we literally have a video of a rogue spamming feint, not using slice N dice, swapping to FR gear in a thread where all the nostalgic zealot claims you need 100+ FR for ragnaros.
how much more proof do you need before you accept how awful people were in 2004?
my argument was about my experience. But you keep bringing back the Wizard. All I said was I didnt much care for it. I never said it was a commercial bomb lol. whatever it made or how successful means nothing to any argument so can we drop that?
My initial argument is about my experience with people around me and who I played with. But apparently thats false. Your right I didnt experience any of that and I’m but a figment of your imagination and your not replying to posts your just posting weird off topic comments in a thread?
Hmmm, that’s worded quite differently than your post was. Yes, the talents at the end of vanilla were the most polished. CRBs were introduced. But that’s…it, really?
and people still dont raid MC as survival, boomkin is still a meme spec, ret is still a meme spec, deep prot still isn’t optimal, I haven’t seen someone pick up light well yet…
massive talent change. most of them don’t matter for MC.
arcane explosion being instant doesn’t change anything on ragnaros.
New raids will always be more challenging than 15 year old raids.
Nerf or no nerf.
You’re comparing Classic WoW MC 2019 to the first ever WoW Raid MC '04/'05. Nobody understood the mechanics back then right at launch. Today, everyone understands everything.
There is no comparison. We’re seasoned WoW raiders now. MOST WoW raids are on farm status within a week or two these days. Even in retail.
If you want difficulty, you need to artificially inflate the mob/boss stats, in which case it’s just a matter of min/maxing gear to topple them.
It’s just the way things are now.
We’ve all mastered whatever Blizzard can throw at us, and certainly what they have already thrown at us years ago.
Nobody wants to hear that. Everyone wants to say the “it’s not vanilla!!!” stuff. But it’s the truth.
Oh were going for the
« Hey theres the top 0.001% who use exploits to do massive dps on bosses I’ve not even killed yet, if you don’t do that kind of dps you’re so bad!! »
I mean no one thinks a raid is challenging after farming it for six months so I’m not sure why people think they would be challenged by content that’s been on farm for 15 years.
What exploits are being used? Seriously what the hell are you talking about?
Also here’s a random log of a guild wiping on Rag with people doing very low DPS across the board, terrible use of buffs, and bad gear choices and their LOWEST DPS Mage, with all the downtime of Sons included, did 208 DPS.
A lot of what you’re saying is objectively false but you’re convinced you’re right in it. I’m literally pointing out how this client statistically has a numbers advantage to these fights and you wanna go “lol bad rogue” while ignoring this fact this rogue has LESS UPTIME because the boss he’s fighting isn’t nerfed.
Priests don’t have mana regen talents at this stage of the game. Druids had to spec into innervate. Mages didn’t have Winters Chill. There are a slew of abilities and buffs and class advantages and stats and gear advantages you are just ignoring that make 1.12 Classic 10x easier than the video shown above. Your DPS stats you pointed out in the last post are people parcing on a 1.12 client and posting it on WarcraftLogs. Not a 1.4.
You are numerically and objectively wrong and inaccurate. Either way, that’s the end of what I have to say about it. Can lead a horse to water etc.
If people were playing WoW worse back then it’s because they were following what was considered the optimal strategy at that time. Whether it was latter seen to be sup-optimal isn’t the same as saying people has no notion of strategy or tactice back then. The reason so many are doing similar things is because they were also following the same, possible flawed, guide.
I will quote you to remind you:
There’s no “my experience” there, or “me and my friends”
Your intial argument is that the current generation of video game players is superior to the older generations. Your comparison is that Fornight players are amazing while older players had struggles with Super Mario 3.
I am arguing the opposite: the older generation are superior video game players who handle challenges better than the current generation who want everything to be easy mode for them.
Not everything someones does make them an idiot, as Captain Hindsight as our savior, You can solely blame wearing fire resist on never being healed by healers.
If only the healers healed people that took damage back then, they wouldn’t have tried to do things like…wear fire resist.