Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

(Commentary): Yet. Soon, they will be. Similar to how Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls aren’t playable, yet, but soon will be.


Which is irrelevant. They want Z to be X, that you are arguing that them wanting Z to be Z AND X doesn’t make that a compromise…

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Well said.


(Reiteration): They want all the options on X to immerse themselves as Z.

(Clarification): It is a compromise. They wanted Z, but Blizzard decided to give them Z through X. Now they just want all the options to enjoy being Z on X.


Obviously Blizzard is concerned about faction balance and wants to bring more people back to Alliance. Whether or not it works remains to be seen.

(Commentary): They’ve stated population numbers aren’t a concern, but end-game participation is. The additions to Void Elves aren’t to lure Horde players to the Alliance.

Wow so now its not talking about High Elves but more Void Elf customization options… :grimacing:

Blizz Team your just like Keal’Thas Sunstrider in story history in WoW… you never get a WIN…there is always something. Its never enough…huh? :sweat_smile:

Fixed that for you.

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Asking for every option is a compromise now?


(Commentary): Not quite. I meant what I had typed. Blizzard isn’t concerned with the numbers of either side, just the participation in end-game content. Luring Horde players to the Alliance through cosmetics won’t do it, otherwise there’d be a lot more Mechagnomes running around.

(Commentary): Compared to asking for an outright Allied Race? Yes.


Exacitor, I just want to say that all of your posts are amazing. I’m glad to see you on these forums.

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Nope. Compromise means you DIDN’T get everything you wanted.


(Observation): Such as not getting an Allied Race, which means not getting a racial themed home zone, heritage armor, paladins, tabard, mount… Seems like the High Elves are compromising tremendously. Compared to everything they’re losing in this compromise, customization options and an optional toggle for Entropic Embrace is insignificant.

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Which was why I added the modifier of “all.” Maybe I should have corrected it more?

Something like that?

(Commentary): I just have my doubts that was the intent.

You got the appearance. You got the shared lore, as your Void Elf could have been an Alliance aligned High Elf before transforming. You got every reasonable class option with the exception of paladins, which were never a major High Elf theme anyway. When is enough, enough?

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(Commentary): When the options are all there. Hair, Skin, Eyes, and an optional toggle for Entropic Embrace.


Also they are asking for paladins to be added as well.

Which makes zero lore sense. A Void Elf paladin would literally explode.


You are getting 3 of those 4 things. Surely that is compromise enough.