Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

(Commentary): I don’t. I support more options for players. I’m not telling you to stop so much as trying to reassure you Void Elves will never be removed as you seem to irrationally fear. You, on the other hand, are doing your utmost to prevent people from having all of the tools and options needed to fully immerse themselves as High Elves. I don’t see how their enjoyment affects you, but you seem determined to ensure they don’t get all the options they need and want.


To be frank, I’m not entirely interested in someone playing a void elf discipline priest arguing that the void part of void elves is integral to their characterization.

“Oh but a spec is just a gameplay mechanic.”

Oh but a racial is just a gameplay mechanic.

Come off it.

It’s obvious people can make their void elves into high elves with the new customizations.

“Oh but it needs to be officially stated.”

Oh never mind the high elves joining the void elves in Telogrus Rift and Locus-Walker saying “I didn’t anticipate Alleria’s kin”. Or the fact that the new customizations are literally what in game high elves have been characterized as since their inception.


I think he’s afraid that, if Void Elves are given many High Elf customization options, High Elves as a different playable option won’t ever happen.

Greatbrae, after seeing Blizzard’s compromise, I really, really doubt High Elves as a different unique playable option will ever happen. My 2 c


Actually no, I already told you my suggestions that can go around without breaking Void lore or high elf lore. But keep suggesting we break VE lore so you guys can have your “high” elves.

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And where is it stated in the Void Elf lore that we have to go purple when we enter combat?

Alleria toggles hers as if like it is an option.


(Commentary): While that’s fair, I’m kind of in the line of thought that if High Elves were going to be a separate race, then Void Elves wouldn’t have gotten High Elf customization to begin with. Unfortunate as it is, this is the compromise. I’m glad to see most of the High Elf crowd accepts it with grace and dignity.

(Humor): Can’t break what doesn’t exist.

(Commentary): To be serious for a moment, nothing is broken. Letting people play as High Elves through Void Elves doesn’t delete Void Elves. People who want to play as Void Elves have all the options. Void Elf NPCs will still be Void Elves, etc…


The rules you’ve created in your own head canon have nothing to do with what blizzard or the player base decides to do moving forward.

The blood elves were in a so called cursed state until recently. That’s changed.

The point is, almost anything in this game is fluid and malleable.


FIrst. highelf thread again.

Second. I won’t support this until every single class had at least 2-3 different colors and animations for their primary spells. Thats far higher priority than a racial.

Is every thread to you a High Elf thread?

This one is.

I’m not saying you have a problem with the skin tones. I’m saying that having being okay with skin tone options but not okay toggling the visual of the racial is a contradiction.

Skin tone options and toggling the visuals on a racial are two different things and can hardly be considered a contradiction and it’s kind of silly to make that comparison.


Right. So, you better go tell Blizzard that too, in there own thread as well.

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Saying that you’re happy for customization in skin tones but not in racials is a bit of a contradiction to my ear.

(Observation): One is a tremendous undertaking that would probably be a main feature for an expansion. The other is probably 5 minutes of coding, if that. Logically, one would prioritize the more readily finished task.

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Then you should maybe perhaps look up the definition of contradiction because I don’t believe you’re using it right.

I said I was open to the idea of the visual being changed as long as it was in line with the racial it’s supposed to portray.

Can you stop quoting me on things I never said please?


Can you two play nice instead of contradict each other!

(Commentary): To be fair I’m not sure it’s a contradiction either, but there’s a certain logic from the perspective that one is alright with High Elf skin tones and other customization, but drawing the line at a racial’s forceful and frequent appearance change ruining that. As I’ve said elsewhere, Entropic Embrace would just discourage players who want to be High Elves from engaging in combat, to avoid it, and right now, the Alliance needs more end-game participation, which revolves around combat. Ergo, a simple toggle for Entropic Embrace’s visual effect to be turned on or off is healthy in the long run. Not that I think it’ll solve the Alliance’s end-game participation problems at all, mind you, simply that it’ll effect it on some level.

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It would be cool of other race/class combinations got some love though. Maybe Tauren paladins could have their spells colored orange or something, anything to set them apart from the standard paladin. Just off the top of my head


Hey like I said above, I’m totally open to the idea of it being toggable. I mean, whos to say that void elves haven’t figured out how to control their forms and are evolving to become better void elves? I’d love to leave it on all the time but then we’d be taking away from shadow priests and i’m sure the graphics would probably mess up somehow during the overlay of shadowform/entrophic form lol.

It just gets a little iffy for me when people start asking to change the racial into something that has nothing to do with the race itself. Better visuals that have to do with the void? Yes.

Like I said above, i’m not an unreasonable person when people ask for things that are well, reasonable.