Original Era players, are you quitting?

Honestly, I mainly just care about the alliance buff and log out skips. Why kill off a mechanic that’s been around for 20 years? Why give a horde specific w buff to the alliance in era and hardcore? You are a billion dollar corp, you cant figure out how to use two separate clients? or two separate repositories? come on. HC chars died left and right during the lag spikes, no more skips ( a mechanic that saved HC people during glitch world map falls). Its a bit ridiculous. Your era fan base is literally people who love repetition.

Ever since the end of legion, I would only play the first 2-3months of xpacs just to see what was up, I truly started playing wow again when HC came out and this is my first ever forum post and my first time ever getting mad at changes. Keep updates in SOD or classic plus servers. I already unsubbed, but have 2 months left on my sub. Had a HC die during a lag spike and without log out skips, its killed my motivation to go agane. 100% would come back if they re-added logout skips and nothing else. I can grumble and disagree with a lot of the changes but no logout skips really sucks, there was a charm to the glitchiness of a 20 year old game. We dont want retail in classic, thats why we walked away from retail in the first place.


For people who constantly “go agane” on hardcore , them removing the valid mechanic of logout skips, which was a staple of vanilla, is really disheartening. I could see if you play one level 60 or a few on era, the changes not being that big of a deal, but why do this to people who are alt addicts or hc players.


I wouldn’t mind it either if it were a version of the game that were focused on… changes…


Quitting because of #somechanges is right on par with Karen Version 2024

Get used to life changing please

If anything-

Classic wow was constantly updated during its lifecycle back in the 2000’s


In my opinion , a little stale to pick a single version of the game and just keep it that way forever.


My sub officially runs out this evening.

Yeah its only a ui change blah blah blah but it comes on top of 20 other changes I didnt want and I feel confident in saying its not going to end here. The whole “eternal never changing museum piece” went out the window a good while back and its obvious to me they don’t have a clue about what Era mains want out of this.

SoD is in its death spiral, in case no one noticed. This company is so unbelievably lame and out of touch it isnt funny anymore.


See the problem with this post is that, even though these changes are infuriating, Blizzard knows we’ve spent too much time playing this game and leveling/gearing our toons. They have us in the palm of their hand & we aren’t going anywhere. I’ve seen similar (worse) situation at Bungie when I played Destiny 2 a lot. Same lack of communication, same unfinished rolled out updates that made everyone furious, etc, etc. Gaming companies just built different nowadays. It’s all about money, money, money.


Life changing is fine. Classic Era is a game that was built around a premise. When you stop having fun, or you feel the game no longer meets your needs/expectations, you quit. It is just a game and as such, you should quit when you feel its time.


This! My guild met, we are still having fun so we are not quitting.

Thats a two way street buddy.

Yall enjoy your official pserver version of vanilla.

Maybe Ill pop back in next year after you get the WoW token and LFD just to read your lame excuses.



I have < 2 months left on my sub. For the reason of canceling my subscription, I stated “No TBC server.” But at this point, with all the changes Blizz has made to Era, I wouldn’t want to play on one of their TBC servers. I can’t stand all the retail sh!t they put into Era. And for no reason, with no communication on their part. What in the actual?

I think they get butthurt that we would rather play a 20 year old game than play retail.

If you search “WoW private server” there are several Reddit threads that have become extremely active over the past few days. Lots of new PS popping up, too. Previously, I would have never considered playing on a private server because I would in no way want to jeopardize my Blizz account, now I just really don’t care. If a PS is going to offer me the game I want to play, I’m most likely going to do it.


Asma quit too. I know of a couple of others but they dont post on the official forums.

I stayed this long through all the changes because I didnt want to play on a private server and have no plans to. However, I will no longer judge anyone for doing so.


No, I wont quit over this, none of the changes are that big of deal, and while I am finding the guild/raid tab changes super annoying because I keep forgetting how to access it, in a few weeks I really wont care as I will have gotten used to it, and Blizzard exchanging one bad UI for another isn’t a huge deal to me. Course I never was as tied to the “no changes” mentality especially for things that don’t really impact the overall gameplay style.

Key thing for me is I am still having fun, still raiding content, still leveling, nothing really changed dramatically in 99% of my gameplay, I mean the biggest change assuming it stays in is the rend buff, and while its pretty impacting, its really didn’t change much.

Thing is, “Era mains” that intended to just play vanilla and never moved to TBC or purposely cloned their characters until the servers repopulated are a minority of current Era players. That’s the whole reason we got SoD. Lots of refugees from Wrath coming and demanding content that we didn’t ask for, and then having it leak over onto the game we intended to play.



extra text because can’t post w/o minimum 10 characters.

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Vanilla players spent years playing servers where it all could be gone in a blink of an eye, just out of the love for the game.

I unsubbed and won’t be touching characters I’ve worked on since 2019.


I’m a vanilla andy and honestly I’ve been super jaded about Era for a long time, but I always appreciated it a tiny weeny bit out of respect to the TBC/Wrath players that got robbed of their own Era.

Pservers are alright if you find the right one. Generally speaking games built by people that aren’t being paid tend to have lots of love baked in. Nostalrius forever!


I was one of them. The best time I had in Era was after TBC dropped.

I did roll a new toon from scratch a couple of months before Wrath because I thought there would be TBC Era servers but I was wrong about that. I even played a little Wrath with that toon. Even so, Im a nochanges classic andy through and through. Era was my home away from home.

I was actually getting more into the game because I was leveling a healer and tank for my guild and now Im thoroughly turned off.


QOL changes are nothing but a postive for the game that will attract more players to play the mode. if it didnt then blizzard wouldnt be doing it. the thing that probably is actaully happening is that population isnt enough to justify keeping it going in their eyes so they are trying things to try and attract more people to it.

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But if players want QoL, they can play retail. No one plays Era for the QoL.


So are you quitting or not? I wouldn’t take anything you say with a grain of salt either.

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