Honestly with the Velves and NBorne I thought we were going to get at least a few versions of eachother’s races.
I don’t know about Orcs. I’m just not sure what group you’d get on the Blue side. Most of them that are hostile to the Horde are even more hostile to the Alliance. And the alt Draenor LForged are giving me Warhammer 40k ‘BURN THE HERETICS’ vibes so, not sure how chill their Orcs would be with anyone not praying to the blessed wind chimes 9 times a day.
Maybe Blackrock Orcs but you’d need to pull quite the plot contrivance for that one.
Honestly though if I could redo it I’d go,
Blue HM Tauren, Red Dark Iron, Blue Giblins, Red Leper Gnomes, Blue Undead with Calia, Red Humans with Vanessa Van Cleef.
Blue Forest Trolls could also conceivably work. The Amani seem to have bigger beef with the Horde than the Alliance these days.
Orcs and Draenei I can’t see on the other side though. There’s too much bad blood with the Alliance and Orcs. And I don’t know how much fun the Draenei are going to have with a faction thats generally pretty skeptical of the Light.
This still doesn’t make any sense though because all of those threads still require the activity of thinking, even if it’s thinking you disagree with or don’t like.
“the action of using one’s mind to produce thoughts .”
These threads are still expressing thoughts and concepts Mr Words.
It is however pretty funny that you were the one that had to come up with this attempt at a clever response, and not him.
Okay, so you do have some partially sympathetic comments sprinkled in between what seems to be one of the main themes of your posting personality, hating purple big ears and fans of them.
Yeah, this would be kind of cool. I always considered the idea of an outlaw mode as well, where you can kill members of either faction in WPvP.
I’d like to say I appreciate you replying to the actual subject matter and not personally trying to attack me or my intentions! But yes the only problem with Orcs specifically is the history of bad blood, which is why you’d need a tribe of them that lacks the bad blood between the two… like light worshiping orcs!
Some one pointed out Dark Trolls, which I think would be cool. There could be a quest line where Night Elves rediscover their long lost ancestors, and recruit them.
I posted a thread in which I was empathetic to Night Elves. You posted in the thread.
You lied, as I had said that you did.
That’s a more recent development when it became clear that night elf players were greedy, unsympathetic jerks who want the Horde playerbase to suffer in perpetuity while night elves receive everything handed to them on a silver platter.
If a fellow poster thought you were merely an Szh!t-p0sting-Bot that made threads and simply spewed crud using the names of characters while having no actual point… I have not seen evidence to the contrary.
So if they stated your claim of having thought was a lie, I could see why it would be a genuine statement on their part.
No I didn’t, lol. I didn’t remember seeing it, and I may not have, because I don’t know if you know this or not Mr Moore, but you can quickly scroll past an entire thread when replying. You don’t have to read or look at every single comment before you type a reply!
Still sounds like you may need therapy for that.
Yes, you have, because you have engaged in neutral friendly conversation with me, such as in the transmog thread, or many troll-sympathy threads I have made. In fact, Mr Moore has engaged in neutral friendly conversation with me in the past, when it’s a topic we have agreements on. So, I think it may in fact be the both of you engaging in “lying” and dishonesty to try and “troll” me!
Edit: And now you can engage with the current Topic, or move on please!
Naw, just tweets reaffirming that Blizzard made the correct decision in BFA and I loved killing the night elves. Apparently a bunch of people already share that mindset if Blizzcon’s cheers for the Burning were any indication. One more voice amongst many to reaffirm that killing night elves and putting them in their place is the correct choice.
Ah. Poor reading comprehension. Allow me to gently hold your hand and guide you along the path to understanding as I would Cleverbot.
You see, Cleverbot, I formerly held a sympathetic view unto the nelf playerbase because they were screwed over (almost, but not as royally) as we were. They lost their hometown. They lucked out and didn’t lose any hero characters of worth, though, so that was the silver lining.
Over the year+ of BFA’s existence, the nelf playerbase have increasingly made more demands for the Horde playerbase to be punished and suffer in the coming story content, to have lands taken away, to have us constantly reminded that we – who had nothing to do at all, in any way, shape, or form with Teldrassil’s destruction – are bad for being members of the Horde, when Sylvanas burned the tree.
They want us to quest with Tyrande and they want Tyrande (and ghosts of the fallen night elves) to constantly bemoan us the entire time, just like when Tyrande spat on us in Suramar.
Nelf players are jerks. I no longer feel any sympathy towards them as a whole, but do for one or two very specific posters who typically do not pile in with the common riff raff’s drivel.
Was that simple enough for you Cleverbot, or do you need me to dumb it down further?
Trade Chat bots are capable of more individuality and personality than the premises of your threads. “troll” and “transmog” are words used often on these forums.
Why not?
I would be fine with just letting everyone do what ever. They already do.
Sounds like…what was that word you used? Oh yeah “Lying”. Your continued irrational declarations of hate and schadenfreude undermine any expressions of minor sympathy you’ve ever made, and proves them to have been lies. Is that simple enough for you Mr Moore?
It’s funny that it took you 15 minutes to come up with this, and are now outright denying past conversations with me. Pretty dishonest!
And so are you. “I hate Night Elves” " Insert Name of Poster Character At End of Reply" “Insert Logical Fallacy Video” etc, nice script you got running whoever made you! Very clever.
It’s not a troll thread. It’s about why there can’t be Orcs, or any other “traditionally horde race” on the Alliance. You decided to derail it because Tyrande triggered your bot script to reply. Lmao. But yes, have a good day and have fun.
Excuse me, oh, Sh!tp0sting-Bot. Before you malfunction…
Orcs on the Alliance?
BfA seems to be a fantasy capable of producing nocturnal emissions for the likes of who ever programmed you. Saurfang, Thrall, and Baine all serve the Alliance’s fancy.
Considering your continued attempts to derail the thread and insult me, I am considering reporting this breaking of the ToS. Curse words are, ironically, not allowed even by you! (Just Kidding, I rarely report.)
Are still Horde characters. There are currently not playable Orcs on the Alliance. The Topic is about how in the future there should be, and to a lesser extent if not Orcs, then some kind of “traditionally horde” race.