Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Void elves are not getting a high elf customization. They are getting skin colors, and hopefully hair colors, that they should have had all along. Think about it: Alleria is the prototype void elf, and she has light skin and hair except when her void is breaking through. That’s what the default void elf should have looked like all along, and will look like now, with the option for light skin and hair except when their void is breaking through in entropic embrace.

If you want something that looks even more like a high elf than a void elf does, ask Blizzard to put in the actuall Alliance high elf race in 10.0, or earlier if you’re really impatient.


No other race has racial toggles. What makes Void Elves so deserving of one?


Since you’ve brought up alleria’s case, let’s remember there’s no reason to believe she’s stopped being a high elf, as her proccess was different. If alleria can be both, so can we. Just say that a band of alliance high elves with a mild interest in the void renamed themselves to void elves, while keeping the high elven tone

denying that this was added to appese to high elven fans is just silly. It is blizzard’s reaction, and the quel’dorei community is just trying to make it more pallatable


The fact that blizzard chose to put two races inside one. The fact that alleria already can do that in lore. The fact that there’s a 15 year old request for high elves that needs to be addressed


Sure. No changes are needed for that. Just make a void elf and accept breaking out in blue occasionally in combat, just like Alleria does.

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Alleria chooses when to toggle that transformation. It is voluntary. :unicorn:


Is there proof of that? I always thought it was an emotional thing.


Pretty sure it’s an emotional thing according to canon

You could argue Worgen are two races in one, yet they still go into Worgen form when entering combat. That can’t be turned off, nor should it. If you want to look like a human while in combat, play a human.

Alleria goes into her void form when in combat, just like the PC Void Elf. The precedent for this has been set since 7.3.

Yes, Alliance have been requesting playable High Elves forever. Come Shadowlands, you will have 90% of what you wanted. Yes, you can look like a High Elf, just remember that these are still Void Elves and should be treated as such. Stop trying to take the Void out of Void Elves.


She says it in argus

If it’s good enough for Alleria, it’s good enough for me. :blush:

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Can you help me find it? I know she says she has control over the void powers in a general sense, but that’s just kind of void elves thing… I can’t find anything about her having control over her version of EE.

The first lore windrunner, and the last interesting one. The irony!

That uneasiness won’t be unfounded, each level of the VE buff has it’s own visual. To create a toggle they would literally have to make make it so that all 4 buffs turn off. I beleive what they would end up doing is simply rebalance the racial to only give one buff to work with for the “option” to turn it off to make the system easier to do so. But it would also mean having to rebalance the entire race, which would end up being a waste of development time and work. If they chose to go with it of course.

It is asking for the visual effect of the Entropic Embrace to be optional toggle on/off, not a complete rework of the racial itself along with every other racial.


To do so in the most easiest fashion for the servers it could very well be what they would do. Hypothetically of course.

What does a racial effect have anything to do with the servers?

Actually don’t answer that, I forgot your headcanon on thinking Alleria has been a Void Elf for thousands of years.

Look up the history of the worgen transform and the banning of the auto transform addon. They banned the addon because they said it was too hard on the servers.

This is trolling. This is why I said you where hostile.

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That addon has nothing to do with what is being requested. Try reading a post properly for once, started with post number 1 in this thread.

You’re words exactly in the other thread: Alleria has been a Void Elf for thousands of years. Want me to bring the quote over here?

I’m simply replying to your request and discussion to turn off the effect. I am merely stating the visual is linked to the buffs and how I believe they will handle it if they did mess with it.

I said she was training to use the void for about that time. You are twisting words in an attempt to start an arguement. I will not bite this time.

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You have no clue on what you’re talking about.

Either way, you need to learn your lore. She has not been training thousands of years to become a Void Elf, nor has she been one for thousands of years.