Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

I don’t really understand why this deserves a thread. We got void elves that look like Alleria is that not enough?


TBH I remove corruption if I tick over because I hate the effect same way I have trouble playing shadow priests or at times druids because of the force customization (Why do I have to be an owlkin to be more powerful). Not complaining about the new helf customization look I will be making a few toons helf looking characters but any forced racial effects is a terrible design choice. People are right though they should have just made Helf to begin with and this would not be a thing anymore -_- Maybe the thematic racial change someone suggested could work.


They could add a cosmetic spell that lets you use the form whenever you want with no buff or anything. The proc of course will still happen like it does right now but if you have the form on you won’t notice it.

Spamming a topic is a tactic that, intentionally or not, serves to sift out dissenting opinions. People post the same idea over and over and realistically people who dissent are eventually going to get bored with responding, even though their actual opinion has not changed. Eventually the spammers are left with threads that have very few dissenting opinions and they invariably point to these distilled collections as evidence of their unchallenged support.

This can be done with any topic and is actually harmful to the process of seeing all sides of an idea. This is why spamming is frowned upon (and against ToS for many forums).

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Just go ahead and flag it. I’m pretty sure I’ll love seeing more green notifications popping up saying my post is hidden then my post being restored.


Well, this is a fairly reasonable request, maybe make an option to have it more lighter/translucent to have it resemble a more Arcane appearance?

I would say either as a new Blood Elf racial as we could use one, or at the very least, attach a Holy visual to Arcane Torrent, as it is supposed draw off the Sunwell(Holy/Arcane) now as opposed to siphoned mana via mana tap from way back in the day.


I didn’t flag it, I very rarely flag anything. Your persecution fetish will have to be fulfilled by someone else.

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You are wrong!

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I don’t think you visit the forums much then as most of it is spam.

No not really. They aren’t High Elves, they are Void Elves with Belf skins. When you mouse over the name plate won’t say High Elf, it will say Void Elf. So no matter what your TRP might say (if a role player), your still a Velf with a Belf skin and EE is part of it.


When you mouse over a Blood Elf the name plate will say Blood Elf.

Also as Ion Hazsikostas said here:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

So you take comfort in the fact that no one’s name plate will say High Elf while we enjoy our High Elf parade! :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:


Because none of them are High Elves is why they won’t say that. Again, they are either Belves with Blue eyes or Void Elves no matter what your RP or TRP call them. So deal with it, EE is a part of it unless you choose to roll Horde and be a blue eyed Belf.


The game director seems to disagree:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

High Elf parade inc! :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:

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High Elves this, High Elves that. Can’t we all just be Forsaken? :slight_smile:


Funny how you guys :poop: all over anything Ion said til it fit the Helfers mental gymnastics. Kinda how Velves were never going to work and it wasnt all about skin/eye color. Careful your true colors are showing lately.


I’m not against anyone rping whatever race we want, but that is an appeasement statement.

It doesn’t mean anything. That’s why he uses words like “pretty much”. It’s a true statement, but its not a clear one. High elves/void elves/blood elves are pretty much the same thing…physiologically.

That’s a very vague statement that leaves out every other aspect of the three groups.

Push for high elves if that’s what you really want, but please realize when your’e being pandered and played to. Ion said that so you’d be happy with the customization and stop asking for high elf as a playable race.

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By all means feel free to lump me in with “you guys” and to continue trying focusing on skin and eye color as if that somehow invalidates the request for playable High Elves. It’s ok sweetie! You’re a winner! We won’t have Paladins! So take comfort in that!

We’ll be over here enjoying the High Elf Parade! :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:

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Just…yikes all around.

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With some people you just gotta really drive home the point that no matter how negative they try to get, or how much they try to rain on our parade, many of us are quite pleased with this compromise and no comments about “blonde hair”, “paladins”, or “not really a High Elf” are going to stop us from being happy and celebrating the incoming options.


Frankly, both sides are just showing the worst sides of themselves lately. Also calling some one “sweetie” is hecka gross.