Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

I can’t imagine putting in all these art assets for mechagnomes and lightforged just to have both races not even sniff 10% of blood elf pop, combined.

Yes. this works for me. I dont give a damn about the horde side anyway.

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Very pragmatic!

You and that undead hunter are legitimately trolling at this point with your answers. You guys understand what a compromise means? Let me explain.

Here is what no compromise looks like. Announcement: Alliance High Elves! New Allied race starting location, race specific mount, heritage armor, unique racial abilities, etc…

This is what this was. “Hey Alliance no new AR for you but its k cause your blueberries here can look like high elves”. Even if we get the OPTION to toggle off EE (BY OUR OWN VOLITION. I swear everyone in here apparently has to constantly remind you of this). And hell let me even sprinkle in the other things that are high on the list like tattoos hairstyles/colors and paladins. IT IS STILL A COMPROMISE.

If you still cannot fathom why it would still be considered a compromise please revert back to paragraph 2.

Well this is interesting…


Seems Entropic Embrace customization might actually be a thing! We’ll need to wait and see if this ends up actually being the case though.


You already got a compromise. You might not be happy with it, but it is a compromise.


Ok! And with this compromise I hope you are ready for this forum war to continue then. Like i said in my first post recently I will say it again. A good compromise leaves both sides unhappy. If you really are that ardent void elf fan and not an anti troll (Im pressing “X” to doubt the actual loyalty you have to velves), then you are probably furious you got this skin color change to begin with, while we at the high elf community will continue to fight until this compromise is an actual legitimate one. We are not strangers to arguing relentless for our cause. We have been doing it for a very long time. Even if we have to claw inch by inch we will fight for what is right and what is fair.

I’m not furious if these new skins mean the Void Elves are gaining new recruits from Blood and High Elves. If so, that is an important lore development for the Ren’dorei. You being able to RP as a High Elf is just an added bonus.

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OMG. You are actually trolling me (worst part is im still getting baited to respond.) WHY DO YOU THINK WE MADE THIS FORUM IN THE FIRST PLACE? We CANT roleplay as high elves when we turn purple and evil looking completely out of control. Why do you think we wanted an OPTION to toggle the effect off.


When we are saying toggle-able option to turn off the effect. We are not saying you dont get EE to proc. It will still proc no matter what. It is just for people who DIDNT wanna see the purple effect they can turn that off while those who want to keep the purply glow of blueberry evil, well they can keep it on.

I’m not trolling. People have been RPing as High Elves since Vanilla. They used to do so with Humans and Night Elves. Now they can use Void Elves with normal looking skin and hair. You also aren’t going to be turning purple while RPing out of combat in town. This is such a non issue for RP, which is why I’m convinced it’s just an attempt to turn Void Elves into High Elves.


I feel like you two didn’t see my post above >_>

I did. I put a like. I just dont like people who argue in bad faith.

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Nice! Sara, you’ve been heard!


May not want to hype it up too much, Exacitor might blow a gasket.

Yo. Where is my playable high elf. I am ready to go raid Thunder bluff to arrest Baine for you.

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What is a Void Elf without Void corruption?

A high elf.

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Good news! I just got off the horn with J-easy, mah man. I told him to put Ion’s feet to the coals. He said he was already on it!

He actually told me, and I probably shouldn’t say anything, but Imma let you in anyway… That Helf ARs are slated to drop with the Dance Studio update.

So keep that under your hat, but keep an eye out.


This is basic lore they are trying to ignore.

Shamans? Hold on now.

Blizzard is okay with you roleplaying as something other than the written-out experience. That’s why they’re saying you should treat your Dwarf as a Wildhammer if you want to by using WIldhammer tattoos and hairstyles, even though your character is starting out in Dun Morogh where the Bronzebeard clan lives.

Blizzard is okay with letting players treat their Void Elves as uncorrupted High Elves following that same logic. What is the harm in letting them turn off Entropic Embrace’s visuals if it assists them in reinforcing their vision of their character?


Come on people, I’m sorry but you can just deal with a combat proc.

Specially since these are still Void Elves lorewise; like at best what we are getting is “High Elves that joined the Void Elves”, the most we can actually expect is High Elves doing so in large numbers so the HE’s end up phasing out.

Like I’m not telling y’all to be grateful with the compromise, but I really advise to be realistic.