Original Era players, are you quitting?

That’s a theory, not a fact. Its a stereotype - in general, yes. Its not bulletproof though and the forum consensus isn’t a handful of yahoos shooting blanks.

Its not the end of the world. Its not well received either. Lets just meet in the middle.

they literally preformed a study and asked people. what more do you want? do you need to be the person standing there asking the questions. you asked for proof i gave you it.

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It was part of the game, it’s been part of the game. Blizzard would have had intimate knowledge before releasing it.

so they didnt add it in on purpose then. it doesnt matter what you think they knew. they have determined that it wasnt what they intended. now you can argue whether or not you think it should be in the game but they made their stance pretty clear on it.

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The blue thread pinned at the top of the forum isn’t a fluke worthy of complete dismissal on those grounds. Just gonna agree to disagree here. Like I said, this isn’t going to kill Classic Era - nor does it make it better. Its all subjective.

People can believe what they want. If they wanna think “this is 100% awesome” go ahead. Not everyone needs to be convinced though. Why bother trying?

Ideally, there would literally be an option for play for everyone. All desired versions of the game should be an option.

Vanilla WoW is the single most popular, replayed property Blizz has or will ever have. For almost 20 years, whether is was Blizz servers or private, players kept Vanilla alive. Because that experience is what players want. With the least amount of changes and additions. Zero RMT.

The only “modern” aspect players of Vanilla are even remotely ok with are things that are more QOL related like instant mail to your characters and the group finder tool where you can only form the group, you can’t teleport in and out of the instance.

Now, with this said…

If private realms suddenly ceased to exist and Blizzard then offered realms for Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath…with options within each for Hardcore…players just might flock to Blizz in droves.

If private realms STILL exist, I’m not sure about the sustainable populations of aforementioned Blizz servers. You wouldn’t want servers existing with a nearly “dead” population. This is where merging realms and such may be useful. A lot of players would remain loyal to those private realms, however.

Note that I said “ideally” at the start. That is important to keep in mind when considering opinions and/hypotheticals.

They intentionally left it in as back when vanilla was around it quite literally saved your character from getting stuck in places. Multiple HC died in gnomergan the other night in the elevator by falling through the map. If your character falls through the map and you log out in time the skip mechanic saves your character. So yes in the context of hardcore it is a valid mechanic and in speed running communities which blizz essentially wiped out. Not sure why a retail player is auguring against this when they dont even know the context of why they are in vanilla to begin with. Additionally blizzard patched log out skips that they deemed to be game breaking over the years. So yes it’s something they knew about and INTENTIONALLY left in.

Also i agree with your take on human psychology about people only expressing reviews when they are angry but that doesn’t make the communities feed back un valid. This might not cause me to quit fully but this is the first time since playing since TBC I felt like i needed to go on the forums and express my discontent for the issues. I never personally attacked anyone and I stand by my opinion that logout skips where a charming and valid part of wow classic and vanilla that is now gone. The UI? The polys for druids? The stormwind buff? Honestly i disagree with those too for HC/era but i probably wouldn’t have posted anything if they kept logout skips. I love alt making and speed running. Its destroyed that niche community. And just because it doesn’t affect you or your playstyle doesn’t make my discontent any less valid.


Wasn’t what who intended?
That’s the game. There was no intention, it’s the game code. What if they removed the ability for knights to jump over pieces in chess, does that make any sense? This is how the game is supposed to work, written in the source code stone

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The Might of Stormwind change is a good one. The only people complaining about that are horde mains.

Do you think it was fun to have to MC cap myself rend every week? It’s a required world buff for raiding at a high level.

I don’t like it. As an ally player, it should be more work for ally. We have salv.


so they specifically made those exact logout spots. can you show me some proof of that or is it more likely they made a system to save people in certain circumstances and people found out a way to exploit that in way that they didnt originally intend? the fact that they are removing them tells me that they didnt intend for them to be used in that way. that is just a personal feeling though but the fact is if they are removing them then they are not what they considered to be intended gameplay. once again you can argue about whether or no you think they should be in the game but to say that is what they intended when they are actively working on removing them is a little weird and contradictory.

You realize these are forums that people discuss the game right? Not yelp review or whatever metric they used in that study.

Remember correlation can never prove causation.


yet a forum can be construed as a form of social media can it not? which is in fact something they covered in that study.

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Read the last part of my post, and understand that you quoting some random study is meaningless because it is not accurate to these forums.

Also social sciences are about as much science as folk lore is.

They removed them from cataclysm to prevent botting in that version of the game which is the expac around when they removed them in retail. The only reason they are removed in era and hardcore is because we are on the cata client now and developers where too lazy to use two separate repositories or forced to use only one. Did you play vanilla back in the day? Logout skips again saved characters lives and where easily patched but kept in because they where their during vanilla-wrath.

so because they didnt do an exact study on wows forums then that means it s has no correlation at all? thats a little bit of a silly take.

cool go ahead and argue with them about that.

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I only play alliance. I play in a guild of about 30 raiders (we’re also the only guild on the server ally side) that could very much use the rend buff on our raids to help us get KT down reliably.

I’m not happy about the buff. Will we use it? Of course, since it’s there. But it’s not part of Era/Vanilla wow. This is the first time in the games 20 years that we now have this buff which will objectively only help us. I’ve never done a rend buff in my life and it was fine without it.

In isolation, it isn’t a bad thing. It’s just the game is 20 years old and doesn’t need change or new rules. It needs to be preserved.

It’s another change in a slippery slope of changes which seem to have no end… chronoboons, pvp overhaul, multiple UI changes, etc. we continue to deviate from what was vanilla/era into some new bastardized version of a game we love. A game which Era was claimed to preserve for us, and no longer does.

Is it game breaking? No. Will I keep playing? Yes. Will I use the new things? Unfortunately. But I don’t want them. I just want them to leave this game alone.

I’m not sure where to draw the line, except for myself. If they go and change boss mechanics, class specs, items, raids, quests, etc it’s gone over for me. Debatably you could say it’s already gone over my line, but not enough to drive me to quit.

Anyways 2c that you don’t care about but I’m going to give you anyways since you say horde only mains are complaining and I’ve never had a level 60 horde in 20 years of playing this game.


I don’t need to, the professors know. They make models to try and better understand phenomenon, and then many people falsely think those models represent reality. Usually because they don’t actually read the og material but instead some journalist interpretation of it.

It is the uneducated or those just starting in their learning journeys that think we have the ability to have defined understanding of social behaviors.


once again was it specifically supposed to be used to avoid running times? was it supposed to be used to avoid having to fight mobs? if the answer is no then they were being used in a way that was not intended.

did they say something along these lines or is it just guess work?

I am not quitting because I have to press J instead of O to see the guild tab.

Get over yourselves