Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Toggle idea seems simplest imho. Great discussion though.
Seems like a green or lighter blue color option would be a cool alternative, like a farstrider’s nature power kicking in, or an arcane surge or something.
We may need to wait for a 9.1 or 9.2 for this, but it would be awesome.


Well we did get a tiny little indication of something happening with Entropic Embrace in today’s alpha datamine.

Currently on the wowhead dressing room, the skin and hair effects from Entropic Embrace are now choose-able as individual character customization options.

Now this is purely speculation on my part, but this could mean that we can choose to have our skin and/or hair appear as if the Entropic Embrace effect is on all the time. It also might indicate that we may be able to choose what skin and/or hair color shows when the proc is in effect, thus choosing your native skin color would result in a very minimal visual effect on your body and no change to your skin or hair color at all.

But again that is some hefty speculation on my part as to the possible meaning of these changes.

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Thank you for your post :slight_smile: :heart:


That would be interesting.

Still, I have two concerns. One is that I don’t trust datamine data until we see the full release. I feel like datamining is cool, but it can be misleading. The other is even the change doesn’t officially tag the race as having/being high elves. I would really find it interesting if they officially step in and say something. Like they did with the Wildhammer or the Highborne.

You’re right on both counts.

Take any datamined info with a grain of salt. Also, You already know myself and others really would like to see some in game references to High Elves joining the Void Elve beyond just having wayfarers taking a tour and reading the brochure in Telogrus. And failing that, at the very least the devs could mention, via interview or blue post, their intent for these particular customization options.

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I’m, for the most part, with you on that. I think it’d be cool. Though I want to see it on both sides.

Granted, I know on here my opinions probably come off as move ambivalent. But that’s just more me playing the naughty jester. Shining light on the silliness of certain arguments and trying to teach people the quality of expectation management.

No, taking away the one thing that makes them look like a void elf is stupid.


We don’t know if they even get the hair yet >.<. I hope not. I still support HE being their own race or have half-elves take over their lore on alliance side.

There have been threads on this in the past!

It’s being given an visual update and looks better and more in-line with alleria’s EE.

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Listen, I like my 5% damage proc. I turn blue and it reminds me that I’m a Void Elf and that I’m wielding scary power…and I should cast something big to take advantage of the short proc.

Leave it alone. It’s voidy. We’re not Silver Covenant High Elves. We’re Void Elves.

If you want to RP a High Elf when the new customs come out, fine. Just don’t enter combat during RP, and you’ll never see the racial proc.


That’s the whole point. They never wanted to play a Void Elf in the first place.


This is rich, coming from the exact same person who claimed she speaks for all Blood Elf players…

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You do not speak for all of Blizzard. Just because you like it, does not mean others have to like it either.


That was not even remotely what she was saying.

It was a personal opinion. We’re all allowed to have them. I support you wanting it changed. I support her not wanting it changed.

Edit: Also, i do speak for Blizzard. It’s like undercover boss except I’m poor because Bobby Kotick took all my money and pays me in bad transmog gear.

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Then tell her to remove the “leave it alone”.

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No, I speak for me…and this is a thread about removing the appearance of the Void Elf racial. I play two Void Elves, and I have an opinion.

Calm down or don’t discuss it in public. I didn’t say anyone else had to like it, but we’re Void Elves. I did the whole quest chain and ground out the rep to get them. They’re infused with void energies and struggle to keep it under control. It comes out when they loosen control a bit and buffs our damage. It’s COOL.

That’s my opinion. It’s one of my favorite things about my Void Elf. I don’t want it gone.

If they make a toggle for it, I’d be good with that because more customization=good, but I am so TIRED–I’m beyond tired; I’m exhausted–with the attitudes and snarky, entitled, unyielding posts from people who can’t just be happy they got RP-able High Elf customs for the Void Elf and, instead, want to just erase what the Allied Race we got and worked to unlock actually is.


Well, that is what I have been requesting. I don’t know how people are thinking of me wanting it removed.

A toggle option to hide the appearance of the Void Form, or make the racial a non-passive.


Like you pointed out…you’re not the only person talking about this. LOTS of people are asking for it to be changed or removed or swapped out with an entirely different racial. They didn’t want void elves, so they want to just inch-at-a-time get Void Elves turned into what they actually wanted.

I like my Void Elves. I like their story. I like what they are. I don’t want them removed or minimized or changed.

If they can make options for individual players to turn off parts they don’t want (like the Death Knight voices, for example)…great. Awesome.

But I don’t want it removed, and it is pertinent in any of these conversations because of the general hue and cry for Void Elves to just be tossed and traded in for High Elves.



Who exactly?


To be fair, it isn’t just you making the requests. I don’t think there is anything really wrong with your request. Even if I’m not 100% sold on the idea. However, it can get frustrating to see the sheer gradient scale of cringe out there. And for ever 1 cool person like yourself, there’s another person using your argument as a defense while they winge about wanting even more.

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Sigh. Really?

This is what I’m talking about. You’re either being deliberately obtuse, or you don’t read the forums regularly. I don’t keep a list, Leinadh.