Original Era players, are you quitting?

Corpseknife and quite a few others who are quitting over these unnecessary changes have been on these forums for plenty of good times.

I would suggest you read their post history, I would guess by far most have positive sentiments towards the game.


Thank you - I wish you a good time as well, and will be keeping an eye on WoW :wink: Not risking any “consolidation” messes here.


For what it’s worth I think your general positivity, enjoying a smaller server environment, and RPing are all great.

I can also understand rolling with the punches as long as your guild is still there. I did this up until mid-Wrath with my Oct 2019 guild when life events made me stop. I mainly played for the guild but I should have quit mid-TBCC when the dev attitudes and the general vibe of the player base shifted to a spot that I no longer resonated with, one to where it felt like when I was done with Retail in the past. I did stick it out for my guild though so I get that totally and if your guild can keep being happy that’s wonderful, at least you’ve got the small server still.

On a general thread note: It’s annoying to have people not understand the full picture and trivialize everything down to one thing, but some people need to have what is important to them changed for them to really see the big picture. Some people tend to be very good at ignoring the rest of the world burning down as long as their houses aren’t touched. Maybe one day they will get it.


Thanks Mootwo, I think you said it well. If it weren’t for my guild, I’d likely be done with Era until I got the itch again… at which point I’m not so sure Era would even be around. I used to think they’d truly preserve the game and keep it forever. Now I’m starting to wonder how long they’ll keep the lights on.


Heck, right before this we were glowingly positive in your Era is Forever thread.

Turns out its not. Thats why I gotta go. I mean, Cata Classic is a thing. Huh? SoD is circling the drain but Era players have to eat its changes. What? There’s so much wrong going on here I cant help but feel my entire Classic run has been a complete failure and total waste of time.

Everything else is just people getting offended by people getting offended for the sake of feeling morally superior. oH yOuRe QuItTiNg oVeR mOaR cHaNgEs??!! WeLl iM nOt!!1 lol@u!!11 hurrr hurrr

Edit: Also Xfour, thank you for the kind words. You and your cadre of alts havent always agreed with Corpseknife but you never let that get in the way of remaining cordial. Props to you and those like you (Asma, Jarl, Despitebeing, Mootwo etc).


I always enjoy our conversations.

While I am disappointed with blizzard at the moment, I hope that this can act as a sort of catalyst to help change their development approach of Era.

A bit more open communication with the community could go a long way.

I love the game and think blizzard is still in the best position to promote it to future generations, but also I am not opposed to people spinning up more p-servers and providing a competitive environment. It seems if blizz has a monopoly on vanilla they are likely to turn it into retail without a care for the Era community.


Im not getting my hopes up but I saw some thread consolidation and people aren’t being shy with their feedback. I hope theyre reading in game chat logs too. Its probably delusional of me at this point but if they find it within themselves to revert this last Era “patch” in the very near future Ill happily renew my sub.

Im guessing a lot of other people would have to disappear like me as well.

If not I got plenty of other things to do to pass the time.


I’ll cap you bro, no worries

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We will miss you sir :heart:


Thanks Jarl and for what its worth, you’ve been a heck of a community leader and that was never lost on me.

Best wishes to you going forward.


You’re too nice. I am just a dude who loves vanilla wow and dwarves :slight_smile: it’s sad to me the stewards of this game had to lead it to this place… all we needed was preservation. Nothing more. But I can understand why folks are out now.

I remember my last Naxx before TBC came out, one of the warriors left the game with “one day you’re here, one day you ain’t”.

Our time will all come.

Until next time :saluting_face:


Billions of years ago we were all one form.
Now are split into many, the game and the gamers.
In the far future, we will probably be one, once again.


The crazy thing for me is I didn’t want to be here anymore than Brack run Blizz wanted to relaunch Classic. I had to be dragged back kicking and screaming. One of my objections to returning is that we were gonna end up where we are right now. Not exactly of course but you get my drift.

Its just one of those things where I wish I would have stuck to my guns instead of having to relive the past.

its simple psychology people who are happy with their situation are alot less likely to go and sign into a forum to just say that they are happy. while people who are unsatisfied will spend what ever energy it takes for that to be known. this is customer service 101.

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alli won the war, get over it

So I guess that means you don’t have any data and you’re just going to resort to oft parroted pop psychology and think you’re saying something?

Era doesn’t have millions of players. I dont even think the US has 10k active players. You don’t need all 10k of them to post here to get a pulse on what players are thinking about this. As its been pointed out to you, not everything discussed here is laden with contempt for one thing or another.

Also, Ive done my homework. Ive logged onto every active faction including my own and asked for feedback. It was unanimously against the changes with less resistance on the alliance side of things but still against it overall. Now of course, I couldnt poll every subscriber as they were not all logged in at the time and not everyone answered but you can connect enough dots to sayyyy uhhh this isnt merely a case of a vocal forum minority out of millions of players pitching a fit.

If nothing else, its certainly plausible to suggest it may be an unpopular “patch”.

We got to see some rare forum modification today thanks to this topic. Someone is paying attention even if you’d rather not too.

Edit: To be fair, in your defense, while many are upset, its not a breaking point for them like it is for me. Even so this is not a beloved change by any stretch.


The charm of classic is the glitcheness of a 20 year old game. Its known mechanic for two decades, why try to patch it now.

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Customers are more inclined to write negative reviews than positive reviews because of the heightened emotional response. Because of the way our brain reacts, negative emotions are processed more thoroughly. This is why negative experiences last longer in our minds and appear more urgent than negative emotions.

For customers, this means that by the time they leave your business, those with a bad experience are more likely to still feel negative emotions and may react to them, such as. In comparison, those with a positive experience may have already forgotten and may overlook creating positive reviews online.

Participants who indicated that they had experienced good or bad customer service were asked who they had told
about those experiences. These stories were widely shared, especially the bad experiences. More participants
reported they shared stories about bad customer service (95%) than told about good experiences (87%).
Participants also reported broad use of social media (45% for bad and 30% for good) and online review sites (35%
for bad and 23% for good) to spread stories about customer service experiences.


How is it a bug if it was intentionally implemented into this remake of the game? Like they didn’t know about it? Silly

did they intentionally insert it in or did players find it and make use of it.