Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

And entropic embrace. Don’t forget entropic embrace.

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Uh, pal, these forums are made to share your opinions, your desires and your suggestions. We are no one to tell anyone to shut up, even if we disagree with their views. I even think that’s flaggable.

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What do you think “EE” mean?

See, you’re being dishonest here. You know we aren’t asking to force Void Elf players to remove their Void options.

You can assume what ever you want but your opinion and assumptions are wrong.

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There’s nothing dishonest about viewing the greedy tantruming high elf community who cannot be thankful of everything they’ve already gotten as greedy, tantrumy, and demanding over ninethousand miles when given an inch.


We did open a gratitude thread, which was flag bombed and called “spam”. :roll_eyes:

And I said you’re dishonest because you suggest we are wanting to force Void Elf players to get rid of their void options.

Your opinion on the community is quite irrelevant here, you’re entitled to have your own opinion.


Yet, you are the one throwing a tantrum!


I’m just acting like a helf.

Now where is the manager?


I am the manager!


I can see this just not happening.

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Please get your helf employees in line and make them stop demanding Quel’thalas, Paladins, and removal of EE. They’ve gotten ridiculous.

I’m a paying wow customer and I’m entitled to everything I want.


You are “entitled” to ask for anything you want!

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No I’m entitled to get my way every time.

It’s the helf way.

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I can’t ask people to do stuff when you are making stuff up.


This entire thread is about removing EE. There are several threads demanding Paladins and Quel’thalas. This is not made up.


Who cares? Ask for things you want.


Exactly. “Yours” won’t. But what you chose to do doesn’t mean others have to follow.

Several individuals =/= An entire community of individuals

  1. People have every right to request for anything.
  2. Nobody is asking to remove anything.

Everyone is equaled to the same treatment and fairness. And what people request for, isn’t going to hurt you.


Could you just drop this lie? It may not hurt anyone, but it still may. This is not an impossibility, there are numerous ways your request has the potential to hurt other people’s gameplay and story. And so with the real possibility of your request harming other’s enjoyment of the game, they’re going to let Blizzard know how they feel.

You know, how the people who requested high elves have been doing for years.

It won’t hurt anyone.


Prove it.

Prove that no void themed customizations will be lost in favor of placating the request for high elves.

Prove that the story won’t shift away from the void.

Prove that this won’t turn into another case where the horde gets villain batted to make the alliance look better.

Prove that blizzard won’t leave blood elves as the inferior version of a thalassian elf.

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