Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

My Belves would never call themselves anything but Sin’dorei, nor would my Ren’dorei claim to be either. As I said in a previous response, Blood Elves are merely getting their natural eye colors back and the Void Elves are getting options to have normal skin. Neither are becoming High Elves or are High Elves. So no matter what you call yourself if you are a Void Elf using a Belf skin or the new eye options, your still a Void Elf and the entropic embrace is a part of it and should not be toggled off or removed as it is part of the actual race you rolled that character as. The insistance of some here to remove what makes a Velf different from either Helf or Belf is annoying to me as someone who rolled a Velf to play a Velf. They are trying to remove everything that makes that race unique from the others.


You are welcome to your opinion. I don’t mind if it becomes more customizable.


No, they are not.


Yes, they are.


Oh, so there won’t be Void skin tones anymore for Void Elves and EE will have no visual effect for every Void Elf player in Shadowlands?

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The option is deal with it B)

Imagine trying to erase everything that made a race unique enough to be an allied race to make it a literal copy paste of a Horde race.
The HElf community will never be satisfied, if they got legit HElves as an option they would proceed to demand the Horde HElves be deleted.


Uhh, we really couldn’t care less about Blood Elves.

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If you didn’t you wouldn’t have cried to have them on the Alliance for so long.


We wanted High Elves, not Blood Elves.


Same thing, different name.


So long as you get a copy paste of everything Blood Elves have including blonde hair, paladins, and the entire Quel’thalas zone so you can have your bland perfect pure blonde haired blue eyed uwu soft elf fantasy.


High Elves were exiled from Silvermoon, were never or very rarely affected by Fel radiation (which is why they had blue eyes), didn’t rename their faction of the race and/or never left the Alliance.

Those aren’t Blood Elves, just like North Koreans and South Koreans aren’t the same despite being the same race and cultural society originally.


We actually wanted a different model for High Elves. If anything, you should aim your anger at Blizzard for giving us a carbon copy of Blood Elves.

Ps: and no, we don’t want Quel’Thalas, that’s Horde territory.


Still waiting an answer on this.


Several helf players have demanded Quel’thalas.

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We all know that you people want to get rid of void Elves in favor of your bland shallow perfect pure blonde hair blue eye uwu pale soft elf fantasy.


And several Forsaken players have demanded there shouldn’t be boneless options, despite of how popular they are.

Several =/= the whole community.

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I have yet to see the rest of the helf community tell those people to be happy with what they got instead of being ridiculous. Clearly they’re silently condoned.


So you’re saying we’re asking to remove Void skin tones and EE’s visual effect and force all Void Elf players to appear like a normal Thalassian elf?

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