Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

You have to prove that requests actually could hurt someone!

Sorry, man that is just lame. Show me on the doll where a request hurt you!


Nope. Iā€™m not the one making the claim that no harm will come from getting my way.

Iā€™m just saying people have valid concerns that they are voicing to Blizzard to let them know how they feel. And while I understand that some people donā€™t care about how what they want can effect other people, that doesnā€™t actual disprove that it can.

You claimed it would harm.



I said that it wasnā€™t true that thereā€™s no way this would have a bad effect on other people. Subtle difference there. I called someone out for making a claim that they, like you, canā€™t back up.

Here is your proof of what you saidā€¦ I want you to back up how it could possibly hurt someone.

Getting popcorn be back later.


It isnā€™t a lie. It is a fact. I do not see anyone coming around with a rolled up newspaper, hitting you with it across the fact saying, ā€œPeople are making these requestā€¦ā€

Lets face it, it is a computer game, with pixels behind on that screen. If something is going to effect you because of what you see on those pixels, then this is not for you.


I already have listed 4 ways that it may possible impact others enjoyment of the game.

Prove that thereā€™s no possibility of those things happening, or any other negative effects. Since thatā€™s what you two are claiming.

Says someone on the side thatā€™s been complaining for years that they canā€™t enjoy the game properly because the pixel elves arenā€™t on the right side.

Look, just realize if youā€™re going to trot out empty platitudes about how no one can be bothered by this or that no one should care. Then no one should have cared that the high elves were on the horde, but here we are.


No, you havenā€™t listed any way someone could be hurt.


So youā€™re just going with ā€œI donā€™t give a (your choice of word) about anyone else in this game as long as I get exactly what I want.ā€

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My guild has switch to the Horde for Shadowlands so I want to know specifically how I will be hurt!

Or you can just keep on making stuff upā€¦


Lmao. You forgot I changed my mind around at the start of this year. Besides, the Antiā€™s, including you, are the ones making a bigger fuss over the request instead of just a small disagreement, and small detailed reason to why you disagree.

After all, what the Alliance gets does not mean people have to roll for it, nor change to be it. It is customisations. Just all options.


Iā€™m a huge fan of High Elves and Iā€™m thrilled we have the skins. Between the Night Elves, Draenei, and Lightforged I was pretty damn sick of blue/purple skin everywhere. Hoping we get the blood elf hair colors and the option for smaller ears, but Iā€™m still happy either way.

I donā€™t like the idea for a toggle to hide entropic embrace. In the gameā€™s lore, we are Void Elves. I can understand why not every Void Elf had their skin tone changed, but when embracing the void during combat, it makes sense to channel that void visually. It keeps our identity separate from the other elves.

As a role player, you need to work around it. Just like when I want to play an Alliance Half Elf, I had to choose between Human or Night Elf back in the day. And you just dealt with it and left the rest to the imagination.

Find a way to write the color change into your characterā€™s story. What we got was more than I ever expected, especially when they werenā€™t planning on any AR customizations this time around.


Okay, Iā€™m only going to weigh in on the toxicity above exactly once, mainly to help dispel the misconception that no High Elf supporters are grateful for the recent additions, with my own thoughts and feelings on the matter.

First off, I donā€™t agree with adding Void Elf Paladins, as the class does not fit the race fantasy, and I have spoken out against it just as I am doing here. Sorry guys, but there are other classes that fit better and can help Void Elves grow on their own unique path, rather than being in the High Elves or even Blood Elves shadow. Death Knights are a great start and fit the race fantasy well, as could Demon Hunters, or even Shamans, but Iā€™m happy with Death Knights for now.

Another issue being Quelā€™thalas. Now I want Quelā€™thalas to be updated so badly, and I have mixed feelings with it being shared, as while from a meta perspective, it is a Horde city and Iā€™ve stated in the past that i wouldnā€™t mind Quelā€™thalas being contested, but alas the time for that has passed and I am ultimately neutral on this matter.

As far as hair goes, I do desire more colors and styles for Void Elves, but this is more to make them more well rounded visually and while none of these have to come from Blood Elves, it very well could as weā€™re already getting skin tones which would arguably be the bigger change of the two as well as the fact that if you look closely at the skin previews, you can see a normal black color, which Void Elves currently donā€™t have as their blackest color has an darker oily green appearance.

But Blonde hair being barred, I would personally like light blue, light violet and white, none of which are ā€˜exclusiveā€™ to Blood Elves and donā€™t align with High elf/Blood Elf aesthetic.

As for an Alliance aligned High Elf Allied Race? As far as my own personal feelings go, I am personally satisfied with what we got as when details about the race started to surface, I figured weā€™d be getting a race akin to Alleria, and I, like others, was disappointed with the end result, and this entire time, Iā€™ve always offered up the fact that fair skin tones resembling the Void Elves racial leader would be enough for a personal compromise, and it is.

I am also going to go ahead and state that I still believe people are valid in asking for High Elves as an Allied Race and that I still support them as it is their right to do so, just as I oppose the toxicity they still face regularly.

I also consider the fair skin tones as an olive branch towards the High Elf community and I hope they recognize it as such as well, taking solace in it for the time being, and that one day the beautiful art and concepts that have been offered up may one day come to fruition. Until then, I also urge them to pick and choose their battles accordingly. Nonetheless, I will always be their friend and ally.

Now all this being said, I will not be arguing back and forth with toxic folk, I only offer up my feelings on the matter and demonstrate that all High Elf supporters cannot be lumped together and that at the end of the day, we all have differing thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Lastly, as for the actual topic at hand goes, Entropic Embrace goes, I will reiterate that itā€™s a fairly reasonable request, and that instead of worrying about what someone else wants, focus on how YOU can benefit, as there are so many other things that can be created to expand the horizon, rather than try to destroy someone else;s possibilities while sabotaging yourself in the process and missing out on ways you could benefit as well, so letā€™s get this thread back on track, shall we?

These look amazing, the violet one would be what Iā€™d imagine the glyph to look like, as it would lend to the fact that Void Elves are at their core Magi of sorts and it wouldnā€™t take away from their racial identity at all.

The gold one would actually be a great animation to tie into Arcane Torrent for Blood Elves, as I would not only have Arcane Torrent have a new animation, but I would also rework the racial as if we canā€™t have our interrupt, I would propose that we have it buff our primary stat for X amount of time. Also on a visual level, have the animation last the full duration to represent drawing upon the Sunwell.


Oh no Sara, no. The unhappy helfers are making the biggest fuss of them all. Itā€™s never enough, and thereā€™s so many different versions of the request I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a way to make them all happy with one thing.

Just have the common courtesy to let other people do what your group has done for so many years, tell blizzard how they feel and what they want. The worries about possible down sides for others are not exactly extraordinary. Theyā€™re worries about artist time that could have gone to one aesthetic going to a new one, or repeats of bad story beats that we have a real reason to expect from this writing team.


That doesnā€™t really work unless there are established rules that magic is in everything. Elf warriors function off rage, but rage is not a magical force. Rogue energy is similar in that regard, being a physical resource (though stealth itself might count as magic, but that would need to be establishedā€¦despite the problems that would cause).

You could change the nature of abilities to accommodate what youā€™re saying, but itā€™s way too late for that because this sort of thing is early world-building, not something you introduce 15 years later (looking at you, ā€œthe light can be evilā€ subplot).

I canā€™t emphasize enough how much I agree with every single word you typed there. Itā€™s like you read my mind and expressed it so clearly and well explained.

Thank you :hugs:


Honestly, I just wish the toxicity between all would end. (And when I say all, I mean indeviduals from both Pro and Anti communities)

You need to stop and wake up to yourself Tarrok. Donā€™t pretend that one group is innocent while the other group is evil. Yes, Proā€™s do make a fuss out of things. But Antiā€™s make a bigger fuss over everything, because instead of a short reason to there own opinion on why they disagree with the idea, they continue on, and on. Like a fish that keeps biting the bait.

Her point is pretty much straight on. And yeah, I agree with every single word.


So why so many times does this whole ā€œDonā€™t oppose it find the bright side of it/it wonā€™t effect youā€ only seem to work in favor of what ever the high elf request is? Why not suggest ways in which high elves can incorporate EE and other void elf themes into their game and how that might provide them with some new interesting ideas?

Gee, now thereā€™s something Iā€™ve never said to helfers for good reason.

You mean a short reason like the ones Iā€™ve given that just get dismissed out of hand because you donā€™t care that itā€™s a problem, those short reasons?


The unending whining of The Alliance community is why iā€™m rerolling Horde soon to be honest.

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Whining is pretty well rounded on the forums.