Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Maybe so, but constantly demanding more and more when they have already gotten so much is really getting old.

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Oh, I donā€™t either. I think it would be awesome to have as a baseline part of the UI, but Blizzard is not likely to add it. I just wanted you to know it was there in case you didnā€™t already. I didnā€™t know it existed until I rolled on an RP server.

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Its more along the lines that you want to play the game under a different set of rules, than everyone else does.
If Worgen canā€™t disable wolfing out, why should void elves disable it when it is the defining trait of their race?

ā€œI donā€™t want to look like a void elf, have their ability show, or anything else.ā€.
Whichā€¦means you end up with a blood elf. It then begs the question of ā€œWhy bother ever making void elves?ā€


Weā€™ve gotten skin colorsā€¦ and we donā€™t even really know exactly what weā€™re actually getting yet.

Also new eyes right? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m really excited about.

We might just get the skin colors alone and wind up getting shadowy hair or more tenticles. So I would more akin to ask HE to be itā€™s standalone race or half elves. Though I still want the army of the light to be more diverse with wc2 alliance races in the mix of customizations

I guess you were typing that reply while we discussed TRP before you posted he he. But yes I knew about the addon, I was just trying to say that asking for Void Elves to be renamed High Elves is an unrealistic request. A more realistic request, which might have a chance of actually happening, would be for functionality similar to TRPā€™s to be added to the game.

Obviously that would be for Blizzard to decide and its likelihood would hinge on how fast and easy it would be to implement.

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Fair enough. If it turns out Void Elves ARENā€™T getting normal hair options, the forums are gonna need a fall out shelter. :scream:


I dunno, I wish a lot of people would calm down with such things. I have my agreements and disagreements, and my main agreement is the idea of what I created this thread intentionally for: An option to hide or disable the Void Form effect of Entropic Embrace.

There was apperantly another thread 4 hours before I created this one, where someone was requesting to change all the Void Elf racials to Holy and Arcane, which I completely disagree with the idea.


It is odd though how they break on somethings, dont break on others.


As Iā€™ve said many times, they never wanted to play a Void Elf in the first place. Itā€™s all about getting playable High Elves on the Alliance by any means necessary.


Iā€™ll be fine if we donā€™t get any new hairstyles or colors. Iā€™ll be a little disappointed without some additional colors though, but not necessarily Blood Elf hair colors. Iā€™m more a proponent of having a few Human hairstyles and hair colors proliferated to Void Elves rather than copying more stuff from Blood Elves. But thatā€™s just me.


It is clear Blizzard is not giving the Alliance High Elves, but are instead, offering this compromise via the Void Elves. But if people arenā€™t allowed this compromise because of some people want to act like they have a more of say over othersā€¦


I would love to get Dark Iron type hair that glows blue and purple instead of red and orange. I think that would be very fitting for Void Elves.


In all honesty as much as I love void elves, they should have never been a thing. Blizzard coulda just made high elves from the start and dashed in some cool tattooā€™s, shorter ears and different hair options. They dug this hole themselves when the brought in new races without bringing in one of the top requested races. They made it all about looks and ignored lore and thought they could wave it past everyone with sheer power. They failed.


I agree with this and would like to see that as well!

Iā€™d also like to see similar glowy hairstyles for Blood Elves if they get Darkfallen aesthetic options. Sanā€™layn with hair that has glowing blood red tips would be awesome!


Agreeā€™d :100:

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Hair, my dude. Iā€™m excited about new hair.

I like my voidy hair, but I gotta say: I want a female version that isnā€™t a 12 year-oldā€™s ponytail (no offense to ponytail loversā€¦you do you) that gets the hair out of my face. /nod

And with thatā€¦Iā€™ll leave yā€™all to it. I have GOT to sleep.


Well yes but those arenā€™t anything we are getting shared from Blood Elves. Those are simply options we are being given out of the kindness of Blizzardā€™s heart.

More options are good. Personally, I want to have the Entropic Embrace effect active at all times.