Original Era players, are you quitting?

The ignorance in this statement is outstanding.


Whats it to you? Accounts been canceled. My time runs out this evening. Im using the hours I have left to express my disdain as is my right.

Who cares?

Not me.


Get out of my head.
But yeah same here.

Both my remaining subs run out in a couple of weeks and won’t be renewing. One of those has been continuously open since 2004. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been Fooled Again.

Those staying - don’t forget to get your daily brd yall.
:notes: bellin through :notes:


SoD’s dying just like everyone predicted it would. How many posts have we seen from people who came back to Era because they didnt like SoD?

Imagine leaving SoD for Era only to end up playing a mix of them anyway.

There’s nothing left for me to do except quit. We talked about this with every other change. Ive just hit my limit. Enough already.


No way this isn’t one of the devs lol. It’s clear as day they don’t want us on their game so they can repopulate it with players more open to a cash shop a la retail.

I can STILL put my Tetris cartridge in my NES and relax with a game or two even 30+ years since I first got it. Is it so much to ask for the same with WoW?


I didn’t want that either but went in with eyes open because of the basic nature of seasonal as in not permanent. The disenchantment happened in SoM as well.

But I did close my eyes to the bleed effects (heh pun intended).
We were told (I don’t tweet so I’m not digging for the Aggrend post that discusses it*) the Classic team takes care to “hide” or “turn off” changes in the code for seasonal so as not to affect Era. So with that previously said they are now attempting to pass off either a lie about the update being intended or looking to hide their inability to take the actions they claimed they would on behalf of Era.

Neither is a good look.

*okay I had some time and this is a multipart tweet or whatever but there it is in his words


this is a great change for alli. bit heavy handed tho, i would have done it diffrently and im not too sure about the cool down change, can def see a drought in the long run…

im all down for things that work in season coming over to era, but can we make sure we need them/they work first?

but the fact that alli dont need a 2nd account (pref a lvl 60 horde priest) and jump through hoops funding a cross faction rend head drop is a huge win.

where was you guys when they made ranking 6 weeks instead 12 on era the same time they did on SOM? :smiley:

Its hard to say otherwise. It does come off as them just not being bothered to keep Era clear of this stuff.

Now I feel bad about arguing with Mootwo over the pvp changes, even though I hated them. MT was right about what those changes meant in the moment, Im just late to the party. Mootwo called it from the beginning. Wish I had listened.


A fair few people here have been very vocal about changes, though with massive post count a few years back may be hard to find…

‘‘Where were you?’’ doesn’t really work when people have even been vocal against changes in 2019 like chronoboon.


you horde quit and and let us mc cap in the cross roads when the boon came out too, it was insanly funny.
and here you guys go again lol! peace!

Two players that have a genuine love for the game.
As it was.
Count me in, please.

I have disagreed with you (and Mootwo) as well.
Always remembered though that we (and Xfour as well as many others) come from that place of love for the game.
Sometimes hugs hurt.


why do you guys require me to have a 2nd account to get rend after all these years still?

hugs from behind

After tonight I wont be able to post. Before I lose the opportunity, Im glad to have shared the love of the old game with good people like you. Its a shame its ending this way but I wish everyone the best.

Ill pray they dont change the game much more for those who are staying.


peace hordie

You aren’t required to have a 2nd account to get rend or to get rend at all. For my alliance guild I cap guildies all the time, no need for a 2nd account. Make some friends? Try not to be so hostile in your social interactions?


why do i have to be subject to you gatekeeping me?

What exactly am I gatekeeping?

i dont see you capping me

You’re not my friend or my guild mate. Me not actively doing something for you is not gatekeeping.