Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

I read attentively most of this thread in particular and I haven’t seen a single person asking to remove the racial.


I have, and I’m a neutral 3rd party, so I guess our anecdotal evidence cancels out,yea?


There have been at LEAST 20 threads about this on these forums in the last 6 weeks.

Anyway. I gave my opinion. I like my blueberries. I want all players to be happy with their characters, and I would fully support the option to toggle off. But the “give 'em an inch and they cry for a mile” thing is totally happening, and I’m done with this aggressive and frankly mean attitude from the Helfers when it comes to Void Elves and people who like what we got.


Well who? I don’t recall anyone here in this thread asking to remove it entirely.

I haven’t noticed that many, I believe I saw 4 of them in total. Still, don’t you think it’s logical to adapt your opinion to the thread in particular? Like, you talk in a way that makes Sara look like she’s asking to remove the racial when she only asked for a toggle.

Edit: I’m liking your post only because I agree with you regarding the toggable option.

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I don’t keep names. People aren’t important enough for the most part. I remember people like yourself, Sara, and Nico because your reasonable and fun to talk to. The people that legit get eye rolls from me, I’m not going to remember them.

I have made posts in threads about it before though. They’re sneaky. Like I said, they take your request and almost parasitize it. So if you call them out they go back to “Oh it’s just about choice” but it’s really not.

Also, and this is off-topic for my post, but more on topic for the thread… I’ll go ahead and say it. My opinion is there is a thing as too much choice. There should be limits to things until certain conditions are met.


Oh I realize that

Yeah well unfortunately we cannot really do much about it :confused: They have the right to voice their opinion, regardless of whether we agree with them or not.

Really? I don’t agree with that view. Like, ok sure, I guess I kinda get what you mean. For example Void Elf (Light) Paladins. That doesn’t make sense to me, the only way I see it happening is by means of class skins where Paladins turn into Void Knights or something similar.

So in a way, I agree that options should always be as lore friendly as possible. But physical customization options? Why should there be restrictions for those?

Yea, they are entitled to their opinion, and you to yours, and me to mine. I’m not saying things shouldn’t be said on here. I’m just saying that I get to not agree with them.

Yea, I know. It’s not a popular opinion. For the most part, I agree that options are a good thing, but like the paladin thing… I want them to make sense. The racial once is…fine… I don’t really have a problem with it. I’m not going to unsubb or anything over it. Heck, they could delete void elves tomorrow and replace them with talking hamsters and call them high elves and I’d probably still play one.

I’m just not… completely sold on the idea of options for a race that aren’t really geared for that race. Or for the betterment of the race. I would be more comfortable with more specifically high elf customization if Blizzard would make them a part of the void elf player race. Right now, we don’t have that official canon and I think that’s what makes me hesitant on the idea.

I’m not against it, but I’m also not really sure about it either…if that make sense.

But again…take it for what it is… Opinions on the internet. I’m just giving thoughts off the top of my head. I don’t really mind in any way except academically.

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Of course it makes sense! And that is precisely why many pro High Elf players never wanted this sort of compromises.

I am however confident that Blizzard will confirm those new skins are due to High Elf/Blood Elf wayfarers joining the Void Elves - they’re in Telogrus Rift for a reason after all. I’ll be overjoyed that day, we would have our High Elves after all. The fact they’re called Void Elves or that they dabble in such a dangerous magic doesn’t bother me much.


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Hey, I’m pro helf rp. And I hope they do give some sort of confirmation. On both sides actually. I sad as much to Nico above.

The difference for me, at this point, is that yes we see the high elves at the rift, but we have not actual context yet as to what they are doing.

Maybe they are becoming new void elves. Which would make them “not high elves” in the same way that void elves are “not high elves” for the purpose of this discussion.

Maybe they are just visiting scholars wanting to find away to study the void more closely but still safely and aren’t joining the void elves in any capacity.

Maybe they were sent by the SC to help the void elves lessen the void taint. Maybe that’s the reason for the new skins. The high elf mages and the void elf mages have found away to lessen the impact of the void on the void elves and now they can look more… natural.

All I’m saying is that there’s a lot of conjecture there, and I’m old. I like things to be more concrete before big changes, even optional ones, are made.

We’re getting some really fun customization options and I really like them, but it could be that its going no farther than that. It could be that these are just fun customization options and they won’t have any effect on gameplay or lore at all. I just want to urge people to temper their expectations a bit.


Probably just a few people on the forums. I mean that about covers it for most topics on the forums.

It doesn’t even matter if anyone does ask for something! That is what people are suppose to do on the forums.


Hmmm, sorry, I don’t have enough cement to make things concrete.


Mmm, I guess I wasn’t paying attention then. I honestly don’t recall anyone asking to remove EE as a racial. I think that’s too much, that’s literally asking to redefine the entire race.

But sure, people are entitled to their own opinion, as Zareem said.


That’s okay. I know where we can get some sand trolls. Just grind em up, add water, and boom instant mixer.


I definitely agree that anyone should be allowed to give their opinion. I asked for spider elves as an AR.

The other side of the coin though, is that people can, and should be allowed to, disagree with whatever you’re putting forth. That’s how forums work.

My biggest issues, and not just with Helf fans or even helf discussion, is that people talk about how they’re free to give their opinion/feedback/turtles, but then reverse the opinion for anyone that disagrees with them.


This is a big issue I share as well.


Yes this is certainly an issue, which I feel is not limited to these forums, but outside in the real world as well… just look at our politicians lol

At least we get to know like-minded people here :slight_smile:


That said, I agree with Zareem in that in the first few days of this info coming out there was a flood of spam and requests for Void Elf changes, it’s toned down but it was there.

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Oh that’s true. This is more just me talking about the micro-biosphere that is our little home here.

Like I said, I’m pretty much on board with a lot of the ideas on here, but I also don’t mind playing the Jester and kind of poking holes and (playfully) teasing people when they use arguments that are overblown or don’t really make sense.

Stuff like that.

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That’s something natural though. People are hyped and passionate about this game, so different users open several threads about the same theme (not necessarily about the exact same topic).

It’s a good thing we can flag and mods will decide whether those threads are indeed spam or not in accordance with the forums CoC.