Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Well once upon a time blizz had a stance on identifying profiles of characters at a glance. IE being able to tell immediately that that is an orc warrior vs a hunan paladin, etc… but that kinda flew out the window in MoP when pandas were given to both sides. And transmogs. Now it’s just a free for all, lol

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I would argue that it does not affect gameplay to the same effect that Entropic Embrace visuals do not affect gameplay.

Both changes to Entropic Embrace visuals and Blood Elf uniqueness relate to personal feelings.


But that is the solution Blizzard decided to implement (Trolls, Dwarves…), and that’s what most players want with Undead Elves and Blood Elves.

Again, this is only a problem when it comes to High Elves for some reason.


There have been plenty of good posts, good reasons given. It should occur to any of you stating things like ‘I truly don’t get’ or [quote=“Exacitor-wyrmrest-accord, post:435, topic:542707”]
their views are illogical.
[/quote] that it’s quite possible you’re being willfully blind to the conerns other people have because of your wants and desires.

Have a care…ask for what you want and let us make our views known. You don’t have to make it worse by criticizing us.


I cant like this post enough.

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Ok, thanks for your sincere response, I’m really genuinely curious to understand why though.

So imagine if you see a Void Elf using “High Elf” customization options, including toggling off EE - what do you feel exactly? Anger? Disappointment?


I have the feeling you are not addressing the correct person?

I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to that school looking for trouble.


Not to mention those other races all exist on the same faction, unlike Blood and Void Elves.


(Commentary): I’ve attempted to see the other side of the argument. I do this with every argument I approach. I’ve carefully considered just what it is the Blood Elves are losing, and uniqueness isn’t it. They weren’t unique to begin with. High Elves were always a thing on the Alliance, just not playable. The issue here is one of presumption, that many players presumed these things were theirs and theirs alone and no one else had a right to them.

(Speculative): The closest I could come to when analyzing the other side was the concept of losing an intangible, ineffable quality of aesthetic, that by giving this to the other faction, it is lost. Unfortunately, the other faction already has blond hair, fair skin, etc… there is nothing Blood Elves have that the Alliance doesn’t, let alone the High Elves. In short, nothing is lost here, other than a superficial belief that was never supported by lore or gameplay.

(Commentary): My apologies if any of my comments have come across as criticisms. As I’ve stated, I’ve yet to find a logical point in favor of excluding these options. I do understand the fears of Void Elf players, but when analyzing things, logically, if the majority of Void Elves use High Elf options, then it’s just proof that Void Elves weren’t the right race to begin with.

(Speculative): I’ve phrased this hypothetical before, but I want to bring it up once more. Let’s assume that at the end of Legion, High Elves was the Allied Race being added. Now, with Shadowlands coming, we learn that High Elves are getting options to look like Void Elves, which are a crack elite squad of High Elves Alleria trained and deployed throughout BFA. Do you believe anyone would have an issue with this, that High Elf players would be upset? My personal speculative is that they would’ve been interested!

(Commentary): Therein lies the crux of the issue, I think.


(Commentary): What a coincidence! High Elves and Void Elves also exist on the same faction!


Players will be lost. Good or bad, ymmv.

I would say disappointment. However, I must preface this with the fact that I believe the inclusion of Void Elves and Nightborne were a disappointment, but that ship has already sailed.

In my opinion, Blood Elves were presented in the lore as a unique race of a once great civilization that went through genocide, addiction, and etc. to persevere and form a new destiny. Blood Elves learned first hand the consequences of embracing dangerous magic. They looked the part of the typical fantasy elf but with a much different story-telling angle.

Sure, there were small groups of them associated with the alliance still, but that is no longer who the majority of the race were. They shed that identity by changing their name to Blood Elves.

Now, Blizzard introduced Void Elves. While I disagree, they were introduced as a group of Blood Elves who chose a different path. Rather than reject dependence upon a dangerous magical source, they embraced it. This is where their stories diverge. The original consequence was the change in their skin tone. Now, the consequence is Entropic Embrace.

We have come to the point where individuals are asking for the removal of the consequences for embracing a dangerous magical source rather than rejecting it. In my opinion, this is what defines Void Elves. It is why they are Ren’dorei.

Nevertheless, I accept this is my perspective. However, there are other forum posters who agree.


no thats not

we are only getting new options in the character customization for our already playable races

we are not getting new and different races, we are not getting new and different racials, so, no that is not the theme

who? you? cause they are not the same race, high elves are the same race of blood elves, void elves are another race of HE/Be mutated by the void

that you think, of course you can only see your own bellybutton, typicl problem witht he elf playerbase

by example the frost resistance and stoneform of dwarves don’t make as much sense for wildhammers, even their explorer racial don’t, but they will be anyway

Sand trol racials by your logic should reflect their own environment and subrace, but they are not getting new racials, elves are not special to have this kind of special treatment

Yes, by obvious reason, but here you are demanding everything.

  1. the alliance ones never had those
  2. all of this is already on horde, since blood elves are the high elves of wow.

they are giving up nothing, since they never had it and was never something they even were supposed to get in the first place

and its just a matter of time of you people to ask about a different zone/tabard/mount/heritage armor with the excuse of ""give all the options to immerse themselves as High Elves through Void Elves,

first it was the skin colors, now is the racials, don’t act like it will not stop until you get all of the others too lol


(Commentary): Will they? No one seemed lost with Pandaren.

(Anecdotal): I have some friends who used to play WoW. They’re considering coming back since the Allied Race requirements are being lowered significantly, and that Void Elves might be able to look like High Elves. Right now they’re more interested in seeing about hairstyles and colors before making a choice. I’ve talked to them about Entropic Embrace and they’ve given a mixed response. Some will come back regardless if they can at least look like a High Elf out of combat, others say it’s a deal breaker because they wouldn’t want to do anything combat related.


In a faction based game with many different races, identity is a really big deal. You can argue to what extent how dynamic changes in a situation like this but to completely deny is just stupid.

Identity is not just how you see yourself but how others also see you. Diluting Blood Elven identity will have consequences, to what extent I don’t know.


they were the same race, ergo, isn’t the same thing

i don’t ant that, not by a mile, is nonsensical

is a problem to other, but you don’t see others spamming and demanding options of the opposite faction

even people wanting normal human undead looking for undeads ask with with a at least an aesthetic difference of the alliance human race

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(Commentary): Makes one wonder why there were several examples of Blood Elves and High Elves fighting one another across faction lines over the course of the game’s history. Almost as if to say, identity isn’t skin deep.


several examples = 2

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Which has always been a mistake on Blizzard’s part.