Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

I barely notice EE on live as it is, like I forget it exists because I’m focused on other stuff during combat and not whether I sometimes glow blue for a few seconds.

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Seriously, it’s such a minor thing to complain about. That’s why I believe these requests are a not so subtle attempt to turn Void Elves into High Elves.


I hadn’t heard anything about new hair. Interesting.

Yea, I just meant in general. I like different eye customizations.

I get that. But I also get that some people are more hyper aware of such things. I’m one of those people. I notice whenever EE procs. I don’t dislike the visual though so it’s not a bother to me. In fact I like watching as it fades since does so in a visually interesting way. The little outline on our armor though is really really unobtrusive and that I’d probably not notice much.

I came up with this suggestion here


Yea, I think people are too worked up on both sides. Frankly, like I said, my involvement is purely academic, and because I like talking to you all so much.

At the end of the day, it’s easier, and way less stressful, to have your opinions and to let others have theirs, if you ask me.

ie. What Margirita said. I don’t agree. I have no issue with playable high elves, but I personally think their story is kind of lack luster. Where as void elves need work but have some, imo, interesting potential. That doesn’t mean I consider her wrong however. Just different views about subjective things.


Well, it isn’t because of people having there opinions, but more of how people imply there opinions. Some people make it an outright fuss and act as if like there only goal is to stop others from having things they would like to see, while some just go on a bit of a trolling rampage because they do not accept a decision by the devs too.

For an example can be with me, actually, someone pointed out a post of when I was an Anti, “I would want the Blood Elves to have Blue Eyes so it can stop the Alliance from having High Elves.” Now, I don’t remember making that post, it is still there (if I go and chose to search for it), but that isn’t more of an opinion or anything, but just a way to stop people from having anything they request for, in a trolling matter to.

And it is how some of these post are coming up to sound like.

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I would love a glyph that could disable the purple. Maybe change it to tiny purple orbs flying around us, instead of turning us purple… I dunno, I’m just tired of the purple bugging out and leaving me that color until I use my orb of deception to fix it.


Maybe we should get a glyph called super voiden! It gives us a fiery dark aura around us and our hair spikes up jet black when EE activates with our charecter making a roar emote!

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Honestly is just such a weird thing to get this hung up on a combat proc. Like, I don’t think my hunter actually becomes red when I use bestial wrath.

Personally, I really don’t care either way -as in it really does not affect my immersion- I just don’t think it’s plausible given how little customization racials have -none of it cosmetic-

But if I would alter it to offer more of a “HE” fantasy, I would go on a collateral way about it; I don’t like that EE is a passive because Alleria uses it at will; the fact that it’s a random proc runs counter to the idea of mastery of the void: IMO, it should be an active, with a larger CD. But then that leads us to the issue with spatial rift already being an active skill.

But yeh, my only issue with EE is that flavorwise should be an active, so that would help a HE fantasy for people that just wouldn’t use it.

Maybe making it an “auto-cast” type of ability could work; that way it would have the fantasy of actively putting yourself on a void cycle (the proc rate) and the people that don’t want to use it just toggle it off. The problem there is that serves no function beyond cosmetics.

Other possibility would be to make it more like the “embrace of the Loa” racial; instead of being a proc chance, you can choose another form of it where it procs a shadowfrost bolt rather than boosting your damage as shadowfrost. That way it has a different function, and changes the cosmetics to a single spell anim every time it procs.

Here’s what they need to do with the Entropic Embrace!
1.Make it a toggle or a spell as an “extra” customization option for Void elves that they can use whenever they want (but with no buff)
2.Make the form darker and the hair should change to that pink white Alleria has.
3.It should effect the gear as well (I’m sure they could recolor everything like how Alleria’s is (at the moment the cloak,shoulders and helmet DO NOT get effected by the proc and it looks very bad and incomplete)

Or they could take the easy route: Do nothing and let people get over it.


I do have a bet on which way I think they’ll lean.

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Nope. Because I will be continue’ing on with what I request.

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This is the best.
Leave it alone because it’s working just fine.
If people dislike it so much they can choose not to roll a Void Elf.


It’s a public forum. They’re entitled to voice their opinions, even their opinions on your ideas.

If you don’t want to get critical feedback, the high elf discord is waiting.


Well, the same thing can be said to you as well. This is a public forum and everyone does have the right to voice there opinions or request anything. If you don’t like it, then the Anti Helf Discord is waiting.

Ugh, why did I forget to not track this one anymore? Both of you can give your opinions all you want. Even if the other one says not to. Give your feedback! Let your voice be heard!

Blizzard may …listen and change something in the next decade or so.

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That was uncalled for.


blizzard should change entropic embrace so it forces you to be a purple elf again with use. and then you have to go to the barbershop to change your skin tone.

beggars cant be choosers. this thread needs to go away.