Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

It’s easy enough to headcanon the proc as something else, so I could really take this one either way. I think they want to avoid Worgen asking for a toggle, too?

If they allow you to toggle it, great. If they don’t, well, you’ll have to use your imagination.

What’s the harm in changing the visual or toggling it off? That harms no one.



I agree that it doesn’t and it would be nice, but we are not even confirmed on the origin of these new Void Elves, so it’s also an issue about lore.

If you are still a Void Elf, but just a new one and with HE origin, you use void powers. We can headcanon our respective characters don’t, so you can HC a proc away.

But if the lore of this group is that we are all Void Elves, just of different origins, we still should Void powers.

Like I really want that the new High Elf skin tones would be “Oh this is like Wildhammer Dwarves and this is meant as you being able to be a High Elf that doesn’t use void” but it doesn’t come across as that to me.

Of course I’d appreciate a “glyph” overhaul of the VE racials to be non voidy, but nothing of what we have seen leads me to believe we aren’t just Void Elves, I really believe that at most we are going to get a canonical option to come from a HE background.


(Commentary): I don’t think anyone wants to see Void Elves, “phased out,” let alone by High Elves. Most of us are comfortable with the idea of these options letting people play a second race related to the first. It works best with Entropic Embrace having a toggle to turn off the visual effect. There are some Void Elf players who even find Entropic Embrace’s visual effect to be obnoxious and jarring who would welcome just an option. In my opinion it should be retooled to be something a Void Elf can use all the time rather than a random proc, though the DPS/Healing increase would have to be drastically dropped for that, but it’d be a nice thing for Void Elves, I think.


I’d wager that as a toggle you can have on all the time (if desired), its benefits would be reduced to 1% just like most other passive throughput racials. That’s about what the 5% buff from the proc averages out to over time.


The point is that Void Elves would still be Void Elves, their racials remain void centered. I don’t personally like it because it really just harps on how limited their lore and culture actually is.

But it’s mostly a gameplay concern, hardly feels like a priority considering we still don’t know if HE lore will actually be addressed through this change.

So at best is premature to focus on that. Cause we don’t know if these new customization options are going to even be explained within the game.

Like of course I’d like the option for the tooltip to say High Elf and have HE flavored racials, but we literally don’t know if this is like the Wildhammer that we get to play as another group through customization, or if this is High Elves joining the Void Elves, or just a loreless customization (worst case)

Well there are signs that Entropic Embrace may be customizable to some degree. If they add the ability to set your racial tag as High Elf too… that’s basically it… High Elf. And those who want to lean into the void side of things can leave their entropic embrace and racial tag alone.


And I hope that is correct, but we don’t know, honestly we don’t know what’s the deal really yet.

Like IDK, but so far to me these customization options are welcomed, will allow us at least one step closer to enjoy a personal experience, but I am still not sure if it’s addressing the HE’s as a lore issue.

And until we know, I feel that asking “HE flavored racials” is kinda putting the cart before the horse.

I firmly believe that with this is actually the closest we are getting to playable High Elves, period, so we have to see what it means -if it does mean anything- lorewise.

Hopefully the live Shadowlands update on the 9th will offer us more information.


Indeed, and while it would be nice, I’m not holding my breath about it unless Ion actually cares about this (?) and addresses the new customization as part of the HE issue.

I’m not hopeful per se, but would be a good opportunity.


Same… as easy as it might be to get swept up by the unexpected love being shown towards us, I’m still cautious about getting my hopes up


Being on the Alliance in the time of this dev team, that’s almost a given.


I’m trying not to get my hopes up either. But it appears things are moving in the right direction. At least somewhat.


Only time will tell. But I’ll cross some fingers and toes.
My mage here will remain a void elf albeit with a more human skin tone, but my holy priest? Full on High Elf fantasy as far as Blizz will let me take it.


IMO at best, we are getting High Elves joining the Void Elves, whether that’s the Silver Covenant as a whole or just individual HE’s, who knows.

But like, best BEST scenario would be that we get special flavor for racials and the ability to change our tooltip to High Elf, but that seems unlikely even if I really want it to happen.

And that’s the thing, what we want and what is more likely are two very different options. VE’s getting HE skintones always seemed the most likely option for me, but was never my preferred option, yet here we are.


Alleria and Vereesa combining their respective factions does seem likely at this point.


It’s what makes more sense in terms of population and forces.


If only any of devs were on the Alliance

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If Blizzard does do this for Void Elves, then for goodness sake at this point we may as well make Void Elves and Blood Elves the same race with Paladin being the difference. Blood Elves have it, Void Elves do not. Then we can have Void Elves use a Shadowy Cooldown, while having Blood Elves use a Holy Cooldown.

Retarded I know, but it is what it is.

“Entropic Embrace” - Infuses Elf with Shadow.
“Anveena’s Grace” Infuses Elf with Light.

And give both Blood and Void Elves the Casting Racial, Transmog Discount, and the Teleport (albeit with Light / Shadow dynamics). Right now by comparison with all of these changes Blood Elves are lagging way behind the Void Elves in terms of design. I mean after all, who the hell cares about Arcane Torrent now? Jewelcrafting bonuses?

This was great in BC. Not so much today by comparison. Professions aren’t essential.


They could do something similar to the Warlock Greenfire NPC, talk to NPC, revert to Void Effect or change to pre-Void effect.