Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Compromise goes both ways. Helfers get the skin and hair, but they still have to deal with EE because these are still Void Elves.


I surprised we haven’t seen them also asking for Void Elves to be renamed High elves.


They do in the other thread.


Void elves where the first compromise. What did that lead to? Years of forum wars to get this 2nd compromise. What do you think this will lead to if the basic needs of high elf players isn’t met yet again? Have you ever heard the saying “a good compromise leaves both sides unhappy?” because that is literally exactly what has happened.

We pros are not happy because EE, no paladins, no tattoos, hair color/styles. Anti’s unhappy because velves are being taken over by high elves.

Compromises just piss off both sides. Honest opinion blizzard should have just given Alliance High elves, but that isn’t what happened so asking for optional QoL changes is not unreasonable. Remember folks OPTIONAL.


What would you tell those VE fans who genuinely don’t like how EE looks like?


(Commentary): But, if you want to enjoy the fantasy of a High Elf, that racial effect is not part of that fantasy. Ergo, the option to toggle it off helps promote that fantasy for those who want it, while leaving Void Elves free to enjoy the glow of the Void and immerse themselves in that fantasy.

(Observation): The only reason to not want an optional toggle is to force other people to play how you want.


That’s kinda interesting to consider. What metric are we using to measure the health of the helf/velf community?

If we’re just talking numbers its gunna go up.

If we’re talking people actually playing as a void elf, I don’t see these options helping them.


Exactly, this is what I truly don’t get. These players whining about options would be completely unaffected by it. In what way would it affect them the fact that other Void Elf players decided not to display the EE effect?

Why does their happiness and satisfaction depend on others’ choices? It doesn’t make sense at all.


(Observation): Nor do these options hurt them. That’s kind of what’s nice about options. You have no obligation to select these options if you want to play a Void Elf.


What other choice do we have? this is the route they chose. Another bloody compromise. This QoL change and others are the only way the high elf community can get close to their desires without being a full race with its own heritage armor, mount etc.

When this is all said and done I am actually curious what the real Velf #s will look like. For example I had made afew toons Velf literally only because they were the closest thing i had to my high elf. Mind you for afew classes i’ve grown fond of them. So when this change does come live I think my warlock and rogue may retain their skin tones, but my hunter and priest are 100% rolling Helf.


Here is the thing: what hurts an individual is inherently subjective.

You cannot tell others what does or does not hurts others.

Many forum posters have stated how a dilution of the void nature of Void Elves does in fact hurt the class fantasy of Blood Elves and Void Elves. Frankly, people seem to ignore the fact that Blizzard made no refrence to High Elves. Blizzard simply stated that Void Elves would be recieving Blood Elf skin tones.

There is no statement of High Elf skin tones. There is no statement that new characters were the High Elf wayfairers found in the rift. These are all infrences. There is no statement that void elves are any different except the fact they have new skin tones.

I subjectively can s ay that my faction identity is hurt by any further dilution of Void Elf identity. You can say that your desire to RP as a High elf is hurt by lack of further implementation of void-alternatives. However, both parties have a right to express their view. Attempting to tell people what they cannot do is wrong.


I dunno. If it’s detracting from the pool of people actually playing as void elves is that not harmful?

I’m all for more player customization options, this was just a random thought about roleplayers.


(Commentary): I’m not telling people they cannot express their views. I’m simply pointing out their views are illogical. I’ve yet to hear a single good reason to not change Entropic Embrace’s visual effect to be an optional toggle.

(Commentary): Which only holds true if Void Elves are forced into such dilution. They’re not. I don’t hear dwarf players complaining that the inclusion of Wildhammer options dilutes the nature of Bronzebeard Dwarves. I don’t hear troll players complaining that the inclusion of Sand Troll options dilutes the nature of Darkspear Trolls. This only happens when Void Elves are discussed, and it’s not hard to see where the bulk of it comes from.

(Disclaimer): I will note here, however, that I do acknowledge there are fans of Void Elves and they are worried, but again, nothing is being taken away from them with these options.

(Commentary): Except, you don’t lose anything. You can still play Horde, you can still be a Blood Elf on the Horde. The only reason to think you’re losing something, is because you’ve convinced yourself you are. Should we consider blue eyes on Blood Elves to be hurting your faction identity because it’s an Alliance elf trait? I don’t see many people complaining about that. I hardly see anyone celebrating it for that matter. All those people who used to clamor for blue eyes for Blood Elves are more interested in what Void Elves are getting, than what they wanted for Blood Elves. It’s a telling thing about where their priorities lay.

(Commentary): Not at all. Void Elves aren’t being removed.

(Query): Are you suggesting the only way to keep Void Elves, “healthy,” is at the expense of others enjoyment?


Except we are losing something: uniqueness.

You can decry this as “nothing,” but you cannot deny that there are other posters beyond myself who have come to the same conclusion.

Blood Elfs were the playable Thalassian Elves.
This changed when Void ELves were introduced.
Blood Elfs remained the playable human-toned playable Thalassian Elves.
This changed with the sharing of Blood Elf skin tones.
Blood Elfs remain the non-void infused Thalassian Elves.
With the new skin tones, their racial remains as one of the few identifiers.

Now you ask to remove this differentiating factor as well.

There is something to be said to being unique. There is something to be said about that being taken away. Now I have continually said that Void Elf players have the right to petition their wants. However, I am tired of the constant disparaging of players who are against those wants. We can have opinions too.


Nah. I am not saying anything. Just sharing a thought I had.

(Commentary): And through all of this you ignored the existence of the Alliance’s High Elves who have normal skin tones, and are not void infused. I don’t know what to tell you. People have been asking for playable High Elves on the Alliance since before the game launched. It seems to me your time might be better spent asking for more unique options for Blood Elves. The Developers seem to be listening to requests right now.

(Reiteration): Everyone is entitled to their opinions, you just won’t change my mind with faulty logic.

(Commentary): I think this is the rub of our disagreement. I’m not speaking on behalf of anyone other than myself. When I say I haven’t seen a single logical reason to disallow options, I mean that my opinion has not been swayed, because I have not been given a good reason as to my personal standards, therefor, as an individual, I will continue to support the options for High Elf customization on Void Elves, including an optional toggle for Entropic Embrace.

(Commentary): Thanks for sharing. Personally, I do see the point, but at the same time, and while this may come across as cruel, my only thought is, “If everyone playing Void Elves chooses to use the High Elf customization options, is that not proof that the wrong Allied Race was added to begin with?” As a perhaps less cruel thought, let’s imagine for a moment that Blizzard actually added High Elves to the Alliance as their own race. What kind of an effect would that have on Void Elves? I imagine nearly the same effect as giving Void Elves cosmetic options to be High Elves, just with a lot more work involved.


So… you’re saying that there is an effect on these options in the number of people actually playing as void elves? Cool. Glad we agree.


And in response, you have ignored the fact that the Alliance was not given playable High Elves. Yes, High Elves are aligned with the Alliance. No, the sharing of Blood Elf skin tones is not the equivalent of grating playable High Elves. (regardless of RP; you can RP however you want). Any notion of Blizzard giving the Alliance High elves is merely an inference. Please point to where in the dev post blizzard mentions High Elves.

They don’t.

When talking playable Thalassian Elves, there are only Blood Elves and Void Elves.


No, they wanted X, Blizzard offered up Y. They still wanted X, Blizzard offered up Z. They now want to turn Z into X.


(Commentary): Indeed, a net positive effect, as nothing is taken away from those wanting to play as Void Elves in the process. High Elf players get to play as High Elves with a very limiting selection of classes and lack of the assorted goods that make an Allied Race shine, and Void Elf players get to continue to be blue skinned, purple tentacle haired, voided out Void Elves. Everyone wins, except the people who want to force you to be a Void Elf and only a Void Elf and how dare you ever ask for anything else?

(Commentary): And you’re ignoring the fact that these additions are happening when racial umbrellas are being expanded on. Wildhammer Dwarves are being included with Dwarves, Sand Trolls are being included with Trolls, etc… So, one can argue the Alliance is getting it’s playable High Elves.

(Commentary): Curious. I haven’t seen a single serious suggestion about turning Void Elves into High Elves, removing the race, it’s (admittedly tiny) amount of content in the game, etc… all I’ve seen is people asking for options to immerse themselves as High Elves through Void Elves, same as other races will be doing in Shadowlands.