Lock got green fire. Wasn’t 5 minutes of coding. wasn’t an xpansion feature.
I’d like this to be rolled out to more classes.
Feature planning doesn’t work like that. If you just add features to software nilly willy, your code will become unmaintainable very quickly.
If blizz are seeing this thread at all, im certain the only internal discussion related to it would be the numerous “i told you so” from those who were against the skin tone addition.
(Commentary): I fully support racially themed class skins. I just think it’s too much to hope for with Shadowlands. Perhaps it’ll be the next big thing, for the expansion afterwards.
(Commentary): On this I entirely agree. Entropic Embrace should let you look more like Alleria, with that pitch black skin tone, white hair, etc… that’d be fantastic. I also think it’d be great if when it procs you don’t go purple/black, just as a bone to the High Elf crowd.
(Speculative): I may be wrong, but all Warlocks skills had variants for green fire thanks to Burning Crusade, just being usable by enemies. So, that would’ve been 5 minutes of coding since the visuals already existed.
(Commentary): Amusingly, I was informed that if one is under a transformation effect, Entropic Embrace doesn’t actually show, like using the Orb of Transformation.
I’m not misquoting you. I haven’t even quoted you directly. If you’re only happy with the skin tone customization because you want the void racial to be visible, I think you’re being disingenuous.
You can tell me where I’m wrong when I say this:
You want to allow players to pretend their character is a Quel’dorei, except for the racial that reminds them they’re actually Ren’dorei.
Sure, and that’s fine. But they can also acknowledge that allowing the option doesn’t take away theirs.
Straight from the lead narrative designer himself. Thinking about what a character is based on customization options is immaterial.
Therefore any void elf that identifies as a high elf—is in fact a high elf. We can’t change what the player base is going to do. Let them toggle entropic embrace if they want. I personally don’t care either way about the racial, but I think people should have the option if they want.
You don’t know how asking for a feature which turns a Void Elf even more Voidy with High Elf options incoming to be disabled goes against being a Void Elf?
It’s toggle effect is to talk to an NPC. To get it is a series of unique lock only quests using lock only mechanics. where part of it you even have dialog options with your pet, asking them for information. When BFA launched and certain spell had their effects updated, the green version of said spell was upgraded along with the red. (old NPC still used the older green fires)
The testing required for the BFA update alone is worth far more than 5min of work time.
ALmost every different iteration of Priest/Paladin is different from the others but they all have the same spell names and visuals. I understand why the spells have to have the same names/icons, but they’d accomplish a lot with giving them racial animations at least.
I’m not asking for it to be a Light-Based racial. I am not asking for the racial to be turned into Holy or Arcane. I am asking for an option to turn off the effects of when the racial pops.
I thought LIghts was talking about toggle to Arcane/Light when I don’t think it was ever mentioned anywhere. That’s why I didn’t know she was okay with a visual toggle, and assumed she wanted the void racial to stay forced.
I think theres a lot of conversations going around and I think we’re all kinda losing it a little bit here lol. I was agreeing with you about the ability to turn it off and on.
I was just stating generally that there ARE some people lobbying for a light based racial. I’m in agreement with you on the toggle off/on.
It’s not out of the question that void elves are better learning how to control their forms. Like I said, I would love to be able to stay in entropic embrace 24/7 but then I might be stepping on the toes of all those shadow priests out there lol.
See, I’m with you there actually. I think either Void or No-Void is preferable to additional things like arcane and light. I just wasn’t sure where it was brought up, but now I understand.
Honestly, I think the racial should stay as a Void Based Racial. I do agree, asking for the racial to be either Light Based or Arcane Based is a bit too much, and does not suit a Void Elf.
The story and idea of void elves is that they are on a constant struggle to control the void. Entropic embrace helps illustrate this when it procs randomly and different levels of corruption from light to heavy.