Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

(Commentary): Considering it’s temporary and, as has been noted can be turned off by cleansing corrupted gear or just not equipping more corrupted gear than you have resistance for, no. Not a valid comparison.


Either way, she’s one now. Before anyone hits me with that tweet (which I could give my opinion on but wont), I’m not saying that she can’t also consider herself a high elf as well, but she is still, at least also, a void elf.


(Commentary): Interestingly, Genn Greymane doesn’t go into Worgen form in combat until you get him ticked off, such as seen in Stormheim’s introduction where he fights Nathanos as a Human, but transforms into a Worgen after the fight progresses and Nathanos goads him.


after you complete the argus questline, just intereact with her on the vindicaar and she will say it (:


She was the first Void Elf. But with the customisations coming in Shadowlands to allow us to be who ever we want within the factions out of the playable races, should be fair for players to be an Alliance High Elf, using the Void Elves considering it is pretty clear Blizzard is not giving the Alliance High Elves as a seperate playable race, and also have an option to toggle on and off the Entropic Embrace effect of turning blue. Something which does not effect the lore, does not effect gameplay, and does not effect the Void Elf “Racial Identity”.


You may want to look at the actual meaning of “being hostile” and “internet trolling” before you go ahead and accuse me of being hostile and trolling.

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I wouldn’t say it’s any more clear or not. Atm they more so appear to be giving a bone to those that want to play closer to how alleria looks. I think we ought to wait till june 9th to see how things plays out like zureem said.

Right. Moving on. :roll_eyes:

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I got ton of alts, you can ignore me all you like,

But once you stop being in your stubborness and listen to what I have been saying,

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How is that trolling or being hostile?

So it was a delayed reaction. Maybe his internet was lagging. The point is he still goes into Worgen form when in combat.

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He certainly did when he ambushed the banshee queen :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would they do that when Void Elves were their first attempt at a High Elf compromise? Why would they do that when they’ve already added the skin color and eye colors that High Elves have? That’s already 1 step in the door. Many Pro Helfers see the avenue to request High Elves through Void Elves now. That is the card that has been dealt.


At this point high elf fans shouldn’t accept a compromise, and Blizzard should realize that ultimately, they’ll have to provide genuine high elves, and not a compromise. That means a separate race.

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I think at this point we’re going to have to see how this plays out. We don’t know what more, beyond the eyes/skin customization, “helf” stuff that they are going to add to either the void or blood elves. I think it’s just going to be something where we have to wait and see what Blizz’s actual intent is.


I would have preferred them as their own stand alone AR (Imo It should have been High Elves instead of Void Elves) but if this is the route they’re going (and a lot of people see it as that) they’re going to request it through that avenue. Why would blizzard at this point make ANOTHER Alliance Elf race when they could add all of their customization options to the existing Thalassian Elf race that was supposed to be the first compromise for High Elves?

I get why people may be upset but I think that’s blizzard’s logic when it comes to this. The skin tones and the eyes are already there. For all we know there could be more “High Elf” aesthetics such as hair and tattoos. In their mind: Why would they want to create ANOTHER Elf race on the alliance when they could roll them into Void Elves? It would most likely leave Void Elves as yet another dead allied race on the Alliance while most of them re roll to High Elves.


I do hope that you guys aren’t setting yourself up for more disappointment if they don’t release more stuff beyond what we’ve seen.

I mean, I’m okay with more, but I do want to caution expectation management.

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(Commentary): To be honest I’d be surprised if more stuff was going to be added to Void Elves before the patch focusing on expanding Allied Race customization is being made. What they’ve added so far is pretty low-effort stuff; duplicate skins with modifications for underwear, and a few new eye color options. None of that stuff seems like it’d take all that much time or effort to add. Admittedly, hair styles and colors from Blood Elves doesn’t either, but they might aim to be less lazy there and try to add some stuff that can work for both High Elves and Void Elves depending on color, such as that one Void Elf hairstyle for women.


Sorry, but I’m 100% opposed to ops suggestion.


It wasn’t the first compromise. The first compromise was Blood Elves. Then the Blood elves developed their own lore and became a race able to stand on their own feet.

The same is happening with void elves, and the new skins are part of it, improving the lore of void elves by allowing them to pick the Alleria look of their founder. There’s no need to compromise when we could have both void elves and high elves.

I don’t think they’d be dead. There would be people who preferred to be like Alleria rather than like Vereesa. I’ll grant the Legolas crowd would choose the Vereesa race, but that would be okay.

In addition, having Alliance High Elves as a separate race would be the perfect excuse to give the Horde Manari Eredar.

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Changing quotes around to make it look like I said something I never did isn’t cool.

No one is asking for Troll racials to be changed.
No one is asking for Blood Elf racials to be changed.
No one is asking for Dwarf racials to be changed.
People ARE asking for Void Elf racials to be changed. To take the void out of Void Elves. To change a signature feature about them. All because they want to turn Void Elves into High Elves.

RP whatever you want, but don’t try to change what Void Elves are.


What is the problem with the racial? I am RP even now as High elf with my Void elf … Never had a problem with the racial

The racial it’s so cool btw … How many other racials are even close so amazing like this one ?