Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Again, we are playing VOID Elves, not Arcane Elves. If Alleria has to use EE, the PC should as well. You will still be free to RP in town as a High Elf.


I agree with you. And I wish those people would wake and up and realize that asking for something that there’s virtually zero chance of Blizzard doing is a waste of their time.

Ultimately, when making a request for an additional feature to a game, it’s best to actually ask for a feature rather than ask that a feature be removed (barring legit mechanical game play issues caused by such).

When a request to suppress a visual is made, framing that request as an option for the individual rather than an outright removal for all, has a much higher chance of being granted.

The same concept applies to anyone foolish enough to ask that Blizzard just replace Void Elves with High Elves. It’s just not going to ever happen. Asking for more options to look and feel like a High Elf are fine. Asking that Void Elves get replaced with something else just isn’t going to fly.

No! We are playing Void Elves, not untainted High Elves. They already have a mount and heritage armor. Stop trying to de-void us. :frowning:


I have to agree with Shadows here (and if anyone checks my post history you’ll see that’s rare).

Void Elves are here to stay.

They are not going to be name changed.

They are not going to get a new set of heritage armor (unless every other allied race gets one too and every race doesn’t even have one yet)

At best, assuming the tech can be provided by Blizzard, asking for an option to change how your racial tag displays is the only realistic avenue to pursue if you absolutely must have your racial tag say “High Elf”.

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There is a 3rd party app that lets you customize your race and class for anyone else who also has the app. TRP or something?

Literally not what I said.

Im not asking for any Void options to be removed. Im not asking for their mount, tabard or Heritage armor to be removed.

I said there should be bonus options for those who want to pursue the High Elf look at that the Horde counterpart should be the undead blood elves getting the same exact thing.

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Correct. Only those using the addon can see it, but it is available and has been for some time. I re tagged this rogue as Ren’dorei and my Classic one as Kaldorei.

Yes that addon exists but it only displays the changes to others who use it. This irks some people. I won’t try to make light of their feelings in this regard, but I will advise them to be realistic in their requests.

Void Elves are not going to have their name changed to High Elves. It’s just not going to happen.

But that doesn’t mean that Blizzard couldn’t potentially add that TRP addon’s functionality into the game in some way. It wouldn’t be the first time a 3rd party addon become a built in feature of the game.

I thought that was the case. I’ve never been able to get into the rp here. (Even though it does interest me), so I never tried. Still, its a cool feature.

That’s true, but I don’t think they will only because they haven’t for any of the other popular add-ons. Why put resources towards something you are already getting for free.

No, you just want to overwrite them with High Elf themes.


In this particular case, it would add yet another player customization option, which seems to be what Blizz is focusing on for Shadowlands (and perhaps beyond). In addition, as a “built in” feature, Blizzard has full control over what it can and can’t do. So no one could put ridiculous, offensive, or lore defying races/etc in their info. In this way, Blizzard can grant players more agency in how their characters are identified, both by other players, and by NPC’s, which TRP does not cover I believe.

I’m not saying it isn’t a good idea.

I’m just saying that, in my opinion, I don’t think Blizzard would ever have the desire to put the work in for something like that when TRP is “good enough” … unless Activision could find a way to monetize it.

Pull the old Bethesda move of “paid mods”

But TRP isn’t “good enough” to many players.

How easy or difficult it would be for Blizzard to implement is about the only constraining factor imo. The easier it would be to do, the more likely it could happen.

It’s a worthwhile avenue to explore in any event. At least asking Blizzard about the possibility might get them to look into its feasibility as a game feature. The worst they can do is say “no, sorry it’s just not something we can/want to do at this time”.

I dunno, I have seen threads on a few options, some I agree, some I disagree, and some, I am just, meh.

The idea that I had is just regarding the visual effect of Entropic Embrace. Having an option to turn off that effect, whether it is via talking to an NPC, Customise via Character Customisation or Barber shop, or turning the racial into a button instead of it being passive. (Though as Niodemus posted, it could be possibe to customise in Shadowlands, with several choices…)

The options I am “meh” on is Void Elf Paladins. Only because I don’t really play a Paladin at all.

Things I do disagree with though is turning any of the Void Elf Racials into something of Arcane or Holy. That doesn’t really make sense.

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Sara, my earlier conjecture, if proven to be true, may result in you having the option to choose not to show any change to skin or hair color during entropic embrace but to still have that slight purple outline we see on our armor when it procs. Would that be acceptable enough for you?

As long as it really isn’t as noticible, then I am all for it. But if is going to be noticible, then no, I am not for it.

I do not see a reason to make being void elf optional. If people aren’t satisfied with skin tones alone,mayhap they should play a different race.


Ask away. LIke I said, my thought wasn’t that it was a bad idea. My thought was only that I don’t think Blizzard would ever go for it, but that’s not to say people shouldn’t ask for it.

I’m “Nah bro” on these currently, but only because there’s been no official canonical connection for the high elves to either the blood elf or the void elf player race (and no I’m not talking about physiology…just in terms of gameplay purposes)

I’d be a lot more onboard if they pulled a Wildhammer or Highborne and made things more official.

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I mean you’re going to “notice” it as much as you might notice any buff effect like say, a trinket proc. I don’t think Blizzard will allow us to completely remove the visual indicator that a buff is currently active (though I could be wrong here).

But the outline alone is not very obtrusive and doesn’t fundamentally alter how your character looks the way entropic embrace currently does. From my point of view I’d hardly notice it much without my skin and hair going all purple.

Right, just like having normal skin and hair isn’t “good enough”. Having the lore of actual High Elves joining the ranks of the Ren’dorei isn’t “good enough”. Helfers getting 90% of what they wanted so they can RP as a High Elf isn’t “good enough”.

Nope, racial tags need to be removed, racials need to be changed, new heritage armor and mounts need to be added, ect. It’s really gotten to be quite ridiculous. Some of these people will never be satisfied until they have literally replaced Void Elves with High Elves.