Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects




Because the racial effect is part of being a Void Elf. How many different ways do we have to say this?


And I am going to make the opposite “smallest request” that I would not like Entropic Embrace changed.

Why do you “have more of a say” than people of my position? Are we not equally allowed to voice our opinions? Are they not of equal merit?

You are also telling others what “is not going to effect” them. How can you judge what does and does not effect other people? Maybe myself and others do perceive the elimination of entropic embrace as deterioration of the distinction between Void Elves and Blood Elves.

You claim to be some great advocate for people’s enjoyment, but you hypocritically tell others what they may or may not enjoy.


That’s just it, the people asking for this obviously don’t want to play a Void Elf anyway. They are pushing for it because it’s unlikely High Elves will ever be a separate race which is what they really want.


And yet, people like yourself make it like, “No! You gotta be a Void Elf on a Void Elf!”

But you know what? Lets change Void Elves into the actual Alliance High Elves. PROBLEM SOLVED!

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Thank you for admitting what your real agenda is. Those of us who want to keep the void in Void Elves will continue to oppose this.


Ok, so lets try this, since you don’t seem to get it.

If you ask a kid, what a blue berry is, they will say it’s a blue, berry.
A Void elf is a Void, elf. an elf with void. It has void. without void, it’s not a void elf.

I understand you want your high elf. I want you to get your high elf. But you’re not getting it by stripping my void elf.


And thus you finally admit to why this was spam as there are multiple threads going asking for changes to Void Elves with this specific goal in mind.


No, you do not understand anything that is being said. Instead, you act like, “people gotta be what I say they have to be”. Just like in your first post in this thread, acting like you speak for Blizzard.

Oh why don’t you just flag it again Reno? It is what every else does.


Yeah, how dare I try to help keep forum spam down and help the Pro Helfer community have a proper good image when asking for stuff.

You know what you did.


No one is stripping your Void Elf. You will still have your purple elf with the effects of EE active on your character.

Stop making a drama out of non-compulsory customization options.


It’s funny to see people don’t understand sarcasm. I don’t get the drama, seriously.


Snowsong actually got it in the possitive thread actually. Hang on, let me quote the post:

I agree. I don’t see the problem with that.

But some people, Anti or Pro, do have a problem with that, which I have no clue on to why people would want to have problems with it. In the end, both Blood Elves and Void Elves players have every right to identified whether they want to be a High Elf, or a Blood Elf/Void Elf, and with all the customisations coming in Shadowlands, that is what the plan is. Only thing is, the name will still be either Blood Elf, or Void Elf. But what it says on the nameplate does not mean you have to be what it says on the nameplate.

But people in this thread take it as if things are being removed from them, or that it has to ruin there enjoyment on what other people request for.

As I said, I dislike the effect on the Void Elf racial when it procs. That is why I am asking for an option to toggle on the effect to disable it. Intentionally, was planning on keeping my Warlock as a Human as originally planned, but because of the casting knockbacks when farming for cloth, it just doesn’t feel good on a Human, especially when pulling large groups.


I know several other VE posters in the EU forums who genuinely dislike it as well and would like to hide the visual effect optionally (not to make their characters look like High Elves, but simply because they don’t like the racial’s effect).


There was someone in the previous guild I was with before joining this one, who said they also hated the racial effect.

Mouse… cookie… cetera, cetera…


Because it isn’t sarcasm. They literally want to turn Void Elves into High Elves. All because Blizzard isn’t going to make High Elves an allied race.

It’s one thing give them normal skin and hair tones. Alleria is proof that you can be a Void Elf without purple skin and hair. She still uses Entropic Embrace though, and player Void Elves should as well.


That was actually a reportable offense. It’s against the rules to tamper with a person’s quote.


Dont you get it Sara? We are clearly in the wrong. Blizzard didn’t give high elf skin tones for pro helf players like us. It is obviously for that HUGE void elf fandom who wanted pale skin tone void elv…no I cant keep this going its a joke.

Blizzard CLEARLY made this as a compromise to high elf players for not making an official AR. So if they are gonna make compromises it would literally do NOTHING to hurt the void elf community if the effect of EE has the ability to be turned off IF the player in question wanted to. The drama in this thread over an option not a forced change is spicy.


We have every right to voice why we believe their wants shouldn’t happen. It doesn’t make our views any less legitimate. They’re trying to bully us into being silent.