 kids. My argument was when I played wow it felt new and alot of people I knew didnt know what raiding was and had to learn it while today in Classic alot more people went into the game knowing raiding and what to do to beat the bosses, compared to when I played I didnt even know Rag existed till someone told me and I learned it in game quests lol.

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the private servers were also running patch 1.12 to don’t forgot that.

First of all, you’re 110.


You mean to tell me, that after over 15 years of private servers, doing Mythic+ raids and having all the tactics laid out on a million websites…

…things in a 15 year old version of WoW…

…would be easier?


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Especially since people are aware of attunements and farming Argent Dawn rep really isn’t that hard. With Raiding a lot more casual friendly thanks to years of realizing logistics don’t equate to difficult play, people will handily clear the easy bosses of Naxx no problem.

With the sort of gear we’ll have though, it’ll be interesting if ignoring Frost Resistance is an option for Sapphiron or not. AoE healing isn’t really very strong AFAIK but with enough killer DPS, it may not matter.

can I use the long list of sub 3-min rag kill recorded on warcraftlog then?

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