Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

My meme racial. I like to fire meh lazors!

Edit: also light’s reckoning, I love it how a DH get’s overconfident and forget to heal themselves when they kill me, only to die to that racial when I die.

This is just a stealth campaign to replace Void Elves with High Elves. The helfers didn’t give 2 hoots about Entropic Embrace for the past 2+ years. Now all of a sudden it needs to be changed when the new skins are announced. All because it’s obvious High Elves will never be a separate playable race now. :frowning:


I desire tie-die entropic embrace. Gotta have a whole raid of technicolor elvish monstrosities strobe lighting the battlefield to death.

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These changes are not coming until Shadowlands Pre-patch and corruption is not coming with us into Shadowlands though :thinking:

Like, I get what you are trying to say but I disagree on a fundamental level.


Do you agree that Entropic Embrace is a signature feature of Void Elves?


Yes - if Blizzard was desiring to give High Elves, they would have stated that Void Elves were getting High Elf skin tones. Instead, they chose to state they were giving Void Elves Blood Elf skin tones.

Blizzard is not giving anyone High Elves.
Void Elves are Void Elves.
Entropic Embrace is a Void Elf racial.
Sure, you can petition all you would like.

However, the fact of the matter is that other players are equally allowed to petition Blizzard not to adhere to your wishes. We are allowed to state we believe that a change would infringe upon both Blood Elf and Void Elf racial identity.


I mean, it’s not like racials haven’t been changed or removed entirely before.

Clinging onto Entropic Embrace as some kind of sacred core aspect of Void Elves kind of flies in the face of the history of racials in WoW, in that they are just as malleable and replaceable as any other ability if there’s appropriate justification for it. And it’s not like the request here is for removing or changing its function, its simply a cosmetic change.

Out of curiosity, though, how would you feel about the option of EE being disabled entirely - as in, Void Elf players wouldn’t get the visual, but also wouldn’t get the 5% bonus either?


The best decision could be just patch 8.3.5 with High elves as AR and Amani/Forest Trolls or whatever


I would be pissed off if the EE visual would be dumped. In fact, I’d demand a refund for changing my main to velf. I want what I paid for.


You’d still have it though? I never suggested it be dumped entirely. I suggested the option to disable the ability, both the visual effect and the buff itself. You’d still have EE. People who didn’t want it could disable it. That’s all.

You’re missing the fact that many people see it as just one aspect of a continued effort to remove the “void” from Void Elf.

Frankly, a non-void “Void Elf” does in-fact bring Void Elves closer to Blood Elf.

Their void affinity is such an important facet of their identity it is literally in their name.


No other race can disable racials like that. Void Elves shouldn’t be treated any differently.


Hang on, can’t Vulpera customise their racial mount using their camp?

What do mounts have to do with a defining core racial feature?

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Err, putting the top down isn’t really what I would call equivalent to changing something like a major racial ability.

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Its a cosmetic customisation available only through a racial trait.

So quite a lot, actually.

They wont even be void elves at that point.

They just need to admit the race was a mistake and add the real deal.

Exactly. Get back to me when something like Shadowmeld or Blood Fury can be disabled.

The velf isn’t a mistake. They are belves that tangled with the void.



They are the most popular Alliance allied race. I wouldn’t call that a mistake.