Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Exactly. Blood and Void Elves are still the only playable races in game, and they should keep their respective racial fantasies.

They could be the High Elf Wayfarers. They could also be the Silvermoon Scholars. The normal skinned Void Elves probably come from both groups. So they are as much Blood Elf as they are High Elf.

Agreed. RP your character however you wish, but faction identity regarding playable races should always take priority over races that aren’t playable.


There have been a couple.

Yes by removing everything about VE that makes them VE and effectively just being HE.


So they didn’t flat out say “HEY ALLIANCE! HERE ARE YOUR HIGH ELVES!” and only inferred to it. I would really like to understand your point in trying to hammer that point in. Do you think they made these changes to the void elves for die hard void elf fans? OF COURSE NOT. No die hard void elf player was like “man i really wanna just look like a high elf”. This was INTENTIONALLY made for the high elf community. Asking for QoL improvements to it doesn’t hurt you as a blood elf, it doesn’t delete the existence of void elves. All it does it makes the high elf community (mind you a community who has had to fight tooth and nail for over a decade just to get this inch of a compromise) happy.


(Correction): By giving them all the options to be a High Elf. This is an important distinction. No one is trying to remove Void Elves. Nothing is being asked to be removed.


Well no one is ever gunna be completely happy. This thread and the ones like it are proof of that. It’s unfortunate, but what can we do?

(Commentary): True. I would say, however, that making the most people possible happy is the best we can do. This works best through options. Giving High Elf players all the options to immerse themselves as High Elves doesn’t take anything away from anyone else.


Distinction with out a difference. Read my original post They want Z to be X. It doesn’t matter if X can also be Y and Z, they are asking for EVERYTHING. That is not a compromise.


(Correction): They want Z to have all the options so they can immerse themselves as X.

Eaxctly this:

Despite people here claiming the contrary, some Blood Elf players ARE unhappy.

I have told you that some of us believe it does. It takes away some of the uniquness of Blood Elves. You do not need to agree with me, but you cannot tell me that it does not take something away. It does.


Yeah. That’s why I am all in favor of more options. Unfortunately I just don’t see these options manifesting.

(Commentary): And I have pointed out it doesn’t. Blood Elves aren’t losing anything. No classes or skin colors or heritage armors, etc…

(Commentary): We’ll see. After all, there are some Void Elf players who like being Void Elves who aren’t crazy about Entropic Embrace’s visual effect either.


except it is because we don’t get a racial mount, our own starting zone or heritage armor. Even if by some hope we get all the QoL stuff we wanted this is still a compromise.

if you wanted to make the claim that we got everything we wanted with no compromise, ill chat with you again when we have a fully fleshed out High elf Allied race.


Maybe Blizz could add a glyph or something?

(Speculative): Seems logical. Racial Glyphs would be pretty neat. That said I imagined it’d be like the Mage Legion Hall. There’s an NPC in there that’ll let you turn off the visual effect of Felo’melorn, which is the fire balls that hover around you.


We are now simply in a cycle:

You state that it takes nothing from Blood Elves.
I state that it takes away “uniqueness” from Blood Elves.

I will continue to disagree with you, but this argument has come to a standstill.


(Agreement): Indeed, I don’t think we’re going to see it any other way. It’s like people suggesting that Mechagnomes should have the option to have mechanized arms and legs, or normal ones. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I love my arms and legs (then again I wear robes so I don’t have to look at the diaper), but I don’t think letting people choose does anything to dilute my personal enjoyment of this race. It’s not as if Izira Gearsworn is suddenly going to have fleshy arms and legs, or any of the Mechagnome NPCs we’ve seen. So long as I get to keep my glorious mechanized arms and legs, I’m happy. Also my eyes and head plate. Those bring the whole look together beautifully.


you literally want to have 2 races in one, and you are asking people why this obnoxious idea isn’t a good thing

wildhammers are being a thing under the dwarf race because they are the same race, they will not give then new racials to reflect that, neither need their names changed, same with sand trolls and others

And to noticed, none of the trolls or dwarves fans are asking that

its nonsense trying to get the rest of the blood elves characteristics and also new racials, even as a recolor, to become another race while diluting void and blood elf uniqueness

a compromise don’t mean you have to get literally everything and become virtually 2 races in one, think you are in the right is another whole lv of pedantry.

You already can imerse all you want with with a high elf, cause HE is just skin


Racial glyphs are a neat idea. Someone should put in a request for them. I would like to throw my hat in for San’layn and/or Darkranger.

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Just curious here. What are the objective, tangible effects of Blood Elves losing its “uniqueness” regarding skin tones? Does it hinder your gameplay objectively anyhow or is it only a personal feeling?


(Commentary): Correct. That’s a bit of a theme with Shadowlands customization.

(Commentary): And up until a few weeks ago, players were vehemently stating that Void Elves are High Elves, so they also are the same race.

(Observation): There isn’t a need to. Neither of those races have racials that detract from the immersion of being a Wildhammer Dwarf or a Sand Troll.

(Statement): High Elf fans aren’t getting everything they’ve wanted. In fact, settling for customizations on just Void Elves is a monumental level of concessions on their part.

(Commentary): With this compromise, High Elves miss out on the following:

  • Paladins
  • Heritage Armor
  • Racial Mount
  • Racial Tabard
  • Racial Zone

(Observation): Overall, they’re giving up a lot. I think asking for the options to customize their Void Elf as a High Elf as completely as possible, is hardly unfair, when they give up so much in the process.

(Speculative): They’d certainly be fun to think of. Maybe a Light and Fel glyph for Arcane Torrent for Blood Elves? Or if Tauren get Taunka customization, their War Stomp could have an icy looking effect.