Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

They are updating it to look visually better. I actually like it personally. And it looks like it still is a “levels of corruption” kinda deal. I’d like to hear what blizz has to say about it.

I wonder if it’s not really a helf thing. I think maybe it could come down to people aren’t fans of EE’s visual and the helf thing might be as good as anytime to provide that feedback.


Even if they change EE to a different type of racial, it will still be void baised racial. I mean it would feel weird to play a void elf that isn’t fighting off void corruption.

I mean, it’s a case by case basis. I’d be lying if I said that EE wouldn’t bother me on the character I plan to RP as a High Elf.

But at the same time, I stopped levelling my Void Elf a year ago in part because I didn’t like EE on my mage as I felt it clashed with the class.


More like worst decision.

We already have enough elves.

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EEEEEEEEEsh. i hope you’re kidding. :rofl:

Did that post seem super serious to you?

I have to admit that i’ve previously encountered people that didn’t understand that particular saying.

I mean, if you read the whole post… I hope people weren’t taking it very seriously.

For me it’s both. For a long while now i was hoping they would offer some option to disable it. But yeah For a lot of people I don’t think it’s pleasing to look at. Even for VELF fans. It’s pretty annoying. Especially when you’re wearing robes. The way it looks is just meh.

I think the High Elf stuff brought the dislike of EE to light though. If someone doesn’t like the effect on a Void Elf they’re most certainly not going to like it if they’re trying to go for a High Elf aesthetic.


Hey now, there is nothing stealthy about it.


Nice misquote, exactly what I would expect from the helfer crew.

How often are you looking at yourself during combat? Looking at yourself during combat instead of what is going on seems… iffy.


You’re right. With every post and thread the agenda becomes more and more clear.


I got a question for you?

Is it your job to say “no” to everyone who is making the smallest request that isn’t going effect your enjoyment? Do you think you have more of a say over people who are making the slightest request?

I am making the one and simplest request. Yes, Void Elves are still gonna be Void Elves, no matter what. We we get these new customisations in Shadowlands, it is still going to say “Void Elf” in the tooltip, or in the character creation or character selection, etc.

But asking to disable the effect of a racial is not asking to disable the racial itself, not it is asking to change the race as a whole, and most certainly, is not going to effect you, or others within this thread. And this goes for everyone else to who also acts like this.

Enough is enough! Other peoples enjoyment is not going to ruin yours.

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You’re asking to take away literally the only thing that distinguishes you as a Void Elf if you use the Light skin tone and Blue eyes. And something YOU WON’T EVEN SEE unless you are in combat. Pay attention to combat. Not how you look during it.


I like the EE effect and don’t expect to give it up because others hate it. I rolled a velf to play a velf and EE is part of the deal. I did not roll velf to play a psuedo helf.


Blizzard has made their stance clear and will not be turning Void Elves into High Elves, which are already available on the Horde.


I don’t know how people are turning this into a “Lets make Void Elves into a High Elf” thread, but I am talking about a racial effect.

I think it is about time people start reading a post properly instead of trying to turn the thread around.


To be fair, the race is probably one of the poorest implemented races in this game, not in question of models as they are pretty much a copy of Blood Elves with colder colors that don’t fit any lighter transmogs, but because of their lore that is just all over the place, we have no idea how new ones are being created, or if they even are being created or how they went from 5 researches to an entire army and it really felt like they were shoehorned in Legion since you know, we farmed rep with the Broken and got half-ethereal Blood Elves? Huh.

Most players either just like them because they the best model in the game or it makes them more gold in Goldshire, so I guess the lore inconsistency doesn’t bother them.

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