Options to the Void Elf "Entropic Embrace" racial effects

Well, first, you gotta tell Blizzard then to give the Void Elves some lore first. Not something that is written on a notepad with some crayons.

Asking for this option is not going to hurt gameplay in the future.

I have been asking for more lore, but thanks for devolving the discussion. Again, people wonder why my opinion of the helf fan base has taken a beating lately.

I disagree, but that’s okay. You can give your feedback. I can give mine and maybe one or the other will be listened to, or maybe they won’t. That’s fine really.

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Strange how the High Elf people didn’t give 2 hoots about Entropic Embrace UNTIL the new Void Elf skins were announced. It was fine for over 2 years, but now suddenly it needs to be changed. :thinking:


I don’t mind that they want it. I do wish they’d chill on the gaslighting or strawmanning of anyone who might disagree or have concerns about it.


Honestly, the more posts I read regarding this, the more I’m convinced this is just a stealth campaign to replace Void Elves with High Elves. They are getting the skins and likely hair, but even that isn’t enough for them. :roll_eyes:


Well, I’ll just quote what the forum friendly Mechagnome, Exactor, has said multiple times in different threads:

“Instead of going against an idea, why not request for more ideas if you want more void themes for the void elves.”

You must be new here. It is clear that Blizzard is pushing for HE’s to be more of compromises for Void Elves.

People have asked for High Elves. Blizzard gives us Void Elves.
People have asked then for High Elf customisations on Void Elves, people on the forums kept saying no, look at where we are now.
I am simply asking for an option to toggle off the effect of a racial. Something which doesn’t effect the Void Elves, nor does effect the lore or game play. I posted about 3 options in the thread, nope, people are quick to jump in, reply and say no.

Except, I am not asking to replace Void Elves with High Elves. I am not asking for Void Elf Paladins due to I love my locks. Paladin isn’t my kind of theme. I am not asking for Void Elves racial to have options of turning into something of Arcane or Holy. Because that litterly makes no sense what so ever.

I have. Plenty. Please see posts above. Also, my opinions are not reflective of anyone else. If I wanted them to be, “I don’t think we need any more helf customization for velfs” That’s perfectly reasonable. I don’t need to tack on anything more than that.

However, I did. I extended the hand of compromise. Literally, “hey helf customization are cool, but can we get some more void customization for our void elves before we get even more non void options”

But you’re not actually looking for that, I don’t think. You’re more in the mind to get people who have disagreements to stop voicing those disagreements, is my read.

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It really depends on if entropic embrace and the infusion with the void is part of what makes a void elf a void elf. I think most agree it is- especially the people that want to be able to pretend they don’t have it to facilitate their RP.

Maybe Blizz would be cool with abandoning the whole “void infusion” struggle of the void elf people as a core concept of the race. I feel like glowing purple when the void empowers my character is a core concept of the race, but that is admittedly just one person’s opinion.

(AND yes, if they let players choose I could still choose to have it on, but being able to choose is kind of not how I interpreted the story of battling the voids influence while embracing its power)


Nope, I’ve commented on this many times over the past couple years, mostly on my Void Elf rogue with the same name.

No, it’s the opposite. Void Elves are the compromise for High Elves.

Yes, you can now look like a High Elf. Congratulations. They are still Void Elves, but feel free to RP as an uncorrupted High Elf all you want.

Because the Void theme is the whole point behind them, and turning off their racials takes that away.

You specifically may not be asking for these things, but others are. They are also asking for the void racials to have a toggle, so you are at least partly in agreement with people who DO want to replace Void Elves.

I agree. We see it with Alleria, Umbric, and the PC. It’s not something minor, it’s a core part of being a Void Elf. Being able to turn it off doesn’t fit with the race at all.

I was always opposed to playable High Elves as a separate race. I’m ok with Void Elves getting normal skin and hair options because they are still changed by and use the Void. Being able to toggle off Entropic Embrace takes away from this. Do this and you might as well just be playing a Blood or High Elf, which is why it’s being requested in the first place.

I like Void Elves for who they are. Please don’t try to take that away.


Yeah, sorry, that. Was getting tired when I said it the other way round.

It isn’t about Roleplaying. It is the fact that I am one who doesn’t really like the visual effect of Entropic Embrace. Now, I am not asking for the racial to be changed into options such as Arcane or Holy, because that does ruin a Void Elf. I am asking simply for an option, as posted in the Opening Post with multiple ideas of the options, to disable the effects of Entropic Embrace. Yeah, the racial is still going to proc. Only different is if people chose to toggle the option, then they won’t turn purple.

After all, it really does look silly on a mage casting a frost, arcane or fire ability, and then all of a sudden, you turn voidly to the point where you look like a Shadowpriest casting mage abilities, as a prime example.

Yeah, you obviously did not actually read the opening post. As per usual, scroll right down to just reply.

And how is requesting for an Option to disable the effects of Entropic Embrace anything to do with replacing Void Elves?

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I want to put out there that I’m not against toggling EE. It wouldn’t affect me me, so I have no real reason to stand against it.

That said…

There’s something about fiddling with the racials that just sort of … I dunno… It doesn’t bother me or anything. I just think there’s something about the idea that I don’t care for. It’s not just for void elves either. It’s just sort of this weird sense, yea?

Course that said, I didn’t even realize EE was a void elf thing. I thought it was a shadow priest thing so obviously I don’t even notice the racials when they are happening. So what do I know.

Yeah, I dunno, all I am asking for a way to have a toggle option to have the effect of turning blue/purple disabled when the racial procs. But some people are just against the idea due to they think it is ruining the Void Elves identity.


Yea, I don’t know if I think that. I can only speak for myself, and I’m not against you getting the option. What would it effect me. Everyone has their own playstyle…

I just have this sense of … unease when I think about the idea on the whole. I don’t really know why. I just … maybe it’s that I don’t trust blizzard to not change it… maybe I do think it opens up a precedent to have people start asking for removal of race or class flavoring in the future… just something about it.

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound like a buzz kill.

Honestly, these are just my feelings. I hope you get what you want and if they did change it, I wouldn’t be upset… I just have some misgivings at this hypothetical stage, if that makes sense.

Yeah, I understand.

That said, I do want to reaffirm that if they did do something like this, I would be happy for those that want it. I wouldn’t be on here talking about how it killed WoW or something.

I think choices are a good thing in the long run. I’m just old and scared of change.

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I think a lot of people are bit scared of change because of how things get implemented.

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That’s fair. Blizzard has a track history of taking requests, sitting on them for a decade, and then “sort of” implementing them the way you wanted them to.

You forgot to add the customization option of changing the name plate to say “high elf” instead of “void elf”.

Might as well go all in.

We know how much the high elf community actually hates compromise.


This gets into knit-picky territory for me, personally.

Then again, I’m used to people using mods to allow them to change not just race, but their class to whatever they want, and it gets reflected in the tooltip to anyone who’s use one of the compatible mods.