Original Era players, are you quitting?

Truth train rolls out of the station.

Edit: holy cats Despitebeing
I saw that heart. You are missed.


thats ur opinion

My opinion is that you are not a very pleasant person to engage with, so I won’t past this point.


get good mate. ur a shaman, you can do more than just purge

Despitebeing. A champion of vanilla WoW. Hopefully people like DB will carry the torch for people like us, after we are gone.

Edit: Although they might be liking the post because Im leaving lol.


where was all the champions of vanilla during tbc?

All 20 of us were playing Era without meta tryhards. Where were you?


to say whitemane was tryhard in the first year of era is pretty laughable, it took us 6 months to reprogress through naxx…

eu was clearing naxx in the first week

I guess it depends on the server you were playing on. After the BG patch Mankrik went from mid pop to mega server and it was exploit and plunder like a barbarian.

Edit: I did complain alot about players during all of Classic’s run before TBC but I was in a minority. The majority felt that RMT, mage boosts, mafia brackets and meta fetishes were noble ways to play the game.

wtf is the problem when you guys play pve lol?

Remember the Sand Lords!


I’m not going to put myself in the camp of “original Era player” because to be honest, I had binged so much on Classic 2019 that I was done for a while, but I did clone 3 toons right away because I wanted to be able to go back whenever, to the same game.

Since then I’ve watched the ebbs and flows of Era and have played it sometimes. I’ve also seen the changes that tended to happen around SoM and even more so, SoD. Those seasonal modes can be as they are but things should have stayed there. I just don’t agree with changes to Era. The thing is that I had given up on WoW pre-Classic 2019 and was not heavy #nochanges but now I’ve seen what happens with these changes and it’s not good.

I believe the old timers when they say they are done. They have been consistant in their support of Era. We don’t always agree on everything but that is normal to not agree with people on everything. There is mutual respect in most cases.

I mostly do not post a lot about pservers, out of respect, but truth be told pservers were never my go to. That’s because I’ve had my (non gaming related) content stolen before and it sucked, so it was an ethical thing. Also security concerns. However, I completely understand the pserver love these days, as in many cases the people on them and who run them just love Vanilla.

That Retail players who already have their game come onto this thread and shill for Blizzard, and that you know that these types of players are the ones who tend to be catered to these days, is gross. This should NEVER be how things are.

Who is even going to be left on Era soon? How many of these people will simply eat whatever slop Blizzard puts in front of them? I want to keep thinking that Era is a stable home that can be revisited but this is getting further and further away from any sort of reality. I may be done with Era just as much as I’m done with the Cata servers for good and will never log back in there.


I remember getting death threats for killing lowbie gnomes in a Durotar graveyard. I guess those cross continental flyhacks took a bit of time.

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guys, we had layers at one point in time…
what is worse than that? and you guys are making a big deal out of what?

Im guessing the slew of low post count brand new forum posters shilling for Blizz. At least Tubbly will have someone to condescend too.


im just not a forum karen like you crying about every thing and quiting every change. i can garentee you ive played more vanilla wow than you and ur no gdkp/changes buddys combined since way back in the feenix days…

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How can you guarantee what you cant prove to someone who doesn’t care about your forced and faked credentials?

The account Im posting on was created in late November 2004. Im not impressed, sorry.

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show nost membership, bare min requirment

No and honestly the changes are not a big deal. My NoChanges ship sailed long ago. Even with a the changes it’s still 99% what I’m looking for.

I got my guild, I have fun, and I can raid content twice a week with the homies.

My only check is… am I having fun and is it a good use of my time. As long as both of those stay “yes” I honestly don’t care that much.

If it turns into SoD though, I’d be out. I’d prefer to not see more changes still. I need 95% vanilla wow.


I can appreciate that.
Adjustments were sort of needed by many of us to continue to play the version of Vanilla that was served.

Some of us have reached our allowance of changes that make the game unfun or not what we wanted. It happens. People leave all the time.

What I’m having an issue with is the disrespectful means of jamming yet another set of alterations through with what seems to be disregard for their previously stated intentions to “hide” or disable seasonal changes for Era. Dishonesty about the why of their decision to let it stand and lack of communication in advance was more of the tipping point for me in addition to not seeing the need for these non-Vanilla things in Era.

I wish all of you on Grobbulus Era the best and may the good times continue to roll. Yall busted tail after the TBC split and have a lot to be proud of.