Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

So instead of asking for boneless options, why not suggest ways in which Forsaken can incorporate bones and other decaying themes into their game and how that might provide them with some new interesting ideas?


Well I for one, would play off of the dichotomy between Void Elves and Blood Elves. Slightly altering entropic embrace is a fairly minor idea in the face of what else both races could stand to gain in comparison to a smaller ‘loss’.

Reinforce Void Elf identity by giving them a tentacle/void elf toggle, ranging from having the option to have no tentacles, even in the hair to tentacles sprouting from the body and having a third eye. Give Void Elves Void tattoos, dark cosmic markings they can use to distinguish themselves as Void Elves, even in with fair tones.

Reinforce Blood Elves by giving them new animations. Give them Undead Dark Ranger Esq appearances to make up for the Void Elves having both otherworldly and conventional appearance options. Give Blood Elves Light based and Fel based runic tattoos to help set them apart from Void Elves.

To be honest you beat me to the punch as our internet has been utterly atrocious and I wasn’t as fast with my reply as I’d like to be :stuck_out_tongue:

Which in addition to my long winded post further up, while I will always be a friend to the HE supporters, but with recent developments I feel that cause is in a great place and feel less need to fight on it’s behalf, as there is a lot more to enjoy in this game than just High Elves, so I’m personally casting a wider net and hope to support others now that I’m no longer tied up, which consists of incorporating features into other races that they are lacking, primarily with Elven races as I do love them all.


That’s not changing a fundamental theme of the race, it’s still an undead, bones just aren’t sticking out, it’s not making them living. And more to the point it was just to note that the same thing could be said opposite of the idea for the void elves to adapt to the new changes to their race, that the high elf fans can also adapt to the new changes to the race.

You’ve got some good ideas. I’ll just note I brought those up more as a list of things people feel concerned about going forward when I was being told that there’s nothing that could possible cause concern. I’ve got my fingers crossed, but BFA burned me.

My sincere condolences, I know I am completely spoiled by it and get bothered when mine is acting up.

I’m sort of resigned now, I still don’t think this was the right move for various reasons, but it’s not like I can change that. I just feel a bit bad for the void elves, feels like they’ve got visitors over who are trash talking their place and deciding how to redecorate it to suit their needs a bit. I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for the not so popular ARs, they all seem kinda neat to me and I’m a bit bummed the way they get trashed so often


Hiding EE’s visual effect isn’t changing their fundamental theme either. Just because they’re Void Elves doesn’t mean they all have to glow blue the same degree - some may have been more or less affected by the transformation ritual than others. Alleria’s EE for example is way darker, so the inverse should also be true.

However, and I apologize if I sound impolite, I have the feeling that it’s actually something else that would bother you should we ever have the option to toggle off EE’s visual effect. Why haven’t I seen you in those two or three posts that asked for a real change in Dwarf’s racials? They are not asking to hide a visual effect, they’re actually asking for new Wildhammer racials that don’t really match with Bronzebeard dwarves’ lore.

So if it’s not an issue with dwarves, why is it such an issue with Void Elves, when people here aren’t even asking for new racials?


Which are valid concerns, which is why I don’t support molding Void Elves into High Elves as like I stated earlier, I merely want them more fleshed out aesthetically as I feel they all kinda run the same in appearance as well as being able to better resemble their racial leader, Alleria, both in appearance and concept.

That all being said, I believe validating and continuing the High Elf request helps deter the desire to mold Void Elves into High Elves, by forcing Paladins on them for one.

I’d also rather scratch the itch for Alliance Elven Paladins by giving them to Night Elves instead, as it could give them a very unique class/race fantasy if done properly, which is a big IF, but it ultimately makes more sense than Void Elf Paladins one way or the other.


TFW the “Boring” elves will be the more popular customization option the second these choices are available to players.

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I just can’t wait to see him soon hear all the whining from the Horde… About almost everything else.

I read every single post on this long thread. Gosh darn, I spend my time very unwisely!

I have been following WoW for a very short time - 2 years - and have actually played it for even lesser of a time. I managed to fall in the trap of “appearance matters most” because, even if I am not staring at my character all the time in combat as was alluded in this thread (impossible in raids where I have to watch for mechanics!), it is my character. It is my in-game representation. I could have obviously also chosen to look brutish, but I go slender/lean muscled a lot more. Plus, some people are also in the transmog game, so appearances are far from trivial in general in WoW.

To have become familiar with the entire drama surrounding a vaunt for high elves but getting void elves instead was… revealing. I am 1000% grateful to Blizzard that they gave void elves “blood elf” skins - VElves look amazing, but so do BElves. As a casual player somewhat into lore and very into looks, I was ecstatic.

Toggling of race or class specific appearances isn’t new. Can you not do that with druids? Going through expansion changes I was surprised that Restoration druids do not get their tree appearance in MoP, and the translucent constellation-like appearance glyph is beautiful. Transformations are vital to druids. It is what makes them unique. Giving people this choice was a wonderful idea!

So, thinking that only Entropic Embrace (or largely EE, trying not to make blanket statements) is what consists of VElf identity is being as appearance-centric as those saying “it’s just an option for looks, it won’t change anything regarding gameplay”. VElves have had their own stories to tell. Hardships, struggles, difficulties that make them who they are. It is more than just a racial ability where the Void overcomes them. They are “void” elves, not high elves. The name is a hallmark of any race or faction. It distinguishes one similar group from the other. You will not stop seeing them being called void elves. So to say their uniqueness will be eradicated, simply because people liking appearances of blood elves better will pick different options, is melodramatic. :sweat_smile: Void elves are nowhere to go. If you worry you will see lesser of them, it is true but we cannot control others’ wants, desires and choices. And those against the change can always continue as it was.

Sorry for the long post…


Just play a Blood Elf.


I actually do… :sweat_smile:

I love these discussions. I really do.

It does make me wonder how the forum would react if they ever actually decided to make high elves a canonical player race in some form.

That would be a very exciting day.

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Honestly, and I look at it from this point of view, I think the reason why Blizzard is doing customisations like this, is to allow anyone to be anything within there faction appropiate to the race or model that is being used, instead of continuing on with reskins for Allied Races.

Now, with Void Elves, this means people can either chose from being an Alliance High Elf, or a Void Elf. In the end, our nameplates will still be “Void Elf”. The character customisations would still say, “Void Elves.” Ofcourse, this is all just my own speculation on this, but allowing people to be who they want to be, not just from a roleplaying perspective, I look at it as a good thing.

Now, in this thread, I am not asking for Entropic Embrace to be removed. I am simply being asking for an option to hide or disable, which ever is a better way to put it, the effect of Entropic Embrace. An option to not turn blue in combat.

I posted 3 possible solutions in the opening post, but seems like I dunno, some just don’t like people to have any options at all.


Thank you, that’s all I was arguing for.

I’ve just gotten a bit tired of the way some people have decided to deny that there’s any reasons why people would disagree with them. This is all just a matter of clashing opinions and tastes, and there’s no one right answer to this because it’s all subjective.


You keep using the term ‘we’ and yet many helfers have claimed you’re not a ‘hivemind’.
Why not just speak for yourself instead of trying to get some kind of group approval behind your own opinions?


Alpha is currently down but the wowhead dressing room shows the entropic embrace effects skin and hair colors as separate options. While this purely speculation on my part, this may indicate some sort of customization involving them. It may just be that we can look like we have it on all the time, or there may be other options coming as well.


Now imagine if Blizzard made High Elves playable, but made them Horde.


Two scenarios…

A. This is a “blood elves are high elves” thing. In which case I answer back with a “I see what you did there. Good show old chap” and a hearty chortle.


B. You’re suggesting that they make an actual High Elf player race and then make it Horde exclusive… In which. I would buy a year’s subscription, heck two years, just from being impressed at the sheer gall that it would take from Blizzard to be that petty.

I love it.

If Void Elf identity relies so much on a single racial with an annoying looking effect then they don’t have much identity to lose in the first place.

Other people having the option to disable the visual effect of a racial has no effect on anyone else.

Also: I have no idea why some are saying people are calling to “Delete” the racial. I haven’t seen that anywhere. All I’ve even see is people wanting the option to toggle off the VISUAL effect or offer an alternative version of the same exact racial but have it be arcane themed.


I keep wondering why people are still going on about this since there hasn’t been any new information, but seriously…this might be more entertaining then playing the game at times.

All Blood Elves can use Arcane Torrent.

No one is gonna trip about the fact that elves likely have some affinity for magic even though Rage and Energy are just in-game resource mechanics.