Original Era players, are you quitting?

What about when they add the token?


never said that it was perfectly defined and the interruptions of the data can be argued about all day long which is usually where social sciences runs into trouble. but the raw input data as long as it taken responsibly is still just that data. that particular study they asked slightly over 1000 customers of mid sized companies about customer service issues. now is that to say its the end all be all no it isnt but its also not an outlier from other studies that have been preformed similarly.

Literally doesn’t matter.
You just want to be right.

I came here as a vanilla player and classic player to politely express to blizz that this change sucks. As my first time on forums I see why everyone calls this place toxic now. Over 1000 posts you clearly just love debating. Which is fine. But players who pay money complaining about a valid mechanic that has been around for 20 years and then removed a whim is valid.

Ive said all I can, and i stand behind that it was a charming part of a 20 year game that is now gone. And entire niche commUnity of altholics and speed runners have been wiped out over night.

And as a developer, no its not guess work we are all the same client now


There is a petition right now to try and voice this through another channel besides this forum and reddit (for example) . It has about 1.5k signatures so far.
For me the big concern in this recent set of changes is adding pole arms to druids since it affects classes. Thats such a slippery slope. Its kinda the start of class changes. Thats not cool.

What if ?

Is it added now? No.

What if I find something else to play that is more fun? What if my computer breaks.

Not going to play the what if game because to quote the sopranos “it is the lowest form of conversation”

And you are trying to extrapolate it to apply to a poster that posts almost daily on the forums, mostly positively about Era for the past multiple years.

The people quitting aren’t random customers taking to forums to complain.

They are the forum-regulars, the core audience of Era, the players that have been there since Era launch (at tbc).

Instead of writing it off as a ‘standard event’ maybe open yourself to the fact that maybe blizzard did cross a line that tons of Era players are not okay with. We hate the retail development ideology and the fact it is creeping into Era is a real problem.

But whatever, retail crowd can come and ruin Era too. We will just go back to pservers and y’all and enjoy your empty worlds and bad gameplay.


we are doing the same thing making our opinions known. if you are allowed to post your opinion then im allowed to post mine as well

never said it wasn’t valid to complain, exactly the opposite in fact. you should complain when you dont like something but you shouldn’t say that blizzard sanctioned something with absolutely no proof.

wasnt debating that part, was debating the part of people putting words in their mouths.

show era main

Pretty sure I’ve healed you in naxx.

Gaming with great people makes it so much better - in the best of times and the … not so good times. Always glad to hear of the adventures of the Legacy family (and Requiem too :stuck_out_tongue:) and hope that can continue and the lights stay on for as long as all still find enjoyment.

But you would have been deprived of your daily brd!
And if you were leveling a healer to give Dys an opportunity to play other characters, you’re the hero.


literally have several people above you that is contrary to you in this lol.

yes quite frankly we are all random customers complaining on the forums. some people do it more some people less but in the end we are just statistics lol

never said that tons of people werent ok with the changes? what i am saying is saying that just because the attention on the forums is negative about it doesnt mean its an exact reflection of the player base a whole. the forums absolutely blew up about plunderstorm, i was one of them as well. do i think that pluderstorm wasnt a success? no its obviously was and tons of people were having fun on it. yet the forums for probably the first week were an absolute storm lol.

you aint og era

I logged in day 1 Era and pvp from time we had bgs start back up on fridays and sats.

I only started raiding again a while after but def was online day one.

Tell me what makes one OG era in your book then? Someone that you personally know? kek

whitemane first aq40 or naxx? a founding member of phase 7 or something?
that first group or 30-40 people that cleared aq40-naxx over the first few months of era is a good start

Well that seems to be a very personal definition, enjoy living that way.

idc much about pve so I just logged in periodically until pvp picked up.

The Original.

Shoulda left your prior comment intact.
Was it a booty pull?

I couldn’t find log so maybe it was totally diff person, but no it was just a misunderstanding of which boss they were on I think.

total mistake that happens and wasn’t a big deal, but we did wipe

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yeah no idea what ur going on about, ive played in some of the best guilds in eu and na so obv not me

It was a death cult raid the person had just stepped in to help irrc that may have been the first wing they were in group for.

i did carry shobeks raid to KT, members of that later formed death cult