Original Era players, are you quitting?

Yes i am. Sad, but is what it is.

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thats an arrogant statement maybe it should be more people would play era if it had qol improvements but yea like no kidding they dont play it for qol because there is very little there. by changing that maybe they will get more people interested in joining it.

the irony. lol but for real if this kills era then it kills it but if qol changes brings more people in then its a win. if gets rid of toxic gatekeepers then its also a win.

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Not really.

Seems like the opposite is true.

Ooooo ahhhhh the scary urban legend of toxic gatekeepers, like thats a thing.


yes because the forums are a great spot for getting positive vibes of a game…oh wait its not.

you mean the urban legend of if its not done my way then im going throw a tantrum and hope your game fails? its pretty aparent that you guys are taking my way or the highway stance aka gatekeeping.


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If you are quitting a game you love due to a couple changes. I feel sorry for you.

well im not lol

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I agree 100 % I have 5 days left, but I’m not going to play any more - only to stuff all my items in the banks, Hoping against everything that Blizz for once will revert these unasked for changes to Classic Sigh.


Oh a laggy new UI and removing log out skips is qol upgrade? Got it

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Here’s hoping that when you come back, you don’t find your characters got moved over to WoD Remix because you didn’t log in for 6 months and missed the fine print :wink:

Enjoy your time away, sir. I’ve enjoyed our discourse and wish you the best.


i have zero issues with the ui lol. as for the skips i mean its literally a bug.

Of course you’re not.

You’re a Retail player who is only here to troll the Era forums for entertainment. This could not be more obvious. I doubt you’ve ever even logged into Era after it became that.


have two chars on it. also have achars on sod, remix, and cata…i play a bit of everyhting particularly at times like now when there is nothing going on in retail.

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Yeah people always trot this out when they’re on the opposite end of whatever controversy is being discussed.

They exist for the purpose of communication. You can debate the value of the content of that communication but that’s why they’re here. Neither one of us can say with any certainty either way because we don’t know precisely how much stock Blizz puts into forum feedback but its more than none whatsoever, that much is certain.

Is that what you think is happening here? Exactly how is quitting the game gatekeeping? Im quitting because I don’t like the direction Era has been going in since SoDs launch. You’d think that would be okay but people feel personally threatened by it somehow.

Expressing my viewpoint is not throwing a tantrum nor am I predicting or wishing the game dies because I personally dont care for it anymore. All Ive said is I dont like it anymore and Im leaving.

Watching people like you get bent over it and whipping out cringe gatekeeping memes is the best parting gift I could ask for, so thanks for that.

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I’m mad they changed the gender type male and female to body type 1 and 2 what is that crap and why is it being force fed to us that was done originally in era… why??? I thought it was no changes they lied then. Couldn’t wait to condition you guys. Whoever is in charge has lost sight private servers are able to stop bots and they script actual cool content unfortunately I can’t play cuz I’m Christian and I am convicted against it but I’d much rather blizzard shut down as a company and give it to the people who care about the game, and have a clear interest in it I mean they do voice acting on other private servers, with new zones and it still feels like classic blizzard can’t do it right they’re a lost cause basically. They have no connect with the fanbase they just shill the popular streamers who are out of touch at times with the general player base. I wanted a tbc era server I don’t think blizzard can improve anything they’re hopeless just release the servers back to when you weren’t a hopeless company and hire these private server devs who know how to stop bots. Keep releasing fresh servers for all 3 original versions of wow every year and a half it’s not that hard

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this is correct it is a place of feedback and communication but lets be real who is more motivated to come on here. people who are perfectly happy with the game and having a good time or people who are losing their minds over a simple changes.

you right on the face of it if this is all you did you would be correct but thats not quite true is it? even in this post you acting like a child lol.

so go ahead and keep being delusional its ok.

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Both. Unless you got some factual data to back up the assertion you’re making.

It just so happens we’re in the middle of a small controversy right now over the very recent changes to Era so things might be tilted a little right now. And by tilted I mean Kaivax and pro changers getting ratio’d into the dirt right now.

That is all I did. Then I got attacked for it. Now the gloves are off and I got nothing to lose.

Delusional about what exactly? Era got changed - again. Its okay to not be happy about it. Not sure what your problem is but its definitely your problem.


They never got me and I ain’t even good

Thanks Asma. I totally get where you and others are coming from. I’m extremely frustrated with it too. We continue to see our favorite game (which literally just needed to be preserved) tweaked, modified, changed, and updated… all while they gradually pull the rug out from under us.


You guys can quit with Ur horde psyop now, you guys never got me, the war is over. The end