Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects


But River Song is my spirit animal!

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Never been into Dr. Who. I get it. It just probably not the best idea for this medium of conversation.

Especially since she really wasn’t saying anything about you not being able to rp high elves. If you follow the conversation back up, it was in terms of official player races. And Blizzard hasn’t said anything about high elves on an official level at this time.


Oh I know, but there’s a number of people who seem to take umbrage at our happiness and are hell bent on trying to douse it. I have no qualms about reinforcing the fact that this happiness isn’t so easily diminished.


Yea, but if you’re not directing that at people who are actually doing it, then you just kind of come off as if you have a bit of a martyr complex and that’s not necessarily a win either.


You might be right. I’ll try to reign it in a bit.

I like you Nic. Your hearts in the right place and your name is at the top of the list for examples of why I try not to view the helf fan base in a negative light. I just wanted to give my thoughts. My apologies for stepping to far.

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I try not to be too much of a heel, but I must admit I do sometimes fall short of that. As I’m sure you know this is a topic close to many’s hearts on both sides of the issue.

Eh, we’re all human. I have, and still occasionally do, lean hard into the opinion that they should just kill all the remaining high elves and just end the debate once and for all because of how unreasonable and silly people have gotten.

Which is pretty unreasonable and silly in itself.

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I’d be careful how you word things.

the high elves of wow have embraced the shadows regardless of skin tone
it is time to accept and embrace


WoW is not a cafeteria… you get the side dishes that come with your entree, no substitutes.

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I’d be careful of sounding as if you are threatening me.


On the subject of Entropic Embrace customization, I wouldn’t mind a set of glyphs that make it look something like these:


Hot diggity dayum, that looks awesome.

If you’re taking that as a threat, then gosh, hate to see how you would really react to an actual threat.


I thought the different array of colors would allow it to appeal to a wide variety of character concepts.


I think it looks awesome.

I always love to see more character concepts.


You did phrase it like a veiled threat. What should she be careful of?

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The tone of your words sounded as if you were trying to warn me of some threat. I was smiling thinking something in my words must’ve rung true.


Don’t worry, I have told many Blood Elves the same thing they aren’t High Elves because when you mouse over the name plate it won’t say High Elf, but it will say Blood Elf no matter what your TRP or Head Canon might say.


Everyone should be careful when throwing :poop: around.

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