Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

I just would like for an alternative path for high elves to take besides joining the void elves. Like becoming lightforged for instance, instead of them all merging with VE. Why? Because simply if not all BE is becoming VE, then by the same logic not all HE should become VE. I just want to see how some make different choices as individuals.

Sigh… even when I’m agreeing with you, you go and attack me…

This already exists in TRP for role players. It’s super common on all of the RP realms. Everything an RP’er needs to successfully and completely RP a High Elf with the Void Elf race AND the Blood Elf race ingame is being implemented.

These really weakly veiled attempts to get Void Elves removed and replaced with High Elves (and despite all of OP’s protests to the contrary, that’s what she wants…she said so upthread outright) are hurtful and they do nothing to help Helf advocates with their fellow players. When players come in and make civil responses or question such overblown suggestions, we get people acting like we’re making it up. OP said:

I responded with:

I thought I was being engaged with the conversation and polite and non-aggressive. I got POUNCED on by OP and then gaslit by some other guy who pretended he couldn’t fathom why I’d say Void Elves should remain Void Elves because “oh, all she’s suggesting is an OPTION to TOGGLE.”

This is the level we’re dealing with.

I was totally onboard with the Helf group. I listened and I heard what they wanted and I sympathize. I even see how Void Elves must have felt spiteful and like a slap directly against that community. I was really happy for the Helf fans when I saw they were giving us the blue eye and natural skin tones. I thought, “Yay, they’re gonna be able to look like they always wanted, and they’ll be able to fully immerse in RP as High Elves.”

But like five minutes later, we get thread after thread about renaming Void Elves, removing Void Elves, getting different racials for Void Elves, removing racials for Void Elves, “nobody likes Void Elves” (which is hysterical given they’re the most popular AR on the Alliance), etc. And then, when someone says anything to even slightly check a balance against that sort of thing, we get gaslit to high heaven with “Why don’t you want other players to have what they want?”

It’s disingenuous, and it’s not going to get you ANY support. I’m pretty done with trying to advocate for the Helf crowd at this point because it’s just mean more often than not.

I like the Void Elves. I was engaged with their story and the unlock was fun for me. I like playing an elf that has this lore and backstory. I like turning blue when my racial is proccing. I’m sorry that Helf fans didn’t get what they wanted, but these elves have been in the game, now, for two years. Helf fans were given way more than an inch in compromise on both factions, and they want to take way more than a mile in return.


I don’t think she’s meaning to attack you Nic. It sounds like she might just be really frustrated with the current situation.

Though I shouldn’t speak for other people. That’s not fair either… It’s been a morning. Sorry Shadow… I it’s a bad habit and I don’t know why I’m continuing to post… I’m going to go make lunch.

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This would require High Elves to be their own allied race, and with the new options forthcoming, that possibility has decreased in likelihood a great deal.

I’m not attacking you personally, just pointing out that some of the people in the helfer community will never be happy until Void Elves have been eliminated.


Then I would request them as an allied race, not all of them would look at the void the same. And those that does should show signs they have.

I will say this isn’t a good look. I mean, maybe it’s out of context, but it does open up to why there seems to be a rift in communication.

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She took a reply I made to you, in a certain context, and used it as ammunition for her frustration at others. Maybe it’s not an attack on me directly, but after just agreeing with her, to have my words used like that, out of the context of our discussion, certainly felt like an attack on me.

I dunno why people are quoting a post of mine from 9 days ago.

Fair enough. It’s not my place to get involved. Just trying to get people to see both sides.

And those people will fail to achieve that. I know that, and you should know that too. It’s just never going to happen. At most, Void Elves will have a wide variety of options. That’s it.

This was a mic drop post. Well done. :microphone:


She did say, however, she wasn’t attacking you mayhap you should let the matter drop.

Depends. Has your opinion changed in those 9 days? Because that posts like that have been what people have been having trouble with. I mean, unless there’s more context there, you were specifically calling for void elves to become high elves.


Well, considering i posted that with rage, because people in this thread were acting like, “you got to be a void elf, not what you want to be”.

Because you admitted to your true agenda and others agreed with it.


No, because you, and a few others make it so as if it is your goal to say to people can’t play how they want as what they want, but instead, they got to play what I say they got to play.

I don’t think asking for TRP’s functionality (with Blizzard imposed limitations) to be added to the game as a feature is an unreasonable request. It’s purely cosmetic, and allows players the option to identify their character the way they wish to be identified to both other players and NPC’s, which is a function I don’t believe TRP is capable of (though I could be wrong about that).

I mean that’s fine too. I’ve said things out of anger before on here. I once said that I hope that helfers get nothing else because I was so frustrated with a couple of bad apples that I was ready to paint the whole fandom as bad. That’s super unfair as well, and I’ve since correct.

That’s why I was asking if things had changed. It sounds like they have. I just wanted to ask and get the full story. We can’t really read intent or emotion on this kind of media. We lose a lot of context here.

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