Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Things have calmed down. I haven’t seen anything like the thread that was literally titled “Change the void elf name and remove EE” (paraphrasing…so okay not literally)

OMG! You are right! I remember that thread.

I always thought that user was simply trolling though? Was he serious with his request?

I wouldn’t put it past someone to be bitter about Void Elves being made over High Elves and using the news as an excuse to try and erase them.

When there are bad apples like this and a spam flood of threads which appear to be demanding changes it gives the High Elf fans a bad image to the general community.

He was very serious and there have been a few users who go with thenotion.

Oh that was an absolutely serious request. That was a really fun thread.

I’ve also had people, who’ve I’ve come to like later on, in the middle of the discussion similar to this one (options and all that) claim that the new customization options are going to be so popular that they’ll over shadow the void elf population to the point that blizzard will have no choice but to just change void elves back to the high elves they should have been in the first place.

That was fun too. They were also convinced that the NPCs in the rift means that high elves are confirmed canonical for void elves and that it was the first step to removing void elves.

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Yeah well, they might as well want to take a chair and sit while they wait. Who in the world believes Blizzard would remove Void Elves as a race, lol


I agree. I don’t think they will either, but with requests like that I can understand why void elf fans can get frustrated with the constant requests.

But I also feel bad for blood elf fans who are worried that further changes might make their favorite race redundant.

And I feel bad for helf fans like yourself who get lumped in with these others who are the minority of requester but were very vocal at the time and it kind of sours people’s opinions of the fandom when most of you are pretty cool.

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I don’t believe they will, but Zareem summed it up pretty nicely.
Some see this as an opportunity to make the void elf name simply a title, and if Blizzard is willing to listen, they think they can have the title changed too.


And some helfers wonder why I get so defensive over changing EE…


Honestly though, Void Elves are the same race as high and blood. I dunno what is there to change of the race

All kinds of people get defensive so why not you.

They are different in their aesthetic/culture/etc. I think people are worried about those disappearing or becoming more homogenized.

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I’m at a loss for this myself. Nowhere have i seen people asking for the racial to be “removed.” People are asking for a TOGGLE effect to hide the VISUAL.

At most other people are asking for an alternative that’s essentially the same exact effect except Arcane themed rather than Void.

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I have seen at least one request. Also, it doesn’t matter anyway. I mean people can request whatever they want. I do find it funny that people get all worked up about it though.

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I’m fine with them “Renaming” the race personally if it means we get High Elf classes but if there’s an option to tag yourself as either a Void or High Elf that could solve that issue. A tag I think would be an appropriate option especially if the Horde have a counterpart to that with Blood Elves getting the Dark Ranger/Sanlayn skins and getting a tag to tag themselves as that.

Bonus would be if each had their own mount and Heritage armor too. High Elves obviously could get an updated Unicorn but im not sure what the Undead Belf option could get.

I don’t think there’s any chance that Entropic Embrace’s visual will be outright removed. At most I’d say its possible to see an option to reduce or possibly hide the visual effect so I wouldn’t worry too much.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread:

Currently on the wowhead dressing room, the skin and hair effects from Entropic Embrace are now choose-able as individual character customization options.

Now this is purely speculation on my part, but this could mean that we can choose to have our skin and/or hair appear as if the Entropic Embrace effect is on all the time. It also might indicate that we may be able to choose what skin and/or hair color shows when the proc is in effect, thus choosing your native skin color would result in a very minimal visual effect on your body and no change to your skin or hair color at all.

But again that is some hefty speculation on my part as to the possible meaning of these changes.

Obviously take any datamined info with a grain of salt. But when all is said and done, I am fairly confident there’s no chance of Blizzard outright removing the Entropic Embrace visual. Giving options to reduce or hide the skin and hair color changes? Yea that’s certainly possible and maybe even likely, but there’s virtually no chance that Blizzard would just arbitrarily remove it from player use.

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I’ve seen it. So have others.

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Anyone asking for it to be outright removed are just blowing smoke and/or have unrealistic expectations IMO.

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That’s the problem. When it get spammed with other requests that are equally regarding changing stuff, it causes a bad image to be formed regarding the Pro Helf community and paints them in a bad light.

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I agree, but I also take all of the requests on here worth a grain of salt. I don’t trust blizzard’s ability to take feedback.

I’m here purely as an academic. So if someone makes a request or statement that I disagree with. I do so out of a desire to be entertained and to have a discussion. Not because I think Blizzard is actually going to implement any of this.

Also, I’m the kind of person that laughed for 30 secs. when someone mentioned that they wanted Blizzard to make High Elves a true playable race, but then make them Horde exclusive.

Not because I’m mean or even think it would happen, but because the level of pettiness that it would take from Blizzard and the sheer nuclear fallout it would cause on this forum amuses me to no end.