Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Oh…you had me until you said ‘next decade or so’. lol

Lol, that was just a little joke for me. Kind of a playful jab at some of their timetables. A little wink wink nudge nudge.


i was thinking a good solution was to have two options

  1. current embrace
  2. have just tattoos that glow when it procs, while playing u wont be able to knotice unless ur looking at ur character straight on.

i actually dont think they will every fully get ride of it. Its an iconic part of being a void elf and even though we got a compromise on skin tones i wouldnt expect them to go full on void elfs. i want to play with blonde hair but i feel that will never be an option. i can just hope to get some of those white hair colors to compromise on that too.

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I honestly don’t think they’ll ever change it. Just my opinion, but even if they did, I think at most they might make it an active ability instead of a passive one, but I’m sure there are game balances that take that into effect.

Idk. Not a video game developer. But I can make a few guesses based off Blizzard’s history.

Are you seriously like stalking someone through different posts who is obviously ignoring you and doesn’t want to converse with you?

Just quit trying to pick fights already, wow.

That’s not very mature at all.

that actually would be great!

void elfs are def stronger then high elfs so it would actually make the game more realistic. if you want to be a high elf go ahead just dont use the ability and do a little less dps. if you are a void elf and want to show off being better then high elfs use that sucker and out dps the high elf rper.

100% best solution yet

Stop picking fights.
If you’re going to respect someone has a different view from you, and that they have the same right, why do you insist on trying to invalidate their view?

“What makes you think its right to deny someone’s request?” is contrary to
“well you have a right to express yourself”.

Let alone your response to truthspeaker is inappropriate. They tell you if you don’t want to entertain other people’s ideas to go to a discord…and you…mimick them back which only proves them right about you.


I think that kind of defeats the whole purpose behind the racial itself though. The meaning of entropic is having a tendency to change from a state of order to a state of disorder.

I think the devs were trying to portray (but I guess it could be debatable) that at that moment they are fighting off the whispers of the void.

I did agree earlier with making it toggable but the more I thought about it, the more it doesn’t make sense to be able to turn it off and on. Especially based on the definition.

I just hope they make it a little cooler looking. Like, how Alleria’s hair isn’t affected by her entropic embrace. She looks way cooler than I do for sure lol


That’s true. I didn’t think about it that way.

I wasn’t saying they should make it active. Just like I wouldn’t say I have a hard opinion about it being a toggle. Just that I think that Blizzard changing a racial ability like that seems unlikely at this point.

Well I know. But I want to be able to control it. And just make a void elf and go into combat. The form should effect the gear but It hardly does and the cloak, shoulders and helmet doesn’t get effected at all. It looks very incomplete on the gear.

Her hair does get effected. It turns into a pink white colored hair. All void elves should have that honestly it wouldn’t be hard to implement.


And yes it works fine but it doesn’t look good. It’s like a wanna be replica of Alleria’s void form but it tried to hard and it ended up looking awful

Just don’t play a void elf if you don’t want to play a void elf. It isn’t worth a freakin’ dissertation.


I do have void elf characters and I like them. Sure their lore seemed a bit out of place and weak but I still like them. But they really should redo the effect at least. Make it like Alleria’s.

I understand it might be something you don’t personally like.
I just have to wonder why choose to play a race if there’s something so off putting about it that you want to change it.
I love Night Elves and wanted to play a Druid but darn it if that ‘bounce’ they do was so absolutely annoying to me that I could not enjoy playing one. I"m not about to ask for them to change it to suit my tastes.

I will say, I do play some race/class combos with race picks that aren’t really my thing. Like trolls, I just don’t care for them, but I wanted to make sure I had a wide variety in my alts, so my druid on the horde side is a Zand troll because they have cool druid forms.

Also, I was going to say my priest on the horde side is troll because I didn’t want to many duplicates of the same races (trying to get an even spread), but in the middle of writing this, I just remember that I was disappointed that I didn’t have a good slot fill for a forsaken… So I guess I’m going to delete the priest…

I have no idea where I was going with this…

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I have quite a few alts but I just don’t have the desire to play more than one or two lately. I have my Blood Elf Hunter and the only alt I do play at all is my Goblin mage. I wish I could spread my time between more of the different classes like I used to.

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It’s what I work on when I finish with the main story content. I don’t raid or pvp, so really alting is what I spend a lot of my time on unless I have some other temporary goal I’m working on (mount farming/rep stuff/etc)

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I honestly feel like when they made the void elves they could have added a worgen like form. And add a variety of customizations for their void forms which would be on full time in combat and not just a proc. That way they would look 100% different from blood elves in combat. I still hope they will do this one day. Either by adding a toggle to the form and make the racial an active ability and change it to 1% more damage or just make it a full time combat form like the worgen form. But being a proc is very bad as it takes away the void from void elves! Their purple skin and hair ain’t what makes them void elves but their void powers and form is and right now they can’t control it!

I would despise Entropic Embrace if it worked like Worgen form, and I am glad Blizzard opted not to go this route.

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