Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Which is why I say they are trying to turn VE into HE. He even flat out says he wants all HE options, but then calls it a compromise because there is no racial mounts (which there are, they are human and BE mounts) or 5 min starting zone.

(Commentary): Negative. A simple optional toggle seems to be the line, so a player can fully immerse themselves as a High Elf, rather than a Void Elf.


Alliance can even get a non voided Hawkstrider, the white one from Magister’s Terrace. Starting zone is irrelevant with the leveling revamp in Shadowlands.

Even if they get a toggle, I think adding the Paladin class would be a step too far. I don’t think there’s been any High Elf representation in the Silver Hand for years. There were High Elf paladins before, but many of them are Blood Elves now.

Agreed. Even Arator is a half elf, so he doesn’t really count. Most High Elves we see are either rangers or magisters, so Void Elves already have those classes covered.

Assuming Blizzard is even willing to address requests about Entropic Embrace, I think something as simple as a glyph would suffice.

Glyph of Arcane Embrace - Alters the appearance of your Entropic Embrace effect, causing it to have a more arcane appearance.

Who knows? Such an option could spark a variety of racial based glyphs for everyone, not just Void Elves!

For example: Glyph of An’she’s Power - Empowers your War Stomp with the grace of An’she, causing it to appear infused with light.


Why are you looking at your character model during combat? Seriously this is something y’all can’t just explain away. Entropic Embrace ONLY happens during combat. You should be paying attention to the combat happening.

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(Query): Why not? Should our characters just stand stock still and make no movements or motions because we should be too busy looking at something else in combat? I guess all races should use the same movements and stances because no one looks at their characters in combat?

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Skin tones do not equal combat animations. Stop making silly false equivalences.

(Commentary): Apologies, I thought we were talking about Entropic Embrace again. That said, the point still stands; how your character looks in all content is important to players.


(Commentary): They’re still listed as a race in the Silver Hand, and during Legion there was NPCs who were High Elf Paladins as well. Generic ones I mean.


Entropic Embrace changes your skin tone. It is a buff that lasts 12 seconds. Not permanent. Not out of combat.

(Commentary): So we WERE talking about Entropic Embrace. It doesn’t just affect skin tone but has an overlay effect over armor as well. The point still stands, people do look at their characters in combat.


All of this is avoided if Blizzard had listened to their playerbase and just given high elves. Instead they chose void elves, lightforged, and mechagnomes.

Speaking of which, are there any resources for the amount of max characters that are the races I listed? I don’t see a light of lightforged and mechagnomes

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I give up with y’all. At this point you aren’t going to be happy unless Blizzard gives you exactly what you want. The whole “give an inch, they take a mile” thing in full effect here.

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(Query): You mean High Elves as an Allied Race complete with Paladins, Druids, and Shamans, their own racials, mount, tabard, zone, etc?


If you mean something like the now defunct Realmpop site, the closest thing to that now is:


No I mean Blizzard compromising by giving Void Elves something they said they never would and y’all still demanding more.


(Query): Source?

(Commentary): The last that was ever heard about Void Elves getting High Elf customization was that it was possible.


Except that’s not what anyone is asking. People are asking for the CHOICE to toggle it or to change the visual effect of it.

AKA something the individual has the choice to do.

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