Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Only because it’s the only option. If they had high elves the void ones would be played just as little as everyone else.

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I mean, I get what you’re trying to say, but it is worth pointing out in both of those examples that both are castables, so…technically you can disable them by simply not using them.

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That’s just someone trying to get a rise out of you. Just ignore it.

Err, I on the pro helf, but even then…that’s not even remotely the same thing.

My point is those abilities are iconic to Night Elves and Orcs. Just like Entropic Embrace is iconic for Void Elves.

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Nope. Blizzard finally listening and at least giving us the customization is more than enough. You still are a Void Elf. You embraced the Void. There has to be consequences for that. And I’m saying this as someone who has wanted High Elves for years. There has to be a compromise at this point on the pro High Elf side.


Exactly. Thank you.


Like I said, I get what you’re trying to say, I’m just saying, maybe using passives as examples might have been a better comparison. shrug

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Unfortunately there aren’t many good comparisons since most aren’t as visual as EE is. It being so unique is why I’m so defensive of it.

And honestly I think that’s part of what makes it so polarising. Racials aren’t usually so in your face. And while you obviously like that aspect, not everyone agrees.

I mean, hell, this goes back to when Void Elves first came out. People were complaining on these boards that EE was too in your face and interfered with the visual cues of other classes and the like. So it’s not like this is an exclusively ‘people just want to be High Elves’ issue. Do some people want this option for that reason? Sure. Do others want it simply because they dislike EE? Absolutely. It’s a case by case thing - you’d have to ask every individual for their reasoning behind it.


Maybe so, but take it away and we’re little more then blue skinned Blood Elves with funny hair. It does appear that EE is being changed in Shadowlands to look more like Alleria’s, so we’ll see how that goes.

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I support this.

And while we are at it, lets add an option for Worgen players so they auto morph in and out of human -> worgen form while in and out of combat.

(Commentary): I’d say let’s wait and see how things are once these new customizations go live. I think that’ll tell us whether or not Void Elves were a mistake. Right now, I’d say the only mistake involving Void Elves is the criminal levels of under-development they received in either Legion or BFA. They’re not even a race; they’re one guy and his customizations.


(Commentary): The compromise is limited and inappropriate class options (no Paladins, but Warlocks), no Heritage Armor, no recruitment questline, no racial mount or tabard, no racial home like the Vindicaar or Telogrus Rift, etc… Seems like the High Elf crowd is accepting this compromise with a HUGE list of gives on their part. I think they’re owed, at the very least, all customization options to immerse themselves as High Elves: better hair styles, hair colors, skin tones, and being able to toggle off Entropic Embrace.


I think they can fix this if they take up my idea of diversifying LF to include WC2 alliance races, including high elves in customizations. It is an army of the light, after all.

sigh… :man_facepalming:

We aren’t in any way, shape or form owed ANYTHING. Blizzard has said numerous times this wouldn’t happen. Now they’ve decided to change their minds and at least throw us SOME bone. Stop throwing a fit over this. We’re lucky they even decided to allow this at all.


(Observation): They never said it wouldn’t happen. In fact, there was a comment from a dev who said High Elf options for Void Elves was possible and on the table.

(Commentary): The only people throwing a fit seem to be those who want to keep Alliance High Elves as unplayable as possible for those who want them. The sheer level of face-heel-turn from people who, weeks before this announcement were happily stating that Void Elves are High Elves, are now making threads vehemently declaring to all and sundry that they aren’t High Elves, they’ll never be High Elves, you aren’t allowed to ask for more High Elf customization because it’s destroying Void Elves, and that only the Horde has true High Elves. So, excuse me for not bowing to that crowd.


Ummm… some of us wouldn’t mind HE being their own race? Your kinda just discounting ppl whom simply don’t want VE to be HE…

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(Commentary): I doubt you’ll find a single person who wants High Elves who doesn’t want them to be their own race. Unfortunately, adding customizations to Void Elves is an indication that Blizzard is not going to do that.

(Commentary): Discounting? No. I just haven’t heard a single rationalization that makes sense as to why Void Elves shouldn’t include all customization options to let players immerse themselves as High Elves. It takes nothing away from Void Elves.

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There have been, you just choose not to listen to them. But I’m not gonna keep talking about that right now.

HE should be it’s own race. But atm we should wait and see what blizz has to say on the 9th. Maybe they will clear things up better for all of us no?

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I personally disliked Entropic Embrace before any of this. The visual effect always rubbed me the wrong way. Even as a Void Elf I wanted a way to disable it. I think the High Elf thing has just brought more attention to it though.