Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

“Dear Blizzard, people aren’t allowed to be what ever they want to be. They got to be what ever I want them to be.”

Ok, lets use your argument against you:

Trolls then should remain as Darkspear Trolls
Blood Elves should not get Blue Eye options
Dwarves should remain as the Bronzebeard Dwarves


I think they should offer a secondary racial for people who want the High Elf aesthetic. The racials can stay exactly the same but change them from Void Effects to Arcane to fit the High Elf fantasy. Entropic Embrace becomes “Arcane Embrace” and Void Rift becomes “Arcane Rift.” I think they have take 1% less shadow damage as well so that could be changed to arcane too.

It’s not a hard fix. It’s not taking anything away from people who want to be Void Elves. If someone wants to look like a Void Elf and have Void themed racials, let them. But if someone wants to look like a High Elf and have their aesthetics that’s not hurting Void Elves. Afterall Void Elves were the first attempt at High Elves which failed.


If this does become the case I will request the addition of normal non glowing eyes to “void” elves. Not just blue/violet but brown, emerald/green, and silver.

I will also request paladins and appropriate war paint and tattoos. May also request new hair colors/styles depending on whether void elves get those or not.


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor wishes you luck. Personally I think once some good hairstyles and the appropriate hair colors are added, and with Entropic Embrace being able to be toggled off, that should be enough. I get the desire for a High Elf Paladin, but at this point, I don’t think it’s on the table anymore.

I still don’t understand the helf paladin thing.

Not against it… but … paladins haven’t ever really been a helf things. Some SC and others sure. But I can only think of two of them off hand. It seems like more of a belf thing.

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I think it is time for another expansion of class options for many races anyways.

Paladin: Night elf, worgen, gnome, kul tiran, void elf.

Druid: Dwarf, pandaren, nightborne, blood elves, void elves. (The elves are “botanists” which there is precedent for from what we have seen)

Rogue: Draenei, tauren

Demon hunter: orc, draenei

Honestly, I disagree with the idea of Blood Elves becoming Druids, and that is due to Blood Elves being the most played race on Horde, and also having to be able 10 out of the 12 available classes. Giving them the Druids could send that to the tipping point.

But that is my own opinion.

I don’t think it’s a big deal keeping entropic embrace as a racial. I like the idea of it but just not the execution. It’s the main reason I don’t really play void elves despite liking them. It’s two things really.

  1. It looks bad. I’m ok with the void effect but it doesn’t look good. If they could update the animation and make it not look so crazy bright blue and instead more dark and void looking I don’t think it would bug me near as much.

  2. It’s the only racial I can think of that randomly triggers and changes the appearance of your character back and forth multiple times throughout a fight. It would be weird if Worgen form and human forms were switching randomly during a fight - but that’s definitely how entropic embrace feels to me. It’s weird that it’s the only racial to just randomly change the appearance of your character without anyway to control it. Feels like anti customization.

If it was more subtle or acted like other racial where it was an on demand use I would prefer that.

Edited for typos and clarity.


I understand this concern but I believe what makes sense lore wise should be made so in game.

WoW needs a few expansions where it is lore > gameplay. Within reason of course. Blizzard should stop trying to reinvent the wheel every expansion and go back to the tried and true systems that worked in the past while they use the freed up time to focus on other aspects of the game.

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Yeah well, that’s not Blizzard’s stance in Shadowlands.


What do you mean? Blood Elves still have Blood Elf racials, Void Elves have Void Elf racials, and High Elves still aren’t playable as their own separate race.

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Yeah, that’s true. But come to think about it, there is very little to go on with the Void Elves to what actual classes make sense for them lore wise too, considering there is very little to almost no lore regards to the Void Elves.

Most want high elves for RP; I don’t see how a combat racial would cause issues, even in combat-themed campaigns, which again are between players and not mobs.

Roleplay isn’t just the ‘‘scene crafting’’ which happens on some servers. the word also refers to the fantasy and feel of being that certain character in that certain world. all of that is lost when you suddenly become a void creature when you were roleplaying as a pious high elf


(Commentary): When players want to play as something, they typically want to enjoy that for the entirety of their game time. As an example, a Void Elf could just use the Orb of the Sin’dorei, and a Prism, to keep looking like a High Elf, just with the green eyes as an issue. They could do this for RP and look like a Void Elf the rest of the time. Except that’s not what players want. They want to be playing a High Elf, not a Void Elf disguised as a High Elf.

(Commentary): Also consider that Blizzard wants to entice more Alliance players to end-game content. Well, if people who want to play High Elves are discouraged from engaging in content requiring combat (end-game content being exclusively this), it’s going to lead to them not wanting to participate in that.


The corrupted gear for 8.3 turns you all voidy regardless of your race and spec. Are people complaining about that? Just treat Entropic Embrace as being OOC. I RP and see this as a total nothing burger.


because we all know that once the patch is over, we’ll no longer have to deal with that (also, it’s completely optional, just like the toggle we are suggesting, as you can just clean your corrupted items)


Then I suppose those people aren’t playing 8.3 at all considering corrupted gear turns you all voidy regardless of your race and spec.

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Well Entropic Embrace isn’t optional, it’s part of being a Void Elf. it’s literally their signature racial ability.


I was talking about corrupted gear being optional, just like the toggle we’re suggesting. With all due respect, please try reading carefully next time.